All Classes and Interfaces

An AbstractArrayTransmission is a Transmission consisting of Transmission elements (an array of elements).
An abstract implementation of bijective and inverse functions applied to the decoratee's transmitting and receiving methods.
A AbstractCrcTransmissionDecorator wraps a Transmission instance and enriches the Transmission with a CRC checksum.
The AbstractErrorCorrectionTransmissionDecorator class implements a decorator providing base functionality for an error correction Transmission.
An abstract implementation of bijective and inverse functions applied to the decoratee's transmitting and receiving methods.
The AbstractLengthDecoratorSegment decorates a decoratee with a length prefix.
Magic bytes are usually found (somewhere) at the beginning of a file or a stream.
Magic bytes are usually found (somewhere) at the beginning of a file or a stream.
The AbstractMagicBytesTransmissionMultiplexer dispatches a transmission to one of the aggregated Transmission instances depending on the magic number provided by the transmission.
An abstract implementation of a Section with payload.
An abstract implementation of a Segment with payload.
A AbstractPort is a base Port implementation
The AbstractPortDecorator decorates a Port for sub-classes to enrich Port functionality.
The AbstractReadyToReceiveTransmissionDecorator class implements a decorator providing ReadyToReceiveTransmission functionality for a Transmission.
The AbstractReadyToSendTransmissionDecorator class implements a decorator providing ReadyToSendTransmission functionality for a Transmission.
The AbstractReferenceeLengthSegment represents a allocated length value as of the referenced Transmission element's length.
Convenience class for easily decorating a Section.
Convenience class for easily decorating a Segment.
A AbstractStopAndWaitPacketStreamTransmissionDecorator wraps a Transmission instance and enriches the Transmission with packet-stream functionality.
The AbstractStopAndWaitTransmissionDecorator class implements a decorator providing StopAndWaitTransmission functionality for a Transmission.
A AbstractTransmissionComposite is a Transmission consisting of Transmission elements with each element.
An abstract implementation of a Transmission decorating another Transmission.
Provides an accessor for a acknowledge magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a acknowledge magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a acknowledge magic bytes property.
Provides a acknowledge magic bytes property.
Provides an accessor for a acknowledge retry number.
Provides a builder method for a acknowledge retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a acknowledge retry number.
Provides a acknowledge retry number.A acknowledge retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
Provides an accessor for a SegmentPackager ACK property.
Provides a builder method for a SegmentPackager ACK property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a SegmentPackager ACK property.
Provides a SegmentPackager ACK property.
Provides an accessor for a acknowledge timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for the acknowledge timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a acknowledge timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a acknowledge timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides an accessor for a allocation length property.
Provides a builder method for a allocation length property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a allocation length property.
Provides a allocation length property.
An AllocSectionDecoratorSegment enriches an Section with an allocation declaration being prefixed to the enriched Section.
An AllocSegmentBody provides an Segment with an allocation length.
An AllocSegmentHead provides the allocation length for a AllocSegmentBody.
A ArraySection is a Section with array Transmission elements as of ArrayTransmission.
A ArraySegment is a Segment with array Segment elements as of ArrayTransmission.
A ArrayTransmission is a Transmission with array Transmission elements.
The AsciizArraySegment is an implementation of a Section carrying a String array as payload.
The AsciizSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying an ASCII encoded String as payload, terminated by a 0 ("zero") indicating its end.
The AssertMagicBytesSegment extends the MagicBytesSegment and enforces the configured magic bytes to match the received magic bytes (as of Segment.fromTransmission(Sequence) and Segment.SegmentMixin.receiveFrom(, or the like).
Thrown in case a transmission's CRC checksum did not match the according calculated CRC checksum.
Thrown in case a Sequence CRC checksum did not match the according calculated CRC checksum.
A BadMagicBytesException denotes bad (unexpected) magic bytes encountered while processing a transmission.
A BadMagicBytesSequenceException denotes bad (unexpected) magic bytes encountered while processing a transmission Sequence.
The BooleanArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a boolean array as payload.
The BooleanSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in boolean value as value.
The BoundedSequenceDecorator decorates a Sequence whilst bounding its size to a given maximum size (to be set via BoundedSequenceDecorator.setLength(int)) .
The BreakerSectionDecorator is a DecoratorSection build to test error detection and error correction Transmission implementations such as the CrcSectionDecorator or the StopAndWaitSectionDecorator.
The BreakerSegmentDecorator is a DecoratorSegment build to test error detection and error correction Transmission implementations such as the CrcSegmentDecorator or the StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator.
The ByteArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a byte array as payload.
A ByteArraySequence implements the Sequence interface by using chunks of byte arrays, therewith reducing array copy operations when working with byte fields.
The ByteSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in byte value as payload.
The CharArraySection is an implementation of a PayloadSection carrying a char array as payload.
The CharSection is an implementation of a Section carrying a char value as payload.
A CipherSectionDecorator is a transmission applying an Invertible on outgoing bytes (as of Transmission.transmitTo( or the like) and the inverse function on any incoming bytes.
A CipherSegmentDecorator is a transmission applying an Invertible on outgoing bytes (as of Transmission.transmitTo( or the like) and the inverse function on any incoming bytes.
Provides an accessor for a CTS ("clear-to-send") magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a CTS ("clear-to-send") magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a CTS ("clear-to-send") magic bytes property.
Provides a CTS ("clear-to-send") magic bytes property.
Provides an accessor for a CTS ("clear-to-send") retry number.
Provides a builder method for a CTS ("clear-to-send") retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a CTS ("clear-to-send") retry number.
Provides a CTS ("clear-to-send") retry number.A CTS ( "clear-to-send") retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
Provides an accessor for a SegmentPackager CTS ("clear-to-send") property.
Provides a builder method for a SegmentPackager CTS ("clear-to-send") property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a SegmentPackager CTS ("clear-to-send") property.
Provides a SegmentPackager CTS ("clear-to-send") property.
Provides an accessor for a CTS ("clear-to-send") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for a the CTS ("clear-to-send") timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a CTS ("clear-to-send") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a CTS ("clear-to-send") timeout in milliseconds property.
A ComplexTypeSegment takes a POJO (a data structure) and creates from its content a Segment representing the POJO's structure.
A CrcSectionDecorator wraps a Section instance and enriches the the Section with a CRC checksum.
A CrcSegmentDecorator wraps a Segment instance and enriches the Segment with a CRC checksum.
A CrcSegmentPackager enriches a Segment with a CRC checksum.
The CrossoverLoopbackPort is an in-memory implementation of a Port which loops its output directly to the "connected" LoopbackPort counterpart ("other end of the wire").
A CrossoverLoopbackPortHub is an in-memory implementation of a PortHub which's Port instances loop their output directly to the "connected" LoopbackPortHub counterpart Port instances ("other end of the wire").
The DecoratorSection interface provided means to access a decorated Transmission with the means of a Section.
The DecoratorSegment interface provided means to access a decorated Transmission with the means of a Segment.
The DoubleArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a double array as payload.
The DoubleSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in double value as payload.
The DynamicTypeSection represents a Section which's internal raw data is created from provided types at runtime and which's internal raw data is used to create provided types at runtime.
The DynamicTypeSegment represents a Segment which's internal raw data is created from provided types at runtime and which's internal raw data is used to create provided types at runtime.
he DynamicTypeTransmission represents a Transmission which's internal raw data is created from provided types at runtime and which's internal raw data is used to create provided types at runtime.
Provides an accessor for a end of string byte property.
Provides a builder method for a end of string byte property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a end of string byte property.
Provides a end of string byte property.
Provides an accessor for a ENQ ("enquiry") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for a the ENQ ("enquiry") timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a ENQ ("enquiry") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a ENQ ("enquiry") timeout in milliseconds property.
EnumSegment<E extends Enum<E>>
The EnumSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying an enumeration value as payload.
The ErrorCorrectionTransmission represents the base error correction transmission definition.
A FileSection represents a File on the file system and can be used to receive or to transmit a File.
