All Classes and Interfaces

The Enum Algorithm.
The Crypter combines Encrypter and Decrypter functionality.
Plain interface for providing straight forward decryption functionality as of Decrypter.toDecrypted(Object) and for forcing your plain functionality to provide a bridge to the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) framework's CipherSpi as of Decrypter.toDecrypted(byte[], int, int, byte[], int).
Thrown in case an decryption issue occurred regarding the Encrypter.
Thrown in case an decryption issue occurred regarding the Encrypter.
A DecryptionInputStream wraps an InputStream and consumes input bytes by applying a Decrypter on each byte read from the provided InputStream before passing back the processed byte to the caller.
Plain interface for providing straight forward encryption functionality as of Encrypter.toEncrypted(Object) and for forcing your plain functionality to provide a bridge to the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) framework's CipherSpi as of Encrypter.toEncrypted(byte[], int, int, byte[], int).
Thrown in case an encryption issue occurred regarding the Encrypter.
Thrown in case an encryption issue occurred regarding the Encrypter.
A EncryptionOutputStream wraps an OutputStream and produces output bytes by applying a Encrypter on each byte to be written before delegating the processed vale to the given OutputStream.
Describes the data required to access a KeyStore.The KeyStore is used to decide which authentication credentials should be sent to the remote host for authentication during SSL handshake.
The mutable KeyStoreDescriptor.KeyStoreDescriptorBuilder extends the KeyStoreDescriptor with manipulator methods.
Provides an accessor for a KeyStoreDescriptor property.
Provides a builder method for a KeyStoreDescriptor property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a KeyStoreDescriptor property.
Provides a KeyStoreDescriptor property.
Implementation of the KeyStoreDescriptor interface.
The immutable KeyStoreDescriptorImpl implements the TrustStoreDescriptor interface.
The Class SecurityException.
Describes the data required to access a truststore.
The mutable TrustStoreDescriptor.TrustStoreDescriptorBuilder extends the TrustStoreDescriptor with manipulator methods.
Provides an accessor for a TrustStoreDescriptor property.
Provides a builder method for a TrustStoreDescriptor property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a TrustStoreDescriptor property.
Provides a TrustStoreDescriptor property.
Implementation of the KeyStoreDescriptor interface.
The immutable TrustStoreDescriptorImpl implements the TrustStoreDescriptor interface.