Scala 2.8.0.Beta1-RC1 API

This document is the API specification for Scala Library

Class Summary
trait Boxed extends AnyRef
final class EmptyMethodCache extends MethodCache
final class MegaMethodCache (forName : java.lang.String, forParameterTypes : Array[java.lang.Class[Any]]) extends MethodCache
sealed abstract class MethodCache extends AnyRef
class NonLocalReturnException [T](val key : AnyRef, val value : T) extends java.lang.RuntimeException with ControlException with AnyRef
final class PolyMethodCache (next : MethodCache, receiver : java.lang.Class[Any], method : java.lang.reflect.Method, complexity : Int) extends MethodCache
final class RichBoolean (x : Boolean) extends Proxy with Ordered[Boolean]
final class RichByte (x : Byte) extends Proxy with Ordered[Byte]
final class RichChar (x : Char) extends Proxy with Ordered[Char]
final class RichDouble (x : Double) extends Proxy with Ordered[Double]
final class RichException (exc : java.lang.Throwable) extends AnyRef
final class RichFloat (x : Float) extends Proxy with Ordered[Float]
final class RichInt (val start : Int) extends Proxy with Ordered[Int]
final class RichLong (x : Long) extends Proxy with Ordered[Long]
final class RichShort (start : Short) extends Proxy with Ordered[Short]
class RichString (val self : java.lang.String) extends Proxy with IndexedSeq[Char] with IndexedSeqLike[Char, RichString] with PartialFunction[Int, Char] with Ordered[java.lang.String] with Boxed
final class RichUnit extends AnyRef
This class exists only as a dummy subclass so that there are two ambiguous implicit conversions from Unit to some subclass to Object. It's important that this class should NOT inherit from Ordered. Note - in reality the ambiguity is successfully introduced by any2stringadd and orderingToOrdered, and adding an implicit from () => RichUnit actually resolves the ambiguity by being more specific, and succeeds! So this class is probably useless, and unitWrapper has been removed from Predef.
Object Summary
object RichString extends AnyRef