All Classes and Interfaces

Metrics of an IP-Address as of IPv4 or IPv6.
Provides an accessor for a IP-Address property.
Provides a builder method for a IP-Address property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a IP-Address property.
Provides a IP-Address property.
The base exception for networking related issues.
Base exception for port related problems.
The base runtime exception for networking related issues.
Base runtime exception for port related problems.
Thrown in case the given port PortAlreadyBoundException.getPort() is already in use.
Thrown in case the given port NetRuntimeException.PortRuntimeException.getPort() is already in use.
When implemented as singleton, then resources battling for dynamically assigned ports my use this functionality to get and block a port until it is freed again.
The singleton of the PortManager for system wide port management.
Thrown in case no port can be determined.
Port range definitions as of RFC 6335 ("")