The FixedLengthSequenceSegment is a Segment representing a Sequence of a fixed length (as of the arguments passed to one of its constructors).
A FixedSegmentArraySection is a Section consisting of Segment elements with each element of the same (uniform) length (in contrast to the SegmentArraySection).
The FloatArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a float array as payload.
The FloatSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in float value as payload.
Thrown in case a flow control failed.
Thrown in case a flow control failed due t a timeout.
Thrown in case a flow control failed due t a timeout.
Defines the type of flow control.
Provides an accessor for a handshake magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a handshake magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a handshake magic bytes property.
Provides a handshake magic bytes property.
Enumeration with the various protocol settings when receiving a transmission.
Provides an accessor for an input return stream property.
Provides a mutator for an input return stream property.
Provides a mutator for an input return stream property.
Provides an input return stream property.
The IntArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying an integer array as payload.
The IntSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying an integer value as payload.
A InvertibleSectionDecorator is a transmission applying an Invertible on outgoing bytes (as of Transmission.transmitTo( or the like) and the inverse function on any incoming bytes.
A InvertibleSegmentDecorator is a transmission applying an Invertible on outgoing bytes (as of Transmission.transmitTo( or the like) and the inverse function on any incoming bytes.
Provides an accessor for a IO heuristics TTL (time to live) in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for the IO heuristics TTL (time to live) property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a IO heuristics TTL (time to live) in milliseconds property.
Provides a IO heuristics TTL (time to live) in milliseconds property.
An LengthSegment enriches a Segment with an allocation declaration computed from the referenced Transmission.
An LengthSegmentDecoratorSegment enriches a Segment with an allocation declaration being prefixed to the enriched Segment.
Provides an accessor for a length width (in bytes) property.
Provides a builder method for a length width (in bytes) property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a length width (in bytes) property.
Provides a length width (in bytes) property.
The LongArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a long array as payload.
The LongSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in long value as payload.
The LoopbackPort is an in-memory implementation of a Port which loops its output directly back to its input.
The LoopbackPortHub is a plain implementation of a PortHub serving an infinite number of LoopbackPort instances: When calling LoopbackPortHub.toPort(String) and the such port is unknown, then it is created (and from then on known).
The MagicBytes enumeration provides various predefined magic bytes for common use cases.
Provides an accessor for a magic byte array property.
Provides a builder method for a magic byte array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a magic byte array property.
Provides a magic byte array property.
Provides an accessor for a magic bytes length property.
Provides a builder method for a magic bytes length property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a magic bytes length property.
Provides a magic bytes length property.
Magic bytes are usually found (somewhere) at the beginning of a file or a stream.
THe MagicBytesSectionMultiplexer dispatches a transmission to one of the aggregated Section instances depending on the magic number provided by the transmission.
Magic bytes are usually found (somewhere) at the beginning of a file or a stream.
Magic bytes are usually found (somewhere) at the beginning of a file or a stream.
THe MagicBytesSegmentMultiplexer dispatches a transmission to one of the aggregated Segment instances depending on the magic number provided by the transmission.
Thrown in case there is no such port found.
The NullSegment represents a no-operation Segment, useful as placeholder in a SegmentComposite.
The NumberSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in long an integer value with a configurable width (in bytes) as payload.
Provides an accessor for an output return stream property.
Provides a mutator for an output return stream property.
Provides a mutator for an output return stream property.
Provides an output return stream property.
The PacketInputStream wraps an InputStream and chunks any data to be written into packets with a sequence number and a block of data.
Builder to build PacketInputStream instances.
Provides an accessor for a packet length width (in bytes) property.
Provides a builder method for a packet length width (in bytes) property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a packet length width (in bytes) property.
Provides a packet length width (in bytes) property.
Provides an accessor for a packet magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a packet magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a packet magic bytes property.
Provides a packet magic bytes property.
The PacketOutputStream wraps an OutputStream and chunks any data to be written into packets with a sequence number, a block of data and a CRC checksum.
Builder to build StopAndWaitPacketInputStream instances.
