Class PublicKeyDecryptionService

    • Method Detail

      • toSignature

        protected String toSignature​(String aMessage)
        Creates a signature for the given message.
        Specified by:
        toSignature in class AbstractDecryptionService
        aMessage - The message for which a signature is to be generated
        The signature for the message
      • createMessage

        protected String createMessage()
        Creates a message for which a signature is to be created in order to authenticate for the retrieval of the cipher versions. A decryption server should deny any requests to get cipher versions in case the same message is used twice.
        Specified by:
        createMessage in class AbstractDecryptionService
        The message
      • toDecryptedCipherVersion

        protected <CV extends CipherVersion> CV toDecryptedCipherVersion​(CV aEncyrptedCipherVersion)
        To decrypted cipher version.
        Specified by:
        toDecryptedCipherVersion in class AbstractDecryptionService
        Type Parameters:
        CV - the generic type
        aEncyrptedCipherVersion - the encyrpted cipher version
        the cv