Interface RemoteScriptNodeStepPlugin

  • public interface RemoteScriptNodeStepPlugin
    The plugin interface for a Remote Script Node Step Plugin.
    • Method Detail

      • generateScript

        GeneratedScript generateScript​(PluginStepContext context,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> configuration,
                                       INodeEntry entry)
                                throws NodeStepException
        Generate a full script or command string to execute on the remote node
        context - the step context
        configuration - Any configuration property values not otherwise applied to the plugin
        entry - the Node
        the generated script
        NodeStepException - if an error occurs
      • hasAdditionalConfigVarGroupName

        default boolean hasAdditionalConfigVarGroupName()
        Additional Group name for config variables, other than 'config'
        true to include additional config var group 'nodestep'