Scala 2.7.2.r16513-b20081107075805 API

This document is the API specification for Scala Library

Class Summary
class ArrayList [A](val override underlying : java.util.ArrayList[A]) extends BufferWrapper[A]
Creates a buffer backed by a Java array list.
trait Buffer [A] extends Mutable[A] with Ranged[Int, A] with MutableSeq[A] with Collection[A]
A mutable sequence that supports element insertion and update.
trait BufferIterator [K, A] extends SeqIterator[K, A]
An iterator for a buffer that supports element update and insertion.
trait BufferWrapper [A] extends Buffer[A] with CollectionWrapper[A]
Wraps Java lists.
trait Collection [A] extends MutableIterable[A]
Analogous to a Java collection.
trait CollectionWrapper [A] extends Collection[A] with IterableWrapper[A]
Used to wrap Java collections in Scala.
class HashMap [K, E](val override underlying : java.util.HashMap[K, E]) extends MapWrapper[K, E]
A map that is backed by a Java hash map.
class HashSet [A](val override underlying : java.util.HashSet[A]) extends SetWrapper[A]
A hash set that is backed by a Java hash set.
class Hashtable [K, E](val override underlying : java.util.Hashtable[K, E]) extends MapWrapper[K, E]
A hash set that is backed by a Java hash table.
class IdentityHashMap [K, E](val override underlying : java.util.IdentityHashMap[K, E]) extends MapWrapper[K, E]
A map that is backed by a Java identity hash map, which compares keys by their reference-based identity as opposed to using equals and hashCode. An identity hash map will often perform better than traditional hash map because it can utilize linear probing.
trait IterableWrapper [A] extends MutableIterable[A]
A wrapper around a Java collection that only supports remove mutations.
class LinkedHashMap [K, E](val override underlying : java.util.LinkedHashMap[K, E]) extends MapWrapper[K, E]
A map that is backed by a Java linked hash map, which fixes iteration order in terms of insertion order.
class LinkedHashSet [A](val override underlying : java.util.LinkedHashSet[A]) extends SetWrapper[A]
A set that is backed by a Java linked hash set, which fixes iteration order in terms of insertion order.
class LinkedList [A](val override underlying : java.util.LinkedList[A]) extends BufferWrapper[A]
Creates a buffer backed by a Java linked list. Includes additional peek/poll/removeFirst/removeLast APIs that are useful in implementing queues and stacks.
trait Map [K, E] extends MutableIterable[(K, E)] with Map[K, E]
A mutable map that is compatible with Java maps.
trait MapWrapper [K, E] extends Map[K, E]
A wrapper around a Java map.
trait MutableIterable [A] extends Collection[A]
An iterable collection that supports remove operations. Useful for representing projections of mutable collections that where only the remove operation makes sense.
trait MutableIterator [A] extends Iterator[A]
An iterator that supports the remove operation. These iterators wrap Java iterators, and so have the same fail fast behavior when dealing with concurrent modifications.
trait MutableSeq [A] extends Seq[A] with MutableIterable[A]
A mutable sequence that supports the remove operation and is ordered.
trait Ranged [K, A] extends Ranged[K, A] with MutableIterable[A]
Any collection (including maps) whose keys (or elements) are ordered.
trait SeqIterator [K, A] extends MutableIterator[A]
An iterator for a sequence that can move both forwards and backwards. over a set of ordered keys.
trait Set [A] extends Set[A] with Collection[A]
Analogous to a Java set.
trait SetWrapper [A] extends Set[A] with CollectionWrapper[A]
Used to wrap Java sets.
trait Sorted [K, A] extends Sorted[K, A] with Ranged[K, A]
Any collection (including maps) whose keys (or elements) are ordered.
trait SortedMap [K, E] extends SortedMap[K, E] with Map[K, E] with Sorted[K, (K, E)]
A map whose keys are sorted.
trait SortedMapWrapper [K, E] extends SortedMap[K, E] with MapWrapper[K, E]
A sorted map that wraps an underlying Java sorted map.
trait SortedSet [A] extends SortedSet[A] with Set[A] with Sorted[A, A]
Analogous to a Java sorted set.
trait SortedSetWrapper [A] extends SortedSet[A] with SetWrapper[A]
class TreeMap [K, E](implicit view$1 : (K) => Ordered[K]) extends SortedMapWrapper[K, E]
A sorted map that is backed by a Java tree map.
class TreeSet [A](implicit view$1 : (A) => Ordered[A]) extends SortedSetWrapper[A]
Creates a sorted set that is backed by an underlying Java tree set. Elements of the sorted set are ordered with respect to the ordered view bound of A.
class WeakHashMap [K, E](val override underlying : java.util.WeakHashMap[K, E]) extends MapWrapper[K, E]
Object Summary
object Buffer extends AnyRef
object Collection extends AnyRef
object Conversions extends AnyRef
object Map extends AnyRef
object MutableIterable extends AnyRef
object MutableIterator extends AnyRef
object MutableSeq extends AnyRef
object Set extends AnyRef
object SortedMap extends AnyRef
object SortedSet extends AnyRef