Uses of Package

  • Class
    This enumeration represents configuration folder locations (of type File) and configuration file retrieval as of the chosen configuration mode.
    Converts a key to the format of a system property (camel-case) or an environment variable (snake-case in upper-case).
    The Correlation assigns an according (as of the enumeration) Correlation-TID to the invoking process, this TID is used in log files and is part of the process's request or response pay-load in order to track process execution throughout a JVM.
    The DumpBuilder assists you in inspecting the content of an object.
    EnvironmentVariable for retrieving some common environment variables with ease.
    This class indicates a non existing value in the name-to-value mapping.
    Enumeration with the (supported) operating systems.
    Enumeration with the (relevant) shells (command line interpreters).
    Describes the context within a system's environment regarding host, user and application contexts as well as the currently invoked Java runtime session.
    SystemProperty define values to be used at runtime.
    Enumeration with the (relevant) terminals as well as interpolated terminal metrics.
    The Terminal.CharSetCapability defines three categories of character capabilities as observed on various platform.