

package grammar

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ConsRHS(tnt: Int, hnt: Int) extends HedgeRHS with Product with Serializable

    Right hand side of a hedge production, deriving a single tree.

  2. abstract class HedgeRHS extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.10.0) This class will be removed

  3. case class LabelledRHS[A](label: A, hnt: Int) extends TreeRHS with Product with Serializable

    Right hand side of a tree production, labelled with a letter from an alphabet.

  4. abstract class TreeRHS extends AnyRef

    Right hand side of a tree production.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object AnyHedgeRHS extends HedgeRHS with Product with Serializable

    Right hand side of a hedge production, deriving any hedge.

  2. object AnyTreeRHS extends TreeRHS with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.10.0) This class will be removed

  3. object EmptyHedgeRHS extends HedgeRHS with Product with Serializable

    Right hand side of a hedge production, deriving the empty hedge.