Class HalClientImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
HalClient, org.refcodes.web.OauthTokenAccessor, org.refcodes.web.OauthTokenAccessor.OauthTokenBuilder<HalClient>, org.refcodes.web.OauthTokenAccessor.OauthTokenMutator, org.refcodes.web.OauthTokenAccessor.OauthTokenProperty

public class HalClientImpl extends Object implements HalClient
Implementation of the HalClient using the HttpRestServer (HttpRestServerImpl) under the hood.
  • Constructor Details

    • HalClientImpl

      public HalClientImpl(String aHalUrl) throws MalformedURLException
      Instantiates the HalClient with no authorization credentials passed.
      aHalUrl - The URL pointing to the HAL-Endpoint.
      MalformedURLException - Thrown to indicate that a malformed OAuth URL has occurred.
    • HalClientImpl

      public HalClientImpl(String aHalUrl, org.refcodes.web.OauthToken aOauthToken) throws MalformedURLException
      Instantiates the HalClient with a valid OauthToken passed.
      aHalUrl - The URL pointing to the HAL-Endpoint.
      aOauthToken - The OAuth-Token to be used when authorizing against the HAL-Endpoint.
      MalformedURLException - Thrown to indicate that a malformed OAuth URL has occurred.
    • HalClientImpl

      public HalClientImpl(String aHalUrl, String aOauthUrl, String aOauthClientId, String aOauthClientSecret, String aOauthUserName, String aOauthUserSecret) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException, MalformedURLException
      Instantiates the HalClient with no authorization credentials passed.
      aHalUrl - The URL pointing to the HAL-Endpoint.
      aOauthUrl - The URL pointing to the OAuth authentication endpoint.
      aOauthClientId - The assigned OAuth client TID.
      aOauthClientSecret - The client's OAuth secret.
      aOauthUserName - The OAuth authorization user name.
      aOauthUserSecret - The OAuth authorization user secret.
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status when requesting the OAuth URL.
      MalformedURLException - Thrown to indicate that a malformed OAuth URL has occurred.
    • HalClientImpl

      public HalClientImpl(org.refcodes.web.Url aHalUrl) throws MalformedURLException
      Instantiates the HalClient with no authorization credentials passed.
      aHalUrl - The URL pointing to the HAL-Endpoint.
      MalformedURLException - Thrown to indicate that a malformed OAuth URL has occurred.
    • HalClientImpl

      public HalClientImpl(org.refcodes.web.Url aHalUrl, org.refcodes.web.OauthToken aOauthToken) throws MalformedURLException
      Instantiates the HalClient with a valid OauthToken passed.
      aHalUrl - The URL pointing to the HAL-Endpoint.
      aOauthToken - The OAuth-Token to be used when authorizing against the HAL-Endpoint.
      MalformedURLException - Thrown to indicate that a malformed OAuth URL has occurred.
    • HalClientImpl

      public HalClientImpl(org.refcodes.web.Url aHalUrl, org.refcodes.web.Url aOauthUrl, String aOauthClientId, String aOauthClientSecret, String aOauthUserName, String aOauthUserSecret) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException, MalformedURLException
      Instantiates the HalClient with no authorization credentials passed.
      aHalUrl - The URL pointing to the HAL-Endpoint.
      aOauthUrl - The URL pointing to the OAuth authentication endpoint.
      aOauthClientId - The assigned OAuth client TID.
      aOauthClientSecret - The client's OAuth secret.
      aOauthUserName - The OAuth authorization user name.
      aOauthUserSecret - The OAuth authorization user secret.
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status when requesting the OAuth URL.
      MalformedURLException - Thrown to indicate that a malformed OAuth URL has occurred.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public HalData create(String aEntity, HalData aProperties) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Creates a new entitie's element (row) at the HAL resource consisting of the properties as of the provided CanonicalMap.
      Specified by:
      create in interface HalClient
      aEntity - The entity for which to create the element (row).
      aProperties - The CanonicalMap containing the properties of the entity be created.
      A HalData with the newly created element (row).
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • read

