All Classes and Interfaces

Thrown in case this instance does not contain the requested element (no such key found in the collection).
Interface describing a bean's attribute with a key represented by a String and the value being of any type.
Adds builder functionality to an Attribute.
Class describing a beans's attribute.
Implementation of the Property.PropertyBuilder interface.
Provides an accessor for a boolean array property.
Provides a builder method for a boolean array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a boolean array property.
Provides a boolean array property.
The BoundedIterator decorates an Iterator to limit its element to a maximum number.
Provides an accessor for a byte array property.
Provides a builder method for a byte array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a byte array property.
Provides a byte array property.
The CanonicalMap is an "intermediate" type adding type and Data-Structure related functionality to any implementing class.
The Interface CanonicalMapBuilder.
The Interface MutableCanonicalMap.
The Class CanonicalMapBuilderImpl.
The Class CanonicalMapImpl.
The ClassStructMap disects a Class into its simple types (considering String and Enum types as well as primitive types).
The Interface ClassStructMapBuilder.
The Interface MutableClassStructMap.
The Class ClassStructBuilderImpl.
The Class ClassStructMapImpl.
A Containable is the base functionality provided container (collection).
Basic functionality being provided by any Container (collection) style class.
Extends the Container interface with Clearable functionality (as of Clearable.clear()).
Extends the Container with mutable (writable) functionality, ehttps://www.metacodes.proly by enabling the Iterator.remove() method in the Iterator provided via Elements.iterator().
Provides an accessor for a double array property.
Provides a builder method for a double array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a double array property.
Provides a double array property.
Basic functionality being provided by any Elements (collection) style class.
Extends the Elements interface with Clearable functionality (as of Clearable.clear()).
Extends the Elements with mutable (writable) functionality, ehttps://www.metacodes.proly by enabling the Iterator.remove() method in the Iterator provided via Elements.MutableElements.iterator() and by providing the Elements.MutableElements.add(Object) and the Elements.MutableElements.remove(Object) methods.
Provides an accessor for a float array property.
Provides a builder method for a float array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a float array property.
Provides a float array property.
The InterOperableMap provides convenience accessor default methods for supporting primitive data types.
The InterOperableMap.InterOperableMapBuilder provides convenience accessor default methods for supporting primitive data types.
The InterOperableMap.InterOperableMapBuilder provides convenience accessor default methods for supporting primitive data types.
Thrown in case this instance does not contain the requested element (no such key found in the collection).
Thrown in case this instance does not contain the requested element (no such key found in the collection).
This interface provides functionality for working with keys.
Adds mutable functionality to the Keys interface.
Mixin for mutable functionality accompanying the Keys interface.
Comparator for path elements, it takes care to sort index values correctly, e.g. "1000" must come after "9": The paths "/foo/bar/1000/wow" and "/foo/bar/9/wow" should be sorted as follows: "/foo/bar/9/wow" "/foo/bar/1000/wow"
A PathMap is a flat map by which each element is addressed by a path; represented by the PathMap's keys.
The PathMap.MutablePathMap adds mutable functionality to the PathMap.
The PathMap.PathMapBuilder adds builder functionality to the PathMap.MutablePathMap.
The PathMapBuilderImpl class implements the PathMap.PathMapBuilder interface and provides a hook PathMapBuilderImpl.createBackingMap() method which may be overridden for providing another Map type as backing map than the default one.
The PathMapImpl class implements the PathMap interface and provides a hook PathMapImpl.createBackingMap() method which may be overridden for providing another Map type as backing map than the default one.
The PathSortStrategy defines strategies to use when sorting e.g. when using a PathComparator or the method PathMap.sortedKeys(PathSortStrategy)
The PrimitiveArrayType enumeration contains the Class representation of the primitive array types.
A Property is defined as being String representing a property's key and a String representing the proprty's value.
Adds builder functionality to a Property.
Implementation of the Property interface.
Implementation of the Property.PropertyBuilder interface.
Range<V extends Number & Comparable<V>>
Interface describing a range with a minimum value and a maximum value.
Adds builder functionality to a Range.
Implementation of the Range interface.
Implementation of the Range.RangeBuilder interface.
A Referencee encapsulates a reference to an instance which might be null at the time of the referencee's creation.
Provides an accessor for a key-to-value property useful in some occasions.
Adds builder functionality to a Relation.
Implementation of the Relation interface.
Implementation of the Relation.RelationBuilder interface.
Provides an accessor for a short array property.
Provides a builder method for a short array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a short array property.
Provides a short array property.
The SimpleType enumeration provides functionality useful when working wit Java's primitive types, their wrapper counterparts as well as with some other crucial types such as String, Date, Enum, Class or Locale types.
A SimpleTypeMap disects an Object into its primitive types such as Boolean, Byte, Short, Character, Integer, Long, Float or Double instances as well as its (not that primitive) types such as String, Enum or Class instances.
The SimpleTypeMap.MutableSimpleTypeMap adds functionality for manipulating the internal state to the SimpleTypeMap.
A SimpleTypeMap.SimpleTypeMapBuilder sets builder functionality (as of the builder pattern) on top of the SimpleTypeMap.MutableSimpleTypeMap.
An implementation of the SimpleTypeMap.SimpleTypeMapBuilder.
An implementation of the SimpleTypeMap.
Provides an accessor for a String array property.
Provides a builder method for a String array property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a String array property.
Provides a String array property.
The StructureException is the base checked exception for this package.
The StructureRuntimeException is the base runtime exception for this package.
Utility class to avoid redundant code regarding various PathMap implementations.
Basic functionality being provided by any Table (map) style class.
Extends the Table with mutable (writable) functionality, ehttps://www.metacodes.proly by providing Keys.MutableValues.put(Object, Object) and Keys.MutableKeys.delete(String) methods.
Provides a builder method for a Relation property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides an accessor for a type mode property.
Provides a builder method for a type mode property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a type mode property.
Provides a type mode property.
The TypeUtility uses reflection to fiddle around with primitives, types, classes, instances and the like.