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AbstractSchema - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
An abstract schema definition that can handle updates on anything definable as a schema.
AbstractSchema() - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
AbstractSchema.Update - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
Definition of a schema update.
addAttribute(String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Add the specified attribute of specified type.
addMethod(SQLTypeGenerator.Method) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Add a method to the list of methods defined in the generated Java and that may be used by external mechanisms.
allArguments(Object...) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Given multiple argument arrays, combine them into one unified argument list for passing to a parametrised query's "Object ...
apply(AbstractSchema) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema.Update
Apply a schema update.
Attribute - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Represents an attribute of a Tuple.
attributes - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult
Attributes in generated Tuple.


connection - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Connection to database this transaction is running in.
create() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
Create and initialise a new schema, which usually only contains version store, because it is assumed that updates will be run to create other content.
create() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
createTuple(String, String, String, ResultSet, Customisations) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Given a target code directory and a desired Tuple class name, and a ResultSet, generate a Tuple class to host the ResultSet.
createTupleForUpdate(String, String, String, ResultSet, Customisations, String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Given a target code directory and a desired UpdatableTuple class name, and a ResultSet, generate an UpdatableTuple class to host the ResultSet.
createTupleFromQuery(String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQuery(String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Use a parametric SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQuery(Connection, String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a parametric SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryAll(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryAll(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryAll(Connection, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryAllForUpdate(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding UpdatableTuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryAllForUpdate(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding UpdatableTuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryAllForUpdate(Connection, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding UpdatableTuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryForUpdate(String, String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a SELECT query to generate a corresponding UpdatableTuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryForUpdate(String, String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Use a parametric SELECT query to generate a corresponding UpdatableTuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
createTupleFromQueryForUpdate(Connection, String, String, String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a parametric SELECT query to generate a corresponding Tuple-derived class to represent future evaluations of the same query or similar queries.
Customisations - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Defines custom, DBMS-specific behaviour.


database - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Database used to create this Tuple.
database - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Database upon which this transaction will run.
Database - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Database access layer.
Database(DataSource, String, Customisations) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Construct a Database.
Database.ConnectionUser<T> - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Used to define lambda expressions that make use of a Connection and return a value of type T.
Database.PreparedStatementUser<T> - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Used to define lambda expressions that make use of a PreparedStatement and return a value of type T.
Database.ResultSetReceiver<T> - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Used to define lambda expressions that receive a ResultSet for processing.
Database.SQLEvent - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
An instance of an SQL query, for monitoring queries processed by a Database.
Database.Transaction<T> - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Encapsulates a transaction.
Database.TransactionRunner<T> - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Used to define lambda expressions for transactional processing.
Database.XactGo<T> - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Used to define lambda expressions for more ergonomic transaction processing.
define(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Given the filespec of a YAML query definition file, run it to define queries.
defineQuery(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Define a Tuple type, and a Query class with query methods.
defineQueryForTable(String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Define a Tuple type, and a Query class with query methods.
DefineQueryResult(TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult, Collection<SQLTypeGenerator.Method>) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer.DefineQueryResult
Definer - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Mechanism for defining Query, Update and valueOf classes.
Definer(Database, String, String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Create a Definer, given a Database, the directory where generated class definitions will be stored, and their package.
Definer.DefineQueryResult - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
The result of Query generation.
Definer.DefineValueOfResult - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
The result of ValueOf generation.
defineTable(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Define a Tuple type, and Query class that has an insert(...) and an update(...) for the specified table.
defineTable(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Define a Tuple type, and a Query class with insert(...) and update(...) methods for the specified table.
defineUpdate(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Define an Update class with update(...) methods.
defineValueOf(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Define a ValueOf class with methods that return the first column of the first row.
DefineValueOfResult(Class<?>, Collection<SQLTypeGenerator.Method>) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer.DefineValueOfResult
destroy() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Delete this tuple type before loading it.
destroy(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Delete this SQL construct type.
destroyTuple(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Eliminate the tuple with a given name.
distributeSQLEvent(String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Distribute a SQLEvent to interested listeners.


emitDatabaseAbstractionLayer(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Create a new class that provides to invoke all the methods defined using this Definer.
emptyToNull(String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
If the String argument is null or an empty string, return null.
error - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
The Throwable error.
error - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionIndeterminate
Error that caused indeterminacy.


