Package org.refcodes.hal

package org.refcodes.hal
  • Class
    The HalClient lets you comfortably introspect and manage (in terms of CRUD) HAL resources.
    Implementation of the HalClient using the HttpRestServer (HttpRestServerImpl) under the hood.
    The HalData interface defines a CanonicalMap.CanonicalMapBuilder specialized for working with HAL-Browser data.
    The HalDataImpl implements the HalData interface by extending the CanonicalMapBuilderImpl class.
    In case the a paginated result set is expected when querying the HalClient, then a HalDataPage will be returned containing the the HalData instances correlating to the requested page as well as additional information about the number of total pages available.
    Implementation of the HalDataPage interface.
    The base exception for HAL related issues.
    Common interface for HAL-Data related operation,
    The HalMapImpl implements the HalData interface by extending the CanonicalMapBuilderImpl class.
    The base runtime exception for HAL related issues.
    The HalStruct interface defines a CanonicalMap.CanonicalMapBuilder specialized for representing the structure including Meta-Data of a HalStruct instance .
    The HalStructImpl implements the HalStruct interface by extending the CanonicalMapBuilderImpl class.
    The TraversalMode specifies on how data in retrieved from a HAL-Resource.