All Classes and Interfaces

Predefined layouts passed to logger implementation supporting ColumnLayout modes.
Provides an accessor for a column layout property.
Provides a builder method for a column layout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a column layout property.
Provides a column layout property.
Thrown in case the record cannot be logged as a specific implementation might expect some dedicated Column instances to be contained in the provided Record.
The LogDecorator provides means to beautify or enrich logs for example when printing user friendly logs to the console.
The Logger interface defines those methods required for an atomic (sub-)logger to implement.
LoggerAccessor<L extends Logger<?>>
Provides an accessor for a Logger property.
Provides a mutator for a Logger property.
Provides a Logger property.
The LoggerComposite is a ready to use implementation of a composite Logger extending the AbstractLoggerComposite.
LoggerFactory<L extends Logger<?>>
A LoggerFactory defines the methods required to factor Logger instances.
Specialization and instantiateable (non abstract) implementation of the AbstractLoggerFactoryComposite creating composite Logger instances.
Defines default logger Header.
Thrown in case instantiating a Logger (RuntimeLogger) failed, e.g. the RuntimeLoggerSingleton tries to construct a RuntimeLogger from a bean configuration file (or a SpringRuntimeLoggerSingleton tries to construct a RuntimeLogger from a bean configuration context file) and fails doing so (due to missing or "wrong" configuration file).
The Class LoggerRuntimeException.
The Class LoggerUtility.
This enumeration defines the various log priorities to be used by the application logger.
Provides an accessor for a LogPriority property.
Provides a mutator for a LogPriority property.
Provides a LogPriority property.
Implementation of a Column interface for working with LogPriority instances, being Cloneable.
The aMessage logger is the generic version of the RuntimeLogger.
Implementation of a Column for working with String instances with the semantics of a method name, being Cloneable.
PartedLogger<T,P extends T>
The PartedLogger is a ready to use implementation of a parted Logger extending the AbstractPartedLogger.
The PartedQueryLogger is a ready to use implementation of a parted QueryLogger extending the AbstractPartedQueryLogger.
The PartedTrimLogger is a ready to use implementation of a parted TrimLogger extending the AbstractPartedTrimLogger.
The QueryLogger extends the Logger; providing additional functionality for querying once logged data Records by specifying query Criteria or other query restrictions.
The QueryLoggerComposite is a ready to use implementation of a composite QueryLogger extending the AbstractQueryLoggerComposite.
Implementation of the AbstractLoggerFactoryComposite creating composite QueryLogger instances.
Plain simple interface for logging out runtime information generated by software systems.
Provides an accessor for a RuntimeLogger property.
Provides a mutator for a RuntimeLogger property.
Provides a RuntimeLogger property.
A RuntimeLoggerFactory defines the methods required to factor RuntimeLogger instances.
You configure your RuntimeLoggerFactoryImpl by providing a "runtimelogger.ini" file (see "") in one of those locations relative to your main class's location: . .
The singleton of the RuntimeLoggerFactoryImpl for easy RuntimeLogger creation.
The RuntimeLoggerHandler provides a Handler for the JUL Framework.
The Class RuntimeLoggerHeader.
The default implementation of the RuntimeLogger interface to be configured with a (back-end) Logger.
This RuntimeLoggerSingleton provides a RuntimeLogger singleton configured by a "runtimelogger-config.xml" file find in one of the several locations relative to your application's base directory: The applications base directory (where your JAR or your classes reside) is taken and a list of directories (as defined in the Folders.CONFIG_DIRS) relative to this base directory is generated : The actual directories being looked at (in case them exist) are as follows, relative to your applications base directory: ..
Very plain implementation of the logger interface, mainly used as fallback Logger.
The TrimLogger extends the QueryLogger with the functionality to remove Record instances previously being logged by providing the according Criteria.
The TrimLoggerComposite is a ready to use implementation of a composite TrimLogger extending the AbstractTrimLoggerComposite.
Specialization and instantiateable (non abstract) implementation of the AbstractLoggerFactoryComposite creating composite TrimLogger instances.
Thrown in case some other problems regarding logging occurred, e.g. the data sink (physical system where to log to) experiences problems.