Provides an accessor for a packet SegmentPackager property.
Provides a builder method for a packet SegmentPackager property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a packet SegmentPackager property.
Provides a packet SegmentPackager property.
The PayloadSection interfaces defines a Section with a payload.
The PayloadSegment interfaces defines a Segment with a payload.
A PayloadTransmission represents a Transmission carrying a payload (value)
Provides an accessor for a ping magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a ping magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a ping magic bytes property.
Provides a ping magic bytes property.
Provides an accessor for a ping retry number.
Provides a builder method for a ping retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a ping retry number.
Provides a ping retry number.A ping retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
Provides an accessor for a ping timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for the ping timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a ping timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a ping timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides an accessor for a pong magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a pong magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a pong magic bytes property.
Provides a pong magic bytes property.
A Port enriches a SerialTransceiver with PortMetrics describing the SerialTransceiver's physical properties.
PortHub<PORT extends Port<PM>,PM extends PortMetrics>
A PortHub implementation is used to retrieve Port instances of a given type (e.g.
The PortMetrics describe a Port's properties.
Provides an accessor for a PortMetrics property.
Provides a builder method for a PortMetrics property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a PortMetrics property.
Provides a PortMetrics property.
The PropertiesSection is an implementation of a Section carrying a String as payload.
Provides an accessor for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") magic bytes property.
Provides a RTR ("ready-to-receive") magic bytes property.
Provides an accessor for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") retry number.
Provides a builder method for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") retry number.
Provides a RTR ("ready-to-receive") retry number.A RTR ( "ready-to-receive") retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
The ReadyToReceiveSectionDecorator class implements a decorator providing ReadyToReceiveTransmission functionality for a Segment.
Builder to build ReadyToReceiveSectionDecorator instances.
The ReadyToReceiveSegmentDecorator class implements a decorator providing ReadyToReceiveTransmission functionality for a Segment.
Builder to build ReadyToReceiveSegmentDecorator instances .
Provides an accessor for a SegmentPackager RTR ("ready-to-receive") property.
Provides a builder method for a SegmentPackager RTR ("ready-to-receive") property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a SegmentPackager RTR ("ready-to-receive") property.
Provides a SegmentPackager RTR ("ready-to-receive") property.
Provides an accessor for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for a the RTR ("ready-to-receive") timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a RTR ("ready-to-receive") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a RTR ("ready-to-receive") timeout in milliseconds property.
The ReadyToReceiveTransmission interface defines functionality for achieving a RTR "software" handshake between a receiver having the active RTR ("ready-to-receive") role and a transmitter being CTS ("clear-to-send") where the transmitter waits for a RTR signal from the receiver (the receiver signals to be ready for receiving data by issuing an RTR signal to the transmitter): TRANSMITTER RECEIVER | | Wait till enquiry-timeout | | Send RTR magic-bytes for RTR magic-bytes |←-----RTR------| Try RTR retry-number of times | | Wait till RTR retry-timeout/retry Send payload upon RTR | | magic-bytes or break-out |----PAYLOAD---→| Receive payload upon enquiry-timeout | | Handshake specific signals are only transmitted through the return channel, the data channel is only used indirectly for handshaking by transporting the payload data in response to the return channel signals.
Provides an accessor for a RTS ("ready-to-send") magic bytes property.
Provides a builder method for a RTS ("ready-to-send") magic bytes property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a RTS ("ready-to-send") magic bytes property.
Provides a RTS ("ready-to-send") magic bytes property.
Provides an accessor for a RTS ("ready-to-send") retry number.
Provides a builder method for a RTS ("ready-to-send") retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a RTS ("ready-to-send") retry number.
Provides a RTS ("ready-to-send") retry number.A RTS ( "ready-to-send") retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
The ReadyToSendSectionDecorator class implements a decorator providing ReadyToSendTransmission functionality for a Segment.
Builder to build ReadyToSendSectionDecorator instances.
The ReadyToSendSegmentDecorator class implements a decorator providing ReadyToSendTransmission functionality for a Segment.