FAIL - Static variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
A 'false' valid response.
failure - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple.FieldGetFailure
Reason we couldn't retrieve the given field.
FatalException - Error in org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions
This exception is thrown when fatal errors are encountered.
FatalException(String) - Constructor for error org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions.FatalException
Create an ExceptionFatal.
FatalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions.FatalException
Create an ExceptionFatal.
field - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple.FieldGetFailure
Field whose value we're trying to retrieve from a class instance.


generate() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Generate this query type as a Java class definition.
generate() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Generate this tuple type as a Java class definition.
generatedFile - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult
Generated source file.
generateJavaCode(String, String, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.generator.JavaGenerator
Generate compilable Java code.
generateResult - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer.DefineQueryResult
Result of Tuple type generation.
GenerateResult(List<Attribute>, File) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult
getArguments() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQL
Get array of arguments.
getDatabase() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Obtain the database.
getDataFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Given a Class used as a tuple type, return a stream of fields suitable for data.
getDeclaredQueryParameterNameListString() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Return a parameter list reference string.
getDefinitionSourceCode() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.QueryTypeGenerator
getDefinitionSourceCode() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Obtain the Java text for this definition.
getDefinitionSourceCode() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdateTypeGenerator
getDefinitionSourceCode() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ValueOfTypeGenerator
getKeyColumnNamesFor(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Get primary key for a given table.
getKeyColumnNamesFor(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Get primary key for a given table.
getKeyColumnNamesFor(Connection, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Get primary key for a given table.
getMethods() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Get all the classes and their methods defined by using this Definer.
getMethods() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Get a collection of methods defined in the generated Java that may be used by external mechanisms.
getPackageSpec() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Get package specification.
getParameterDefinitionListString(boolean) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Return a parameter list specification string.
getParameterList(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Obtain the declared parameter list, with optional additional Database and Connection parameters.
getParameterNames() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLParameterConverter
Get the parameter names obtained by process().
getQueryName() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Get query name.
getQueryText() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQL
Get query SQL text.
getResult() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.Transaction
Obtain transaction execution result.
getSpecificColumnClass(String) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Customisations
Some JDBC drivers return a general class type, like java.lang.Object, for ResultSet::getMetaData().getColumnClassName(column).
getSpecificColumnClass(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.sqlite.SQLiteCustomisations
getSpecificColumnValue(Object, String) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Customisations
As noted above, some JDBC drivers return a generic class for a column type.
getSpecificColumnValue(Object, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.sqlite.SQLiteCustomisations
getSQLText() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLParameterConverter
Get SQL text.
getSQLText() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Get SQL text.
getTransaction() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
Obtain a new transaction.
getTransaction() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
getTupleClass() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Query
Get Tuple class.
getTupleClassName() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Return the class name of the tuple.
getTypeOfFirstColumn(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain the type of the first column of a query.
getTypeOfFirstColumn(Connection, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain the type of the first column of a query.
getUpdates() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
A collection of schema updates.
getUpdates() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchemaYAML
getVersion() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
Return VersionNewDatabase instance for new database.
getVersion() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
getVersionString() - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.version.Version
Obtain the version string for this library.
getVersionTableAttributeName() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Get the name of the column of the version table that contains the version number.
getVersionTableAttributeTypeName() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Get the name of the type of the column of the version table that contains the version number.
getVersionTableName() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Get the name of the table that contains the schema version number.
go(Connection) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.ConnectionUser
Use a connection.
go(PreparedStatement) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.PreparedStatementUser
Execute a prepared statement.
go(ResultSet) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.ResultSetReceiver
Process a ResultSet.
go(Xact) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.XactGo
Run the transaction


hasArgs() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Return true if arguments have been specified.


insert(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Insert this Tuple.
insert(Connection, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Insert this Tuple.
insert(UpdatableTuple, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Insert specified Tuple.
InvalidValueException - Exception in org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions
Exception for invalid values.
InvalidValueException(String) - Constructor for exception org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions.InvalidValueException
Create an InvalidValueException.
is(boolean) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
Create a valid response.
is(Throwable) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
Create an invalid, error response.
isError() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
True if error is null.
isOk() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
Return true if result is valid and true.
isOk(List<UpdatableTuple.FieldGetFailure>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Return true if the result of an insert(...) contains no field failures.
isOk(Pair<List<UpdatableTuple.FieldGetFailure>, List<UpdatableTuple.FieldGetFailure>>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Return true if the result of an update(...) contains no field failures.
isValid() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
True if the value is not null.


