
This artifact extends the refcodes-properties artifact with predefined Properties compositions (as of the RuntimeProperties and the RuntimePropertiesImpl types) for common everyday application setups (also see the blog post All-in-one Java configuration properties at hand).

Please refer to the refcodes-properties: Managing your application's configuration documentation for an up-to-date and detailed description on the usage of this artifact.

  • Class
    RuntimeProperties are composed of various Properties flavors such as ArgsParserProperties, SystemProperties, EnvironmentProperties and ResourceProperties with a precedence in this order, encapsulated by a ProfilePropertiesProjection in order for you, the developer, to conveniently harness the power of the Properties functionality.
    The RuntimePropertiesImpl composite represent command line properties, system properties as well as environment variables (in that order) and resource properties.
    Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the construction of RuntimeProperties (and the like).