Interface RelativeRangeConsumer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    IntConsumerRelativeRangeAdapter, LongConsumerRelativeRangeAdapter

    public interface RelativeRangeConsumer
    A consumer interface to process ranges of value contained in a bitmap using relative offsets.

    All positions are relative offsets to a start position given as an argument to methods that expect a range consumer. In other words, the bitmap global index for every position in the methods provided by this interface is start + relativePos. (For 64-bit bitmaps start may be a long and so would thus start + relativePos.)

    A "present" value at a global position pos is one where bitmap.contains(pos) == true. An "absent" value at a global position pos is one where bitmap.contains(pos) == false.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void acceptAbsent​(int relativePos)
      Consume a single absent value at relativePos.
      void acceptAllAbsent​(int relativeFrom, int relativeTo)
      Consume consecutive absent values in the range [relativeFrom, relativeTo).
      void acceptAllPresent​(int relativeFrom, int relativeTo)
      Consume consecutive present values in the range [relativeFrom, relativeTo).
      void acceptPresent​(int relativePos)
      Consume a single present value at relativePos.
    • Method Detail

      • acceptPresent

        void acceptPresent​(int relativePos)
        Consume a single present value at relativePos.
      • acceptAbsent

        void acceptAbsent​(int relativePos)
        Consume a single absent value at relativePos.
      • acceptAllPresent

        void acceptAllPresent​(int relativeFrom,
                              int relativeTo)
        Consume consecutive present values in the range [relativeFrom, relativeTo).
      • acceptAllAbsent

        void acceptAllAbsent​(int relativeFrom,
                             int relativeTo)
        Consume consecutive absent values in the range [relativeFrom, relativeTo).