JavaGenerator - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.generator
Machinery for generating Java source code.
JavaGenerator(String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.generator.JavaGenerator


location - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.SQLEvent
Where the query was issued.


Method(String, String, List<Attribute>, String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator.Method
methods - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer.DefineQueryResult
Methods generated by this definition.
methods - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer.DefineValueOfResult
Methods generated by this definition.


name - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator.Method
Base method name.
newResultSetGeneratesTupleClass(String, String, String, Customisations) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a lambda to generate a new Tuple-derived class from a ResultSet.
newResultSetGeneratesTupleClassForUpdate(String, String, String, Customisations, String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a lambda to generate a new UpdatableTuple-derived class from a ResultSet.
newResultSetToStream(Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a lambda that converts a ResultSet to a Stream<T> where T extends Tuple.
newResultSetToStreamForUpdate(Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a lambda that converts a ResultSet to a Stream<T> where T extends UpdatableTuple, and each Tuple is configured for a future update.
nullTo(String, String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
If the String argument is null or an empty string, return a specified replacement string.
nullToEmptyString(String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
If the String argument is null or an empty string, return an empty string.


obtainDirectoryFromSourcePathAndPackage(String, String) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.generator.JavaGenerator
Given a source code directory and a package specification, get the directory they specify.
obtainTypeOfFirstColumnOfResultSet(ResultSet, Customisations) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Obtain the type of the first column of a ResultSet.
OK - Static variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
A 'true' valid response.
org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions - package org.reldb.wrapd.exceptions
org.reldb.wrapd.generator - package org.reldb.wrapd.generator
Java code generation.
org.reldb.wrapd.response - package org.reldb.wrapd.response
Tools for handling a variety of method responses.
org.reldb.wrapd.schema - package org.reldb.wrapd.schema
Tools for migrating schemas and managing schema change.
org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb - package org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Tools for interacting with a SQL DBMS.
org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.sqlite - package org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.sqlite
Customisations specifically for SQLite.
org.reldb.wrapd.version - package org.reldb.wrapd.version
Tools to obtain this library's version.


parameters - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator.Method
Method parameter list.
printError(String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
Dump an error's description, and its cause(s).
printError(Throwable) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
Dump an error's description, and its cause(s).
printIfError() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
If this Response isError() == true, dump the error.
process() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLParameterConverter
Generate the revised SQL and parameter name list.
process(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple.AttributeReceiver
Process an attribute.
process(ResultSet, Class<T>, ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Iterate a ResultSet, unmarshall each row into a Tuple, and pass it to a TupleProcessor for processing.
process(T) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor
Process a tuple.
processConnection(Database.ConnectionUser<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a connection.
processForUpdate(Database, ResultSet, Class<T>, ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Iterate a ResultSet, unmarshall each row into a Tuple, and pass it to a TupleProcessor for processing.
processPreparedStatement(Database.PreparedStatementUser<T>, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Use a prepared statement.
processPreparedStatement(Database.PreparedStatementUser<T>, Connection, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a prepared statement.
processResultSetAttributes(ResultSet, Customisations, ResultSetToTuple.AttributeReceiver) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Do something with each attribute (i.e., name/class pair) of a ResultSet.
processTransaction(Database.TransactionRunner<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Execute some code in a transaction.
purgeTarget() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer
Prior to generating new code, purge everything in the package-specified subdirectory of the code directory.


qualifier - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator.Method
Qualifier to method name.
query(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
query(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
query(String, Database.ResultSetReceiver<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions, process it, and return the result
query(String, Database.ResultSetReceiver<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions, process it, and return the result
query(Connection, String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
query(Connection, String, Database.ResultSetReceiver<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions, process it, and return the result
query(Connection, Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
query(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
query(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
Query<T extends Tuple> - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
An SQL SELECT (or equivalent RecordSet-returning) Query.
Query(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Query
Define a Query.
Query(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Query
Define a Query.
queryAll(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
queryAll(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
queryAll(String, Database.ResultSetReceiver<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a SELECT query, process it, and return the result
queryAll(String, Database.ResultSetReceiver<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a SELECT query, process it, and return the result
queryAll(Connection, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
queryAll(Connection, String, Database.ResultSetReceiver<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a SELECT query, process it, and return the result
queryAll(Connection, Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
queryAll(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
queryAll(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation.
queryAllForUpdate(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryAllForUpdate(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryAllForUpdate(Connection, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryAllForUpdate(Connection, Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryAllForUpdate(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryAllForUpdate(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryForUpdate(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryForUpdate(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryForUpdate(Connection, String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryForUpdate(Connection, Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryForUpdate(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Obtain a stream of Tuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
queryForUpdate(Query<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Obtain a stream of UpdatableTuple derivatives from a query evaluation for possible update.
QueryTypeGenerator - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Generates Java code to represent a query, which is a class that implements Query.
QueryTypeGenerator(String, String, String, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.QueryTypeGenerator
Create a generator of compiled query invokers.


