All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractMatcheeMatcher is composed of multiple Matcher instances queried upon match requests as of Matchable.isMatching(Object).
The AbstractMatcher provides a base functionality for Matcher implementations.
The AbstractMatcherComposite is composed of multiple Matcher instances queried upon match requests as of Matchable.isMatching(Object).
The AbstractWildcardMatcher provides a base functionality for Matcher implementations.
The Class WildcardMatcherSubstitutes.
A logical AND implementation of a Matcher encapsulating Matcher instances.
An ANY implementation of a Matcher which always returns true.
An EQUAL WITH Matcher, comparing its matchee with the matchee provided to the EqualWithMatcher.isMatching(Object) method for equality.
A GREATER OR EQUAL THAN Matcher, comparing its matchee with the matchee provided to the Matchable.isMatching(Object) method using the Comparable.compareTo(Object) method to be implemented by the matchees.
A GREATER THAN Matcher, comparing its matchee with the matchee provided to the Matchable.isMatching(Object) method using the Comparable.compareTo(Object) method to be implemented by the matchees.
A IS ASSIGNABLE FROM implementation of a Matcher by type.
A LESS OR EQUAL THAN Matcher, comparing its matchee with the matchee provided to the Matchable.isMatching(Object) method using the Comparable.compareTo(Object) method to be implemented by the matchees.
A LESS THAN Matcher, comparing its matchee with the matchee provided to the Matchable.isMatching(Object) method using the Comparable.compareTo(Object) method to be implemented by the matchees.
The Matchable interface is intended for components providing matching functionality though not being a Matcher.
The matcher is used to test whether a matchee matches certain criteria.
The purpose of a MatcherSchema is automatically generate documentation of Matcher structures.
Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the Matcher elements.
A NONE implementation of a Matcher which always returns false.
A NOT EQUAL WITH Matcher, comparing its matchee with the matchee provided to the isMatching(Object) method for equality.
A logical NOT implementation of a Matcher encapsulating another Matcher.
A logical OR implementation of a Matcher encapsulating Matcher instances.
The PathMatcher provides WildcardMatcher functionality for matching paths: The PathMatcher matches its ANT like path pattern against the path provided to the PathMatcher.isMatching(String) and the like methods.
The REGEXP RegExpMatcher provides WildcardMatcher functionality for regular expression Pattern matching.
A WildcardMatcher is a Matcher providing additional means to work with the wildcards and their wildcard substitutes in case of a match as of Matchable.isMatching(Object).