Interface SchemeAccessor.SchemeMutator

All Known Subinterfaces:
HttpServerContext.HttpServerContextBuilder, SchemeAccessor.SchemeProperty, Url.UrlBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:
HttpServerContextBuilderImpl, UrlBuilderImpl
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SchemeAccessor.SchemeMutator
Provides a mutator for a URL scheme.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void setProtocol​(String aProtocol)
    Sets the protocol String representation for the scheme property.
    void setScheme​( aScheme)
    Sets the UrlScheme for the URL scheme.
  • Method Details

    • setScheme

      void setScheme​( aScheme)
      Sets the UrlScheme for the URL scheme.
      aScheme - The UrlScheme to be stored by the URL scheme.
    • setProtocol

      void setProtocol​(String aProtocol)
      Sets the protocol String representation for the scheme property. You must provide the scheme's specific part as well. In case of HTTP, provide "http://". In case your provided protocol is unknown by the Scheme enumeration, then the scheme property will not be set, though the SchemeAccessor.toProtocol() still returns your protocol.
      aProtocol - The UrlScheme's String representation to be stored by the URL scheme.