
object SUnit

[source: scala/testing/SUnit.scala]


object SUnit
extends AnyRef

Unit testing methods in the spirit of JUnit framework.

Use these classes like this:

 import scala.testing.SUnit
 import SUnit._

 class MyTest(n: String) extends TestCase(n) {

   override def runTest() = n match {
     case "myTest1" => assertTrue(true)
     case "myTest2" => assertTrue("hello", false)

 val r = new TestResult()
 for (tf <- r.failures()) {

The trait TestConsoleMain contains this code as a main method, for convenience.

SUnit will be removed in 2.8.0. There are several free and sophisticated testing frameworks for Scala available, examples are "ScalaTest", "ScalaCheck" or "Specs".
Burak Emir
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Class Summary
trait Assert extends AnyRef
this class defines useful assert methods
case class AssertFailed (val msg : java.lang.String, val stackTrace : Boolean) extends java.lang.RuntimeException with Product
an AssertFailed is thrown for a failed assertion
trait Test extends AnyRef
a Test can be run with its result being collected
abstract class TestCase (val name : java.lang.String) extends Test with Assert
The class TestCase defines the fixture to run multiple tests.
trait TestConsoleMain extends AnyRef
class TestFailure (val failedTest : Test, val thrownException : java.lang.Throwable) extends AnyRef
The class TestFailure collects a failed test together with the thrown exception.
class TestResult extends AnyRef
a TestResult collects the result of executing a test case
class TestSuite (tests : Test*) extends Test with AnyRef
The class TestSuite runs a composite of test cases.