Scala API

This document is the API specification for Scala Library

Class Summary
class CharArrayPosition (val source : Array[Char], val line : Int, val column : Int) extends Position
CharArrayPosition implements the general Position class for documents represented by an Array of `char's.
class CharArrayReader (chars : Array[Char], index : Int) extends CharSequenceReader
A character array reader reads a stream of characters (keeping track of their positions) from an array.
class CharSequenceReader (val override source : java.lang.CharSequence, val override offset : Int) extends Reader[Char]
A character array reader reads a stream of characters (keeping track of their positions) from an array.
case class OffsetPosition (val source : java.lang.CharSequence, val offset : Int) extends Position with Product
class PagedSeqReader (seq : PagedSeq[Char], val override offset : Int) extends Reader[Char]
A character array reader reads a stream of characters (keeping track of their positions) from an array.
trait Position extends AnyRef
trait Positional extends AnyRef
A trait for objects that have a source position.
abstract class Reader [+T] extends AnyRef
An interface for streams of values that have positions.
sealed class StreamReader (seq : PagedSeq[Char], off : Int, lnum : Int) extends PagedSeqReader
A StreamReader reads from a character sequence, typically created as a PagedSeq from a NOTE: StreamReaders do not really fulfill the new contract for readers, which requires a `source' CharSequence representing the full input. Instead source is treated line by line. As a consequence, regex matching cannot extend beyond a single line when a StreamReader are used for input. If you need to match regexes spanning several lines you should consider class PagedSeqReader instead.
Object Summary
object CharArrayReader extends AnyRef
An object encapsulating basic character constants
object CharSequenceReader extends AnyRef
An object encapsulating basic character constants
object NoPosition extends Position
Undefined position
object OffsetPosition extends (java.lang.CharSequence, Int) => OffsetPosition
object PagedSeqReader extends AnyRef
An object encapsulating basic character constants
object StreamReader extends AnyRef
An object to create a StreamReader from a