class getter

[source: scala/annotation/target/getter.scala]

final class getter
extends StaticAnnotation
For every field of a class, the Scala compiler generates up to four synthetic accessors: getter, setter, bean getter and bean setter. The meta-annotations in package {{{}}} are used to control to which of the above members the annotations on the field are copied. By default, field annotations are only added to the actual field, but not to any of the accessors. By annotating the annotation type with one or several of the meta-annotations this behavior can be changed. In the following example, the annotation {{{@Id}}} will be added only to the bean getter {{{getX}}}. In order to annotate the field as well, the meta-annotation {{{@field}}} would need to be added. {{{ import javax.persistence.Id class A { @(Id @beanGetter) @BeanProperty val x = 0 } }}} The syntax can be improved using a type alias: {{{ object ScalaJPA { type Id = javax.persistence.Id @beanGetter } import ScalaJPA.Id class A { @Id @BeanProperty val x = 0 } }}}
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf