
package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AssemblyClassPath extends ClassPath[MsilFile]

    A assembly file (dll / exe) containing classes and namespaces

  2. class BatchSourceFile extends SourceFile

    a file whose contents do not change over time

  3. abstract class CharArrayReader extends AnyRef

  4. abstract class ClassPath[T] extends AnyRef

    Represents a package which contains classes and other packages

  5. case class CommandLine(args: List[String], unaryArguments: List[String], binaryArguments: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  6. class DirectoryClassPath extends ClassPath[AbstractFile]

    A directory (or a .

  7. class EmptyAction extends () ⇒ Unit

  8. class Exceptional extends AnyRef

    A simple throwable wrapper so it looks more like a parade of glittering frame-shaped beauties than the other thing.

  9. class FailedInterrupt extends Exception

  10. case class FakePos(msg: String) extends Position with Product with Serializable

  11. class FlagsUtil extends AnyRef

    Some functions for generating comments and methods involving flags, with the output determined by reflection so we can have a little more assurance that documentation and debugging output match up with reality.

  12. class FrameContext extends AnyRef

  13. trait FreshNameCreator extends AnyRef

  14. trait HasClassPath extends AnyRef

  15. type HashSet[T >: Null <: AnyRef] = HashSet[T]

    Definition Classes
  16. class Indenter extends AnyRef

  17. abstract class InterruptReq extends AnyRef

    A class of work items to be used in interrupt requests.

  18. class JavaCharArrayReader extends Iterator[Char] with Cloneable

  19. class JavaClassPath extends MergedClassPath[AbstractFile]

    The classpath when compiling with target:jvm.

  20. class JavaStackFrame extends AnyRef

  21. trait LowPriorityScalaPrefs extends AnyRef

  22. class MergedClassPath[T] extends ClassPath[T]

    A classpath unifying multiple class- and sourcepath entries.

  23. class MsilClassPath extends MergedClassPath[MsilFile]

    The classpath when compiling with target:msil.

  24. class MultiHashMap[K, V] extends HashMap[K, Set[V]]

    A hashmap with set-valued values, and an empty set as default value

  25. class OffsetPosition extends Position

  26. trait ParserUtil extends Parsers

    A simple command line parser to replace the several different simple ones spread around trunk.

  27. trait Position extends Position with Attachment

  28. trait ProxyReport extends AnyRef

    A class for analyzing forwarding/proxy relationships.

  29. class RangePosition extends OffsetPosition

    new for position ranges

  30. trait ScalaClassLoader extends ClassLoader

    A wrapper around java.

  31. trait ScalaPrefs extends AnyRef

  32. class ScriptSourceFile extends BatchSourceFile

  33. type Set[T <: AnyRef] = Set[T]

    Definition Classes
  34. class SimpleTracer extends AnyRef

    A simple tracer

  35. abstract class SourceFile extends AnyRef

    abstract base class of a source file used in the compiler

  36. class SourcePath[T] extends ClassPath[T]

    A Classpath containing source files

  37. class Statistics extends Statistics

  38. abstract class StatisticsInfo extends AnyRef

  39. class TableDef[T] extends AnyRef

    A class for representing tabular data in a way that preserves its inner beauty.

  40. class Tracer extends AnyRef

  41. class TransFlagManager[T <: Global] extends AnyRef

  42. class TransparentPosition extends RangePosition

  43. class TreeSet[T >: Null <: AnyRef] extends Set[T]

    Sets implemented as binary trees.

  44. class WeakHashSet[T <: AnyRef] extends AbstractFunction1[T, Boolean]

    A bare-bones implementation of a mutable Set that uses weak references to hold the elements.

  45. class WeakReferenceWithEquals[T <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

    A WeakReference implementation that implements equals and hashCode by delegating to the referent.

  46. class WorkScheduler extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. val Chars: reflect.internal.Chars.type

    Definition Classes
  2. object ClassPath extends AnyRef

    This module provides star expansion of '-classpath' option arguments, behaves the same as java, see [http://java.

  3. object CommandLineParser extends RegexParsers with ParserUtil

  4. object DocStrings extends AnyRef

    Utilitity methods for doc comment strings

  5. object Exceptional extends AnyRef

  6. object FlagsUtil extends AnyRef

  7. object FlagsUtilCompiler extends FlagsUtil with MarkModifiers

    Convenience standalone programs.

  8. object FlagsUtilLibrary extends FlagsUtil with MarkModifiers

  9. object FrameContext extends AnyRef

  10. object FreshNameCreator extends AnyRef

  11. val HashSet: reflect.internal.util.HashSet.type

    Definition Classes
  12. object JavaClassPath extends AnyRef

  13. object JavaStackFrame extends AnyRef

  14. object MsilClassPath extends AnyRef

    Keeping the MSIL classpath code in its own file is important to make sure we don't accidentally introduce a dependency on msil.

  15. object NoFile extends VirtualFile

  16. object NoPosition extends Position with Product with Serializable

  17. object NoSourceFile extends SourceFile

    An object representing a missing source file.

  18. object Position extends AnyRef

  19. object ProxyReportRunner extends AnyRef

  20. object RegexCache extends AnyRef

  21. object ScalaClassLoader extends AnyRef

    Methods for obtaining various classloaders.

  22. object ScalaPrefs extends LowPriorityScalaPrefs

  23. object ScriptSourceFile extends AnyRef

  24. object ShowPickled extends Names

  25. object Statistics extends Statistics

  26. object TableDef extends AnyRef

  27. object Tracer extends AnyRef

  28. lazy val errtrace: SimpleTracer

    Definition Classes
  29. def freq[T](xs: Traversable[T]): Map[T, Int]

    Frequency counter

    Frequency counter

    Definition Classes
  30. def freqrank[T](xs: Traversable[(T, Int)]): List[(Int, T)]

    Definition Classes
  31. def millisElapsedTo[T](f: (Long) ⇒ Unit)(body: ⇒ T): T

    Given a function and a block of code, evaluates code block, calls function with milliseconds elapsed, and returns block result.

    Given a function and a block of code, evaluates code block, calls function with milliseconds elapsed, and returns block result.

    Definition Classes
  32. def onull[T](value: T, orElse: ⇒ T): T

    Definition Classes
  33. implicit def postfixOps: postfixOps

    Definition Classes
  34. def returning[T](x: T)(f: (T) ⇒ Unit): T

    Apply a function and return the passed value

    Apply a function and return the passed value

    Definition Classes
  35. def stackTraceString(ex: Throwable): String

    Definition Classes
  36. def stringFromStream(stream: (OutputStream) ⇒ Unit): String

    Definition Classes
  37. def stringFromWriter(writer: (PrintWriter) ⇒ Unit): String

    Generate a string using a routine that wants to write on a stream.

    Generate a string using a routine that wants to write on a stream.

    Definition Classes
  38. lazy val trace: SimpleTracer

    Definition Classes
  39. def trackingThreads[T](body: ⇒ T): (T, Seq[Thread])

    Executes the code and returns the result and any threads which were created during its execution.

    Executes the code and returns the result and any threads which were created during its execution.

    Definition Classes
  40. def waitingForThreads[T](body: ⇒ T): T

    Execute code and then wait for all non-daemon Threads created and begun during its execution to complete.

    Execute code and then wait for all non-daemon Threads created and begun during its execution to complete.

    Definition Classes