Class RuntimePropertiesSugar


public class RuntimePropertiesSugar extends
Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the construction of RuntimeProperties (and the like).
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withArgs(String[] aArgs)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withFile(File aFile)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withFilePath(String aFilePath)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withObfuscationMode(org.refcodes.runtime.SystemContext aMode)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withProperties( aProperties)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withRootArgsSyntax(org.refcodes.cli.ArgsSyntax aRootArgsSyntax)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withRootOption(org.refcodes.cli.Option<?> aRootOption)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withSecret(String aSecret)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.
    withUrl(URL aUrl)
    Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance.

    Methods inherited from class

    fileToJavaProperties, fileToJavaProperties, fileToJsonProperties, fileToJsonProperties, fileToTomlProperties, fileToTomlProperties, fileToXmlProperties, fileToXmlProperties, fileToYamlProperties, fileToYamlProperties, from, from, fromEnvironmentVariables, fromProfile, fromProfile, fromProperties, fromSystemProperties, loadFromJavaProperties, loadFromJavaProperties, loadFromJavaProperties, loadFromJavaProperties, loadFromJsonProperties, loadFromJsonProperties, loadFromJsonProperties, loadFromJsonProperties, loadFromTomlProperties, loadFromTomlProperties, loadFromTomlProperties, loadFromTomlProperties, loadFromXmlProperties, loadFromXmlProperties, loadFromXmlProperties, loadFromXmlProperties, loadFromYamlProperties, loadFromYamlProperties, loadFromYamlProperties, loadFromYamlProperties, saveToJavaProperties, saveToJavaProperties, saveToJavaProperties, saveToJsonProperties, saveToJsonProperties, saveToJsonProperties, saveToTomlProperties, saveToTomlProperties, saveToTomlProperties, saveToXmlProperties, saveToXmlProperties, saveToXmlProperties, saveToYamlProperties, saveToYamlProperties, saveToYamlProperties, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, schedule, seekFromJavaProperties, seekFromJavaProperties, seekFromJsonProperties, seekFromJsonProperties, seekFromTomlProperties, seekFromTomlProperties, seekFromXmlProperties, seekFromXmlProperties, seekFromYamlProperties, seekFromYamlProperties, toNormalized, toNormalized, toPrecedence, toPropertiesBuilder, toPropertiesBuilder, toProperty

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • RuntimePropertiesSugar

      public RuntimePropertiesSugar()
  • Method Details

    • fromRuntimeProperties

      public static RuntimeProperties fromRuntimeProperties()
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Constructs a RuntimeProperties instance with no ArgsSyntax for parsing command line arguments. As no syntax notation is required by the constructor (no root ArgsSyntax), no syntax validation is done. Therefore the properties are heuristically determined from the provided command line arguments when invoking withArgs(String[]).
      The accordingly constructed RuntimeProperties instance.
    • withArgs

      public static RuntimeProperties withArgs(String[] aArgs)
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Constructs a RuntimeProperties instance with no ArgsSyntax for parsing command line arguments: As no syntax notation is required by the constructor (no root ArgsSyntax), no syntax validation is done. Therefore the properties are heuristically determined from the provided command line arguments.
      aArgs - The command line arguments to be evaluated.
      The accordingly constructed RuntimeProperties instance.
    • withRootArgsSyntax

      public static RuntimeProperties withRootArgsSyntax(org.refcodes.cli.ArgsSyntax aRootArgsSyntax)
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Constructs a RuntimeProperties instance with the given ArgsSyntax representing the syntax to be used to parse command line arguments. Provide command line arguments via ArgsParserProperties.evalArgs(String[]) (and the like methods).
      aRootArgsSyntax - The root condition being the node from which parsing the command line arguments starts. Parse the command line arguments via ArgsParserProperties.evalArgs(String[]).
      The accordingly constructed RuntimeProperties instance.
    • withRootOption

      public static RuntimeProperties withRootOption(org.refcodes.cli.Option<?> aRootOption)
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Constructs a RuntimeProperties instance with the given Option representing the syntax to be used to parse command line arguments. Provide command line arguments via ArgsParserProperties.evalArgs(String[]) (and the like methods).
      aRootOption - The root option being the node from which parsing the command line arguments starts. Parse the command line arguments via ArgsParserProperties.evalArgs(String[]).
      The accordingly constructed RuntimeProperties instance.
    • withObfuscationMode

      public static RuntimeProperties withObfuscationMode(org.refcodes.runtime.SystemContext aMode)
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Constructs the RuntimeProperties with the given obfuscation mode
      aMode - The SystemContext specifies which level of obfuscation is to be used when encountering upon obfuscated properties: E.g. obfuscation may be bound to the host, the "secret" used for obfuscation being the same for all applications on the same host or obfuscation may be bound to the application, being different for different applications on the same host.
      The accordingly constructed RuntimeProperties instance.
    • withSecret

      public static RuntimeProperties withSecret(String aSecret)
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Constructs a RuntimeProperties instance with a custom secret for obfuscation.
      aSecret - The secret to be used when encountering upon obfuscated properties.
      The accordingly constructed RuntimeProperties instance.
    • withFile

      public static RuntimeProperties withFile(File aFile) throws IOException, ParseException
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Loads a properties file from the file directly or (if not found) from first folder containing such a file as of the specification for the method ConfigLocator.getFolders().
      aFile - The file of the properties to load.
      The RuntimeProperties instance as of the builder pattern for chained method calls.
      IOException - thrown in case accessing or processing the properties file failed.
      ParseException - Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the data to be loaded.
    • withInputStream

      public static RuntimeProperties withInputStream(InputStream aInputStream) throws IOException, ParseException
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Reads the properties from the given InputStream.
      aInputStream - The InputStream from which to read the properties.
      The RuntimeProperties instance as of the builder pattern for chained method calls.
      IOException - thrown in case accessing or processing the properties file failed.
      ParseException - Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the data to be loaded.
    • withFilePath

      public static RuntimeProperties withFilePath(String aFilePath) throws IOException, ParseException
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Loads a properties file from the file directly or (if not found) from first folder containing such a file as of the specification for the method ConfigLocator.getFolders().
      aFilePath - The file of the properties file to load.
      The RuntimeProperties instance as of the builder pattern for chained method calls.
      IOException - thrown in case accessing or processing the properties file failed.
      ParseException - Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the data to be loaded.
    • withUrl

      public static RuntimeProperties withUrl(URL aUrl) throws IOException, ParseException
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Loads the properties from the given URL.
      aUrl - The URL from which to read the properties.
      The RuntimeProperties instance as of the builder pattern for chained method calls.
      IOException - thrown in case accessing or processing the properties file failed.
      ParseException - Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing the data to be loaded.
    • withParseArgs

      public static RuntimeProperties withParseArgs(String[] aArgs) throws org.refcodes.cli.ArgsSyntaxException
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. Evaluates the provided command line arguments and adds them with their according properties representation
      aArgs - The command line arguments to be evaluated.
      The RuntimeProperties instance of the builder pattern to chain further method calls.
      org.refcodes.cli.ArgsSyntaxException - thrown in case of a command line arguments mismatch regarding provided and expected args.
    • withProperties

      public static RuntimeProperties withProperties( aProperties)
      Factory method to conveniently create a pre-configured RuntimeProperties instance. A hook for you to provide Properties programmatically. The later you add Properties, the lower their precedence.
      aProperties - The Properties to be added.
      The RuntimeProperties instance of the builder pattern to chain further method calls.