All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractActionEvent provides a base implementation for an ActionEvent.
The AbstractEvent provides a base implementation for an Event.
Abstract implementation of an EventMatcher type.
The AbstractMetaDataActionEvent provides a base implementation for an MetaDataActionEvent.
The AbstractMetaDataEvent provides a base implementation for an MetaDataEvent.
This abstract class provides functionality to implement default refcodes Observable behavior.
Matches the given action with the action stored in an event's meta data (ACTION EQUAL WITH).
An ActionEvent extends the Event and provides additional means to provide an action via ActionAccessor.getAction() being of a generic type.
Matches the given alias with the alias stored in an event's meta data (ALIAS EQUAL WITH).
Catches all events, no matching is done (CATCH ALL).
Catches no events, no matching is done (CATCH NONE).
Matches the given channel with the channel stored in an event's meta data (CHANNEL EQUAL WITH).
An Event is published by an Observable and is consumed by zero to many Observer instances.
EventMatcher<E extends Event<?>>
This interface typifies the Matcher interface for the usage with ActionEvent instances.
Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the EventMatcher elements.
The Meta-Data describes the event which a publisher posts via the event bus to an event subscriber's event listener.
Builder to build EventMetaData.
Matches the given group with the group stored in an event's meta data (GROUP EQUAL WITH).
An MetaDataActionEvent provides Meta-Data describing the ActionEvent in more detail and a source being the origin of the MetaDataActionEvent.
An MetaDataEvent provides Meta-Data describing the ActionEvent in more detail and a source being the origin of the MetaDataEvent.
This interface typifies the Matcher interface for the usage with MetaDataEvent instances.
The Observable interface can be implemented by any class which can be observed by Observer instances (proposal) or any listener interface (custom as of your needs).
An ObservableObserver is an observer, observing an observable.
Observer<E extends Event<?>>
The listener of an event subscriber to be fed with events by a event publisher.
ObserverDescriptor<E extends Event<?>,O extends Observer<E>,EM extends EventMatcher<E>>
This ObserverDescriptor describes the Observer, i.e. in some cases an Observer requires an EventMatcher which determines which ActionEvent instances to pass to the Observer.
Observers<O,B extends Observers<O,B>>
Provides methods to manage all subscribed Observer instances as a whole and is intended as an extension of the Observable interface.
Publisher<E extends Event<?>>
A system publishing ActionEvent instances (such as an event bus), may implement this interface.
Matches by event publisher type (EVENT PUBLISHER TYPE).
Provides an accessor for a publisher's type property.
Provides a builder method for a publisher's type property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a publisher's type property.
Provides a publisher's type property.
An SubscribeEvent is published by an Observable when an observer is being subscribed.
Matches the given universal ID with the universal ID stored in an event's meta data (UNIVERSAL ID EQUAL WITH).
An UnsubscribeEvent is published by an Observable when an observer is being unsubscribed.