

package utils

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ActionInfo[T](id: ActionId, data: T, action: Action) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the information about an action.

    Represents the information about an action.


    The type of additional data associated with the action


    The id associated with the action


    The additional data associated with the action


    The action as a function

  2. class JDILoader extends Logging

    Represents the loader for the JDI (Java Debugger Interface) library shipped with the Oracle JDK and Open JDK.

    Represents the loader for the JDI (Java Debugger Interface) library shipped with the Oracle JDK and Open JDK. Attempts to load the library from a classloader or searches for the library in common locations.

  3. class JDIProcess extends Logging

    Represents a process started with appropriate configuration for use with JDI.

  4. class JDITools extends JDILoader with Logging

    Contains utility methods related to the Java Debugger Interface.

  5. trait Logging extends AnyRef

    A trait for mixing in logging.

    A trait for mixing in logging. This trait exposes an SLF4J logger through a protected field called logger.

  6. class LoopingTaskRunner extends AnyRef

    Represents a queue of tasks that will be executed infinitely in order until removed.

  7. class Memoization[I, K, O] extends (I) ⇒ O

    Represents a generic form of memoization.

    Represents a generic form of memoization. Modified from Pathikrit Bhowmick's copy of Scala Memoization.


    Represents the input to the memoized function


    Represents the type of key to use for cached results


    Represents the output of the memoized function

    See also

  8. class MultiMap[Key, Value] extends AnyRef

    Represents a data structure of mappings for multiple values.

    Represents a data structure of mappings for multiple values.


    The key used to go from Key -> Seq[Id]


    The value yielded from Key or any Id

  9. class PendingActionManager[T] extends AnyRef

    Represents a manager of pending actions that can be added and performed.

    Represents a manager of pending actions that can be added and performed.


    The type of information associated with the action

Value Members

  1. object ActionInfo extends Serializable

    Contains constants and type information.

  2. object JDITools extends JDITools

    Exposes utility methods related to the Java Debugger Interface.

  3. object LoopingTaskRunner

    Contains defaults for the looping task runner.

  4. object Memoization

    Provides additional abstractions on top of memoization.
