Uses of Class

  • Uses of ColumnMismatchException in org.refcodes.tabular

    Modifier and Type
    AbstractColumn.get(Record<?> aRecord)
    Retrieves a type correct value from the Record identified by the Column instance's key.
    Column.get(Record<?> aRecord)
    Retrieves a type correct value from the Record identified by the Column instance's key.
    FormattedColumnDecorator.get(Record<?> aRecord)
    Retrieves a type correct value from the Record identified by the Column instance's key.
    default T
    Header.get(Row<T> aRow, String aKey)
    This method retrieves a value from the Row by taking the index of the according column of this Header of the given key (the one with the given key) and returns that value.
    Row.get(Header<T> aHeader, String aKey)
    This method retrieves a value from the row by taking the index of the according column in the header of the given key (the one with the given key) and returns that value.
    RowImpl.get(Header<T> aHeader, String aKey)
    This method retrieves a value from the row by taking the index of the according column in the header of the given key (the one with the given key) and returns that value.
    AbstractColumn.remove(Record<?> aRecord)
    Removes an entry (key and value pair) from the provided Record matching the key and the type of the Column.
    Column.remove(Record<?> aRecord)
    Removes an entry (key and value pair) from the provided Record matching the key and the type of the Column.
    FormattedColumnDecorator.remove(Record<?> aRecord)
    Removes an entry (key and value pair) from the provided Record matching the key and the type of the Column.
    default <REC> Record<REC>
    Header.toIntersection(Record<REC> aRecord)
    Returns a Record just containing the keys as defined in the Header and found in the provided Record.
    AbstractHeader.toPrintable(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    To printable.
    AbstractHeader.toPrintable(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    To printable.
    HeaderRow.toPrintable(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very https://www.metacodes.proized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
    HeaderRow.toPrintable(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very https://www.metacodes.proized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
    AbstractHeader.toPrintableRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very https://www.metacodes.proized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
    HeaderRow.toPrintableRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very https://www.metacodes.proized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
    AbstractHeader.toPrintableRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    To printable row.
    HeaderRow.toPrintableRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very https://www.metacodes.proized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
    AbstractHeader.toRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    To record.
    HeaderRow.toRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    Creates a Record of the Row with the values in the order of the HeaderRow.
    AbstractHeader.toRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    To row.
    HeaderRow.toRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    Creates a Row of the Record with the values in the order of the HeaderRow.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageString(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    To storage string.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageString(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    To storage string.
    HeaderRow.toStorageString(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    HeaderRow.toStorageString(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageStringRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    HeaderRow.toStorageStringRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageStringRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    HeaderRow.toStorageStringRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageStrings(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    To storage strings.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageStrings(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    To storage strings.
    HeaderRow.toStorageStrings(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    HeaderRow.toStorageStrings(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageStringsRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    HeaderRow.toStorageStringsRecord(Row<? extends T> aRow)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    AbstractHeader.toStorageStringsRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    HeaderRow.toStorageStringsRow(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
    A Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
    default <REC> Record<REC>
    Header.toSubset(Record<REC> aRecord)
    Returns a Record just containing the keys as defined in the Header; keys not found in the provided Record are ignored.
    CsvRecordWriter.writeNext(Record<T> aRecord)
    Directly logs the provided String instances to the writer.
    RecordWriter.writeNext(Record<T> aRecord)
    Directly logs the provided String instances to the writer.
    default <TYPE> void
    RecordWriter.writeNextLine(String... aRecord)
    Directly writes the provided instance to the writer.