reason - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionIndeterminate
Reason for indeterminacy.
replaceTableNames(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Wherever $$ appears in the argument, replace it with dbTableNamePrefix.
Response<T> - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.response
Effectively a union type of some value T or a (Throwable) error.
Response(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
Create an error response.
Response(T) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
Create a valid, non-error response.
Result - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.response
A Response that wraps a Boolean.
Result(boolean) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
Create a Result from a boolean value.
Result(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Result
Create a Result from a Throwable error.
ResultAction - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
For defining lambdas that return a Result.
ResultSetToTuple - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Tools for creating Tuple-derived classes from ResultSetS and for turning ResultSetS into Tuple-derived instances for processing directly or as a List or Stream.
ResultSetToTuple() - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
ResultSetToTuple.AttributeReceiver - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
A functional interface for defining lambda expressions that do something with an attribute name and an attribute type.
ResultSetToTuple.TupleProcessor<T extends Tuple> - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
FunctionalInterface to define lambdas for processing each Tuple in a ResultSet.
returns - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator.Method
Return type name or specification.
run() - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.schema.ResultAction
Run something.
run(Connection) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.TransactionRunner
Run an operation in a Transaction.
run(ResultAction) - Method in interface org.reldb.wrapd.schema.UpdateTransaction
Perform an Update transaction.


set(Throwable) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
Create an error response.
set(T) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
Create a valid, non-error response.
setTableName(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.QueryTypeGenerator
Set table name.
setTableName(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
If this Tuple type maps to a table, we can set its name here and additional insert(), insert(Connection), update(), and update(Connection) methods will be generated by generate() to simplify inserting into the table.
setup() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
Verify schema exists and is up-to-date.
setup(ProgressIndicator) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
Verify schema exists and is up-to-date.
setVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.AbstractSchema
Set new version number after successful update.
setVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
setVersionTableAttributeName(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Set the name of the column of the version table that contains the version number.
setVersionTableAttributeTypeName(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Set the name of the type of the column of the version table that contains the version number.
setVersionTableName(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Set the name of the table that contains the version number.
SQL - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Abstract base class for (possibly parametric) SQL definitions.
SQL(String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQL
Define a SQL construct.
SQL(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQL
Define a SQL construct.
SQLEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.SQLEvent
sqlEvents - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Subscribe to monitor queries processed by a Database.
SQLiteCustomisations - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.sqlite
Customisations required for SQLite.
SQLiteCustomisations() - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.sqlite.SQLiteCustomisations
SQLParameterConverter - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Convert SQL text with optional parameters specified as ? or {name} to SQL text with only ? parameters, and obtain a list of parameter names, where a generated parameter name will correspond to each ?, and the specified name will be for each {name}.
SQLParameterConverter(String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLParameterConverter
Create a SQL parameter converter.
SQLSchema - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
A SQL schema migrator.
SQLSchema(Database) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchema
Create an instance of a schema for a specified Database.
SQLSchemaYAML - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
A SQLSchema with schema migrations defined in a YAML file.
SQLSchemaYAML(Database, String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.SQLSchemaYAML
Define a schema creation/migration for a specified Database.
sqlText - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.SQLEvent
The SQL text of the query.
SQLTypeGenerator - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Generates Java code to represent a SQL construct.
SQLTypeGenerator(String, String, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator
Create a generator of compiled update invokers.
SQLTypeGenerator.Method - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
A method definition for a generated method.


