Interface IoResultAccessor<RES,​EXC extends Exception>

  • Type Parameters:
    RES - The type of the result to be used.
    EXC - The exception thrown in case no result is available. Use RuntimeException to prevent forcing a try/catch block.
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IoResultAccessor<RES,​EXC extends Exception>
    extends org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor<RES,​EXC>
    Extends the ResultAccessor interface with an I/O timeout mechanism.
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor

        org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultBuilder<RES extends Object,​B extends org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultBuilder<RES,​B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultMutator<RES extends Object>, org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor.ResultProperty<RES extends Object,​EXC extends Exception>
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void waitForResult​(long aTimeoutInMs)
      Waits for the result.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ResultAccessor

        getResult, hasResult, waitForResult
    • Method Detail

      • waitForResult

        default void waitForResult​(long aTimeoutInMs)
                            throws InterruptedException,
        Waits for the result. This method blocks till a result is available, the timeout has run out or an exception has been thrown in case there is none such result. Use ResultAccessor.hasResult() to test beforehand whether we already have a result.
        aTimeoutInMs - The timeout to wait for a result
        InterruptedException - the interrupted exception
        org.refcodes.exception.TimeoutIoException - thrown in ca