Class StructureUtility

  • public class StructureUtility
    extends Object
    Utility class to avoid redundant code regarding various PathMap implementations.
    • Method Detail

      • toDataStructure

        public static Object toDataStructure​(PathMap<?> aPathMap,
                                             String aFromPath)
        Hook method for implementing the PathMap.toDataStructure() method.
        aPathMap - The PathMap from which to get the data structure.
        aFromPath - The path below which the PathMap to be converted into a data structure.
        A data structure being a mixture of Map instances and arrays representing the data below the given path.
      • toGenericPath

        public static String toGenericPath​(PathMap<?> aPathMap,
                                           String aPath)
        Normalizes the path as of PathMap.toNormalizedPath(String) and unifies it so that a path never ends with a delimiter (DelimiterAccessor.getDelimiter()). This is necessary as the root path is represented just by the delimiter, meaning that it also ends with the delimiter, though generic operations may require that a path must not end with the delimiter. This means that the root path is an empty String.
        aPathMap - The PathMap for which to unify the path.
        aPath - The path to be unified.
        The resulting generic path never ending with a delimiter.