toList(ResultSet, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Convert a ResultSet to a List of TupleS.
toListForUpdate(Database, ResultSet, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Convert a ResultSet to a List of UpdatableTupleS, each configured for a possible future update.
toStream(ResultSet, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Convert a ResultSet to a Stream of TupleS.
toStreamForUpdate(Database, ResultSet, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ResultSetToTuple
Convert a ResultSet to a Stream of UpdatableTupleS, each configured for a possible future update.
toString() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
toString() - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.SQLTypeGenerator.Method
transact(Database.XactGo<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Run one or more database operations in a transaction wrapped with Xact for syntactic convenience.
Transaction(Database.TransactionRunner<T>) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database.Transaction
Encapsulate a transaction.
Tuple - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
The base class for all tuples.
Tuple() - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Tuple
TupleTypeGenerator - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Generates Java code to represent a tuple, which is a class that implements Tuple.
TupleTypeGenerator(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Create a generator of compiled Tuple-derived classes, which can be used to conveniently receive SELECT query results and generate INSERT and UPDATE queries.
TupleTypeGenerator.GenerateResult - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Result of generate().
type - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Definer.DefineValueOfResult
Type of first column of result.
typeOf(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.TupleTypeGenerator
Return the type of an attribute with a given name.


UpdatableTuple - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
The base class for all updatable tuples.
UpdatableTuple() - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
UpdatableTuple(Database) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
UpdatableTuple.FieldGetFailure - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Failure to retrieve a Field.
update(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Update this tuple.
update(String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric update query with '?' substitutions.
update(String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a parametric update query with '?' substitutions.
update(Connection, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdatableTuple
Update this tuple.
update(Connection, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric update query with '?' substitutions.
update(Connection, Update) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue an update query.
update(UpdatableTuple, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Update specified tuple.
update(Update) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue an update query.
update(Update) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue an update query.
Update - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
An SQL update (typically INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or stored procedure invoking) query.
Update(String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Update
Define an update query.
Update(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Update
Define an update query.
updateAll(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue an update query.
updateAll(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue an update query.
updateAll(Connection, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue an update query.
updateAll(Connection, Update) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue an update query.
updateAll(Update) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue an update query.
updateAll(Update) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue an update query.
UpdateTransaction - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
Interface to define a lambda that returns a Result and requires a ResultAction parameter.
UpdateTypeGenerator - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Generates Java code to represent an update query, which is a class that implements Update.
UpdateTypeGenerator(String, String, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.UpdateTypeGenerator
Create a generator of compiled update invokers.
useConnection(Database.ConnectionUser<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a connection.
usePreparedStatement(Database.PreparedStatementUser<T>, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Use a prepared statement.
usePreparedStatement(Database.PreparedStatementUser<T>, Connection, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Use a prepared statement.
useTransaction(Database.TransactionRunner<T>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Execute some code in a transaction.


value - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.response.Response
The valid value of this Response.
value - Variable in class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionNumber
The version number.
valueOf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOf(Connection, String, Object...) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOf(Connection, Query<? extends Tuple>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOf(Query<? extends Tuple>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a parametric SELECT query with '?' substitutions and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOf(Query<? extends Tuple>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a parametric Query with '?' substitutions and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOfAll(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a SELECT query and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOfAll(String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a SELECT query and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOfAll(Connection, String) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a SELECT query and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOfAll(Connection, Query<? extends Tuple>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a SELECT query and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOfAll(Query<? extends Tuple>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Database
Issue a SELECT query and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
valueOfAll(Query<? extends Tuple>) - Method in class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.Xact
Issue a Query and obtain a value for the first row in the first column.
ValueOfTypeGenerator - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Generates Java code to ergonomically represent valueOf(...) queries.
ValueOfTypeGenerator(String, String, String, Class<?>, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb.ValueOfTypeGenerator
Create a generator of compiled update invokers.
Version - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.version
Encapsulates this library version.
Version - Interface in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
Base type for Version* types.
VersionIndeterminate - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
An indeterminate Version.
VersionIndeterminate(String) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionIndeterminate
Create a VersionIndeterminate, given the reason it's indeterminate.
VersionIndeterminate(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionIndeterminate
Create a VersionIndeterminate, given the reason it's indeterminate and the error that caused it to be indeterminate.
VersionIndeterminate(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionIndeterminate
Create a VersionIndeterminate, given the error that caused it to be indeterminate.
VersionNewDatabase - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
This Version indicates the database has been created but apparently not configured yet.
VersionNewDatabase() - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionNewDatabase
VersionNumber - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.schema
The database is this Version.
VersionNumber(int) - Constructor for class org.reldb.wrapd.schema.VersionNumber
Create VersionNumber of a given value.


Xact - Class in org.reldb.wrapd.sqldb
Transaction wrapper that allows database query and update operations to be invoked transactionally in an ergonomic fashion.
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