Builder to build ReadyToSendSegmentDecorator instances.
Provides an accessor for a SegmentPackager RTS ("ready-to-send") property.
Provides a builder method for a SegmentPackager RTS ("ready-to-send") property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a SegmentPackager RTS ("ready-to-send") property.
Provides a SegmentPackager RTS ("ready-to-send") property.
Provides an accessor for a RTS ("ready-to-send") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for a the RTS ("ready-to-send") timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a RTS ("ready-to-send") timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a RTS ("ready-to-send") timeout in milliseconds property.
The ReadyToSendTransmission interface defines functionality for achieving an RTS "software" handshake between a transmitter having the active RTS ("ready-to-send") role and a receiver confirming being CTS ("clear-to-send") where the receiver waits for a RTS signal from the transmitter (the transmitter signals to be ready for sending data by issuing an RTS signal to the receiver).
A daemon handling SegmentReceiver.onReceiveSegment(Segment) asynchronous calls.
The Section interface enables an implementing type to provide a Sequence representation of itself or to transmit its Sequence representation through an OutputStream (with an optional feedback InputStream) as of Transmission.transmitTo(OutputStream, InputStream) and to initialize with a Sequence representation for itself or to receive a Sequence representation for itself through an InputStream (with an optional feedback OutputStream) as of Section.receiveFrom(InputStream, int, OutputStream).
Default implementation of the Section interface providing an implementation of the Section.SectionMixin.receiveFrom(InputStream, int, OutputStream) method using the Section.fromTransmission(Sequence, int) method or the Section.fromTransmission(Sequence, int, int) method..
A SectionComposite is a Section consisting of Section elements of a variable length each: Each Section element in the composite need not be of the same size.
The Segment interface enables an implementing type to provide a Sequence representation of itself or to transmit its Sequence representation through an OutputStream (with an optional feedback InputStream) as of Transmission.transmitTo(OutputStream, InputStream) and to initialize with a Sequence representation for itself or to receive a Sequence representation for itself through an InputStream (with an optional feedback OutputStream) as of Segment.receiveFrom(InputStream, OutputStream).
Default implementation of the Segment interface providing an implementation of the Segment.SegmentMixin.receiveFrom(InputStream, OutputStream) method using the Segment.fromTransmission(Sequence) method or the Segment.fromTransmission(Sequence, int) method.
A SegmentArraySection is a Segment consisting of Segment elements with each element of presumably different lengths ( in contrast to the FixedSegmentArraySection).
The SegmentComposite is a Segment composed of multiple child Segment elements.
A SegmentConsumer consumes a Segment and is used to create lambda expressions used for asynchronous callback.
The SegmentDestination is used to receive Segment instances in a unified way.
The SegmentPackager interface defines methods to package (wrap) a Segment e.g. with a CrcSegmentDecorator.
Dummy implementation of a SegmentPackager just passing through provided Segment instances.
The SegmentReceiver is used to receive Segment instances in a unified way.
A SegmentResult instance is issued by the SerialReceiver to receive a Transmission's data asynchronously.
The SegmentSource is used to send Segment instances in a unified way.
Combines the SegmentTransmitter and SegmentReceiver functionality in a single interface to be implemented by a single class so that SegmentTransmitter and SegmentReceiver functionality can be provided by a single instance.
The SegmentTransmitter is used to transmit Segment instances in a unified way.
A Sequence abstracts a byte field providing means to applying complex operations on that byte field.
Provides an accessor for a Sequence property.
Provides a builder method for a segment property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a segment property.
Provides a segment property.
A SequenceConsumer consumes a Sequence and is used to create lambda expressions used for asynchronous callback.
The SequenceInputStream constructs an InputStream from a Sequence.
Provides an accessor for a sequence number property.
Provides a builder method for a sequence number property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a sequence number property.
Provides a sequence number property.
Provides an accessor for a ConcatenateMode property.
Provides a builder method for a sequence number ConcatenateMode property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a sequence number ConcatenateMode property.
Provides a sequence number ConcatenateMode property.
