All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractBytesDestination is a base abstract implementation of the BytesDestination interface providing common functionality for concrete real implementations.
The AbstractBytesReceiver is a base abstract implementation of the BytesReceiver interface providing common functionality for concrete real live implementations.
The Class ConnectableAutomaton.
The AbstractBytesTransmitter is a base abstract implementation of the BytesTransmitter interface providing common functionality for concrete real live implementations.
The AbstractDatagramsReceiver is a base abstract implementation of the DatagramsReceiver interface providing common functionality for concrete real live implementations.
The AbstractDatagramsTransmitter is a base abstract implementation of the BytesTransmitter interface providing common functionality for concrete real live implementations.
Abstract implementation of the BytesReceiver interface.
Abstract implementation of the DatagramsReceiver interface.
Abstract implementation of the BytesReceiver interface.
Abstract implementation of the DatagramsReceiver interface.
The AbstractShortsDestination is a base abstract implementation of the ShortsDestination interface providing common functionality for concrete real live implementations.
The AbstractShortsReceiver is a base abstract implementation of the ShortsReceiver interface providing common functionality for concrete real live implementations.
The Class ConnectableAutomaton.
The AbstractShortsTransmitter is a base abstract implementation of the ShortsTransmitter interface providing common functionality for concrete real live ShortsTransmitter and ShortsTransmitter (= ShortsTransmitter) implementations.
The Availability interface defines methods to test availability of data.
The AvailableInputStream decorates an InputStream with time-out functionality using the InputStream.available() method.
The BidirectionalConnectionByteTransceiver defines the DatagramTransceiver functionality set on top of a I/O connection (as of the BidirectionalConnectionComponent.BidirectionalConnectionAutomaton).
The BidirectionalConnectionTransceiver defines the DatagramTransceiver functionality set on top of a I/O connection (as of the BidirectionalConnectionComponent.BidirectionalConnectionAutomaton).
The Class BidirectionalStreamByteTransceiver.
The Class BidirectionalStreamConnectionByteTransceiverImpl.
The Class BidirectionalStreamConnectionTransceiverImpl.
The Class BidirectionalStreamTransceiver.
A BijectiveOutputStream wraps an OutputStream and produces output bytes by applying a BijectiveFunction on each byte to be written before delegating the processed vale to the given OutputStream.
The BlockingInputStream wraps an InputStream adding blocking functionality, e.g. when trying to read, the read operation is blocked till BlockingInputStream.available() returns a value greater than 0.
A BoundedInputStream decorates an InputStream and restricts reading bytes from the InputStream decoratee up to a given total number of bytes (bounds).
The Class ByteArrayReceiver.
The Class ByteArraySource.
The ByteDestination is used to receive bytes in a unified way.
The ByteReceiver is used to receive bytes in a unified way.
The BytesDestination is used to receive byte blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
(as InputStream does not provide some useful *interface*)
The ByteSource is used to send bytes in a unified way.
(as OutputStream does not provide some useful *interface*)
The Interface BytesReceiver.
The BytesReceiverDecorator decorates a BytesDestination with the additional methods of a BytesReceiver making it easy to use a BytesDestination wherever a BytesReceiver is expected.
The BytesSource is used to send byte blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
A BytesTransceiver combines the functionality of a BytesTransmitter and of a BytesReceiver. e.g. for building loopback devices.
The Interface BytesTransmitter.
Combines the ByteTransmitter and ByteReceiver functionality in a single interface to be implemented by a single class so that ByteTransmitter and ByteReceiver functionality can be provided by a single instance.
The ByteTransmitter is used to transmit bytes in a unified way.
The ByteTransmitterDecorator decorates a BytesSource with the additional methods of a BytesTransmitter making it easy to use a BytesSource wherever a BytesTransmitter is expected.
A ClipboardInputStream provides the clipboard as InputStream.
A ClipboardOutputStream writes into the clipboard after ClipboardOutputStream.flush() as well as ClipboardOutputStream.close() being called.
The ConnectionBytesReceiver defines the DatagramReceiver functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton) for data types "byte".
The ConnectionBytesTransceiver defines the DatagramTransceiver functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton) for data types "byte".
The ConnectionBytesTransmitter defines the DatagramTransmitter functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton) for data types "byte".
The ConnectionDatagramsReceiver defines the DatagramReceiver functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton).
The ConnectionDatagramsTransceiver defines the DatagramTransceiver functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton).
The ConnectionDatagramsTransmitter defines the DatagramTransmitter functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton).
The ConnectionShortsReceiver defines the DatagramReceiver functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton) for data types "short".
The ConnectionShortsTransceiver defines the DatagramTransceiver functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton) for data types "short".
The ConnectionShortsTransmitter defines the DatagramTransmitter functionality set on top of a connection (as of the ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton) for data types "short".
The DatagramDestination is used to receive datagrams in a unified way.
The DatagramReceiver is used to receive datagrams in a unified way.
The DatagramsDestination is used to receive data blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
The DatagramSource is used to send datagrams in a unified way.
The Interface DatagramsReceiver.
The DatagramsReceiverDecorator decorates a DatagramsDestination with the additional methods of a DatagramsReceiver making it easy to use a DatagramsDestination wherever a DatagramsReceiver is expected.
The DatagramsSource is used to send datagram blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
A DatagramsTransceiver combines the functionality of a DatagramsTransmitter and of a DatagramsReceiver. e.g. for building loopback devices.
The DatagramsTransmitter is used to send datagram blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
Combines the DatagramTransmitter and DatagramReceiver functionality in a single interface to be implemented by a single class so that DatagramTransmitter and DatagramReceiver functionality can be provided by a single instance.
