

package grammar

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ConsRHS (tnt: Int, hnt: Int) extends HedgeRHS with Product with Serializable

    right hand side of a hedge production, deriving a single tree

  2. class HedgeRHS extends AnyRef

  3. case class LabelledRHS [A] (label: A, hnt: Int) extends TreeRHS with Product with Serializable

    right hand side of a tree production, labelled with a letter from an alphabet

  4. class TreeRHS extends AnyRef

    right hand side of a tree production

Value Members

  1. object AnyHedgeRHS extends HedgeRHS with Product with Serializable

    right hand side of a hedge production, deriving any hedge

  2. object AnyTreeRHS extends TreeRHS with Product with Serializable

  3. object EmptyHedgeRHS extends HedgeRHS with Product with Serializable

    right hand side of a hedge production, deriving the empty hedge