Provides an accessor for a sequence number initial value property.
Provides a builder method for a sequence number initial value property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a sequence number initial value property.
Provides a sequence number initial value property.
Convenience class for the NumberSegment using TransmissionMetrics sequence number related properties to configure the SequenceNumberSegment (being an accordingly configured NumberSegment).
Provides an accessor for a sequence number width (in bytes) property.
Provides a builder method for a sequence number width (in bytes) property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a sequence number width (in bytes) property.
Provides a sequence number width (in bytes) property.
The SequenceSection is a Section representing a Sequence.
Base exception for this package.
A SerialReceiver is used to read data from a serial port or the like.
Base runtime exception for this package.
The purpose of a SerialSchema is automatically generate documentation of serial data.
Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the construction of various serial types such as Segment or Section type instances (and the like).
A SerialTransceiver combines SerialReceiver and SerialTransmitter functionality.
A SerialTransmitter is used to write data to a serial port or the like.
Functionality to be maintainable and common for the whole of the serial package.
The ShortArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a short array as payload.
The ShortSegment is an implementation of a Segment carrying in short value as payload.
The StopAndWaitPacketInputStream wraps an InputStream and chunks any data to be written into packets with a sequence number and a block of data.
Builder to build StopAndWaitPacketInputStream instances.
The StopAndWaitPacketOutputStream wraps an OutputStream and chunks any data to be written into packets with a sequence number, a block of data and a CRC checksum.
Builder to build StopAndWaitPacketInputStream instances.
A StopAndWaitPacketStreamSectionDecorator chunks any outgoing stream (OutputStream) into blocks of definite length and reassembles any incoming streams (InputStream) from blocks of definite size into a contiguous stream.
Builder to build StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator instances.
A StopAndWaitPacketStreamSegmentDecorator chunks any outgoing stream (OutputStream) into blocks of definite length and reassembles any incoming streams (InputStream) from blocks of definite size into a contiguous stream.
Builder to build StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator instances.
The StopAndWaitPacketStreamTransmission interface defines the base functionality required by a Transmission instance for providing block stream functionality.
The StopAndWaitSectionDecorator class implements a decorator providing StopAndWaitTransmission functionality for a Section.
Builder to build StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator instances.
The StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator class implements a decorator providing StopAndWaitTransmission functionality for a Segment.
Builder to build StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator instances.
The StopAndWaitTransmission is the most simple implementation of the ARQ (Automatic repeat request) protocol.
The StringArraySection is an implementation of a Section carrying a String array as payload.
The StringSection is an implementation of a Section carrying a String as payload.
The StringSegment is an implementation of a Section carrying a String as payload.
Builder to build StringSegment instances.
The Transmission interface enables an implementing type to provide a Sequence representation of itself or to transmit its Sequence representation through an OutputStream (with an optional feedback InputStream) as of Transmission.transmitTo(OutputStream, InputStream).
Default implementation of the Transmission interface providing an implementation of the Transmission.TransmissionMixin.transmitTo(OutputStream, InputStream) method using the Transmission.toSequence() method.
Provides an accessor for a Transmission property (as of the decorator pattern).
Provides a builder method for a Transmission property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a Transmission property.
Provides a Transmission property.
A TransmissionComposite is a Transmission with child Transmission elements.
Thrown in case a given Transmission cannot be processed.
The TransmissionMetrics interface represents common parameters required when configuring a transmission.
Builder to build TransmissionMetrics.
Provides an accessor for a TransmissionMetrics property.
Provides a builder method for a TransmissionMetrics property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a TransmissionMetrics property.
Provides a TransmissionMetrics property.
Provides an accessor for a transmission retry number.
Provides a builder method for a transmission retry number returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a transmission retry number.
Provides a transmission retry number.A transmission retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
Thrown in case a given Sequence cannot be processed.
Provides an accessor for a transmission timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a builder method for the transmission timeout property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a transmission timeout in milliseconds property.
Provides a transmission timeout in milliseconds property.
A daemon handling SegmentTransmitter.doTransmitSegment(Segment) asynchronous calls.