      public HalData read(String aEntity, Long aId, TraversalMode aMode, org.refcodes.web.FormFields aQueryFields) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Retrieves the properties with the according values for the given entity with the given TID from the HAL resource.
      Specified by:
      read in interface HalClient
      aEntity - The entity for which to retrieve the properties.
      aId - The TID of the entity for which to retrieve the properties.
      aMode - The mode for handling HREF resources, e.g. load them as well or ignore them.
      aQueryFields - The query fields to be appended to the requesting URL.
      A CanonicalMap with the property names assigned to the according values.
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • readAll

      public HalDataPage readAll(String aEntity, TraversalMode aMode, org.refcodes.web.FormFields aQueryFields) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Retrieves the properties with the according values of all elements (rows) for the given entity from the HAL resource.
      Specified by:
      readAll in interface HalClient
      aEntity - The entity for which to retrieve the properties of all elements (rows).
      aMode - The mode for handling HREF resources, e.g. load them as well or ignore them.
      aQueryFields - The query fields to be appended to the requesting URL.
      A HalData list of type HalDataPage containing one HalData instance per element (row).
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • update

      public HalData update(String aEntity, String aId, HalData aProperties) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Updates an existing entitie's element (row) at the HAL resource using the properties as of the provided CanonicalMap.
      Specified by:
      update in interface HalClient
      aEntity - The entity for which to update the element (row).
      aId - The TID of the element (row) of the entity to be updated.
      aProperties - The CanonicalMap containing the properties of the entity to be updated.
      The updated representation of the entitie's element (row).
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • delete

      public boolean delete(String aEntity, String aId) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Deletes an entitie's element (row) from the HAL resource.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface HalClient
      aEntity - The entity for which to delete the element (row).
      aId - The TID of the element (row) of the entity to be deleted.
      True in case the element (row) has been deleted, false if there was none such element (row) at the HAL resource (the expectation is satisfied now as there is no element (row) with the given TID in the HAL resource after the operation).
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • entities

      public String[] entities() throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Determines the entities provided by the HAL resource.
      Specified by:
      entities in interface HalClient
      A String array with the according entity names.
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • introspect

      public HalStruct introspect(String aEntity, TraversalMode aMode) throws org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException
      Introspects the provided entity at the HAL resource and returns an instance of the CanonicalMap representing the reflected data structure.
      Specified by:
      introspect in interface HalClient
      aEntity - The entity to be introspected.
      aMode - The mode of operation whilst introspecting an entity: You may include MetaData as of TraversalMode.IMPORT_CHILDREN_KEEP_DANGLING_HREFS or just retrieve the plain data structure without Meta-Data as of TraversalMode.IMPORT_CHILDREN.
      A CanonicalMap instance representing the structure of the entity, e.g. providing the attribute names and the data types as well as other constraints representing the layout of the entity (think of a class defining the layout of its instances).
      org.refcodes.web.HttpStatusException - Thrown in case a HTTP response was of an erroneous status.
    • getExcludeEntities

      public String[] getExcludeEntities()
      Gets the names of the entities to be excluded by the HalClient.
      Specified by:
      getExcludeEntities in interface HalClient
      The entities to be excluded.
    • getIncludeEntities

      public String[] getIncludeEntities()
      Gets the names of the entities to be included by the HalClient.
      Specified by:
      getIncludeEntities in interface HalClient
      The entities to be included.
    • getOauthToken

      public org.refcodes.web.OauthToken getOauthToken()
      Specified by:
      getOauthToken in interface org.refcodes.web.OauthTokenAccessor
    • setExcludeEntities

      public void setExcludeEntities(String[] theEntities)
      Sets the names of the entities to be excluded by the HalClient.
      Specified by:
      setExcludeEntities in interface HalClient
      theEntities - The entities to be excluded.
    • setIncludeEntities

      public void setIncludeEntities(String[] theEntities)
      Sets the names of the entities to be included by the HalClient.
      Specified by:
      setIncludeEntities in interface HalClient
      theEntities - The entities to be included.
    • setOauthToken

      public void setOauthToken(org.refcodes.web.OauthToken aOauthToken)
      Specified by:
      setOauthToken in interface org.refcodes.web.OauthTokenAccessor.OauthTokenMutator