The DatagramTransmitter is used to send datagrams in a unified way.
The FileUtility provides Various file related utility functionality.
The FilterInputStream wraps an InputStream adding filtering functionality of bytes to be skipped.
The Class InputStreamByteReceiver.
Implementation of the InputStreamConnectionReceiver interface.
Implementation of the InputStreamConnectionReceiver interface.
The Class InputStreamReceiver.
The InputStreamStringBuilder constructs String instances from InputStream instances.
A InverseInputStream wraps an InputStream and consumes input bytes by applying a InverseFunction on each byte read from the provided InputStream before passing back the processed byte to the caller.
Extends the ResultAccessor interface with an I/O timeout mechanism.
A LineBreakOutputStream wraps an OutputStream for adding line breaks after a given number of bytes being written.
A LoopbackBytesReceiver is a DatagramReceiver connected directly within the same JVM with a LoopbackBytesTransmitter; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackBytesTransceiver is a DatagramTransceiver connected directly within the same JVM with another LoopbackBytesTransceiver; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackBytesTransmitter is a DatagramTransmitter connected directly within the same JVM with a LoopbackBytesReceiver; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackDatagramsReceiver is a DatagramReceiver connected directly within the same JVM with a LoopbackDatagramsTransmitter; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackDatagramsTransceiver is a DatagramTransceiver connected directly within the same JVM with another LoopbackDatagramsTransceiver; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackDatagramsTransmitter is a DatagramTransmitter connected directly within the same JVM with a LoopbackDatagramsReceiver; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackShortsReceiver is a DatagramReceiver connected directly within the same JVM with a LoopbackShortsTransmitter; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackShortsTransceiver is a DatagramTransceiver connected directly within the same JVM with another LoopbackShortsTransceiver; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
A LoopbackShortsTransmitter is a DatagramTransmitter connected directly within the same JVM with a LoopbackBytesReceiver; a "loopback" connection is used for establishing the connection which cannot be accessed outside the JVM or the running machine.
Provides an accessor for a maximum connections property.
Provides a builder method for a maximum connections property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a maximum connections property.
Provides a maximum connections property.
The Class OutputStreamBytesTransmitter.
The Class OutputStreamDatagramsTransmitter.
The Class OutputStreamShortsTransmitter.
The Class PrefetchBidirectionalStreamByteTransceiver.
The Class PrefetchBidirectionalStreamConnectionByteTransceiver.
The Class PrefetchBidirectionalStreamConnectionTransceiver.
The Class PrefetchBidirectionalStreamTransceiver.
The Class PrefetchInputStreamByteReceiver.
Implementation of the InputStreamConnectionReceiver interface.
Implementation of the InputStreamConnectionReceiver interface.
The Class PrefetchInputStreamReceiver.
The Interface Receivable.
The ReplaceInputStream replaces a give byte sequence with another given bytes sequence.
A RowReader reads a set of elements (a row) from an external source.
A RowWriter writes a set of elements (a row) to an external destination.
Makes the wrapped Iterator serializable, else passing Iterator instances would cause an NotSerializableException or similar.
Makes the wrapped ListIterator serializable, else passing ListIterator instances would cause an NotSerializableException or similar.
The SerializableObjectInputStream extends an ordinary ObjectInputStream to also resolve primitive types.
The Class ShortArrayReceiver.
The Class ShortArraySource.
The ShortDestination is used to receive shorts in a unified way.
The ShortReceiver is used to receive shot values in a unified way.
The ShortsDestination is used to receive short blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
The ShortSource is used to send shorts in a unified way.
The Interface ShortsReceiver.
The ShortsReceiverDecorator decorates a ShortsDestination with the additional methods of a ShortsReceiver making it easy to use a ShortsDestination wherever a ShortsReceiver is expected.
The ShortsSource is used to send short blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
A ShortsTransceiver combines the functionality of a ShortsTransmitter and of a ShortsReceiver. e.g. for building loopback devices.
The ShortsTransmitter is used to send short blocks (arrays) in a unified way.
Combines the ShortTransmitter and ShortReceiver functionality in a single interface to be implemented by a single class so that ShortsTransmitter and ShortReceiver functionality can be provided by a single instance.
The Interface ShortsTransmitter.
The ShortTransmitterDecorator decorates a ShortsSource with the additional methods of a ShortsTransmitter making it easy to use a ShortsSource wherever a ShortsTransmitter is expected.
The SkipAvailableInputStream decorates an InputStream with skip timed functionality, e.g. skip all currently available bytes (Skippable.skipAvailable()), all bytes available for a period of time (SkipAvailableInputStream.skipAvailableWithin(long)) or skip all bytes available till a send pause of a given time is detected (SkipAvailableInputStream.skipAvailableTillSilenceFor(long) or Skippable.skipAvailableTillSilenceFor(long, long)).
The Skippable interface defines methods useful for omitting bytes known to be unusable for the according operation.
The TimeoutInputStream decorates an InputStream with time-out functionality using CompletableFuture functionality.
Provides an accessor for an timeout input stream property.
Provides a mutator for an timeout input stream property.
Provides a mutator for an timeout input stream property.
Provides an timeout input stream property.
The Interface Transmittable.
The TransmitterDecorator decorates a DatagramsSource with the additional methods of a DatagramsTransmitter making it easy to use a DatagramsSource wherever a DatagramsTransmitter is expected.
Represents an InputStream from a provided File: In case the file points to a ZIP compressed file, then the uncompressed data of the therein contained file with the same name excluding the ".zip" extension is provided by the InputStream.
Represents an OutputStream to a provided File: In case the file points to a ZIP compressed file, then a therein to be contained file with the same name excluding the ".zip" extension is created by the OutputStream.
Utility class for some ZIP compression related issues.