
package implementations

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  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AddField extends AddValOrDef

  2. abstract class AddImportStatement extends Refactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  3. abstract class AddMethod extends AddValOrDef

  4. sealed trait AddMethodTarget extends AnyRef

  5. case class AddToClosest(offset: Int) extends AddMethodTarget with Product with Serializable

  6. trait AddValOrDef extends Refactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  7. abstract class ChangeParamOrder extends MethodSignatureRefactoring

    Refactoring that changes the order of the parameters of a method.

  8. abstract class ClassParameterDrivenSourceGeneration extends MultiStageRefactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler

    Baseclass for refactorings that generate class-level source based on the class parameters.

  9. abstract class EliminateMatch extends MultiStageRefactoring with ParameterlessRefactoring with TreeExtractors with TreeFactory

  10. abstract class ExpandCaseClassBinding extends MultiStageRefactoring with ParameterlessRefactoring with GlobalIndexes

  11. abstract class ExplicitGettersSetters extends MultiStageRefactoring with ParameterlessRefactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  12. abstract class ExtractLocal extends MultiStageRefactoring with TreeFactory with TreeExtractors with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  13. abstract class ExtractMethod extends MultiStageRefactoring with TreeAnalysis with Indexes with TreeFactory with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  14. abstract class ExtractTrait extends MultiStageRefactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler with Indexes with ImportsHelper

    Extracts members (vals, vars and defs) from a trait/class/object into a new trait.

  15. abstract class GenerateHashcodeAndEquals extends ClassParameterDrivenSourceGeneration

    Refactoring that generates hashCode and equals implementations following the recommendations given in chapter 28 of Programming in Scala.

  16. trait ImportsHelper extends AnyRef

  17. abstract class InlineLocal extends MultiStageRefactoring with ParameterlessRefactoring with TreeFactory with Indexes with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  18. abstract class IntroduceProductNTrait extends GenerateHashcodeAndEquals

    Refactoring that implements the ProductN trait for a class.

  19. abstract class MarkOccurrences extends Selections with Indexes with CompilerAccess with PimpedTrees

  20. abstract class MergeParameterLists extends MethodSignatureRefactoring

    Refactoring to merge parameter lists of a method.

  21. abstract class MethodSignatureRefactoring extends MultiStageRefactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler with PimpedTrees with Indexes with TreeTraverser with PartiallyAppliedMethodsFinder

    Generic implementation of a refactoring that changes a method signature (i.

  22. abstract class MoveClass extends MultiStageRefactoring with TreeFactory with Indexes with TreeExtractors with InteractiveScalaCompiler with CompilationUnitDependencies with ImportsHelper

  23. abstract class MoveConstructorToCompanionObject extends MultiStageRefactoring with ParameterlessRefactoring with InteractiveScalaCompiler with Indexes

    Generates an apply-method in the companion object that matches the primary constructor of the selected class.

  24. abstract class OrganizeImports extends MultiStageRefactoring with TreeFactory with TreeTraverser with UnusedImportsFinder with CompilationUnitDependencies with InteractiveScalaCompiler with TreeExtractors

    A refactoring that recomputes and reorganizes import statements in a file.

  25. abstract class Rename extends MultiStageRefactoring with TreeAnalysis with Indexes with TreeFactory with InteractiveScalaCompiler

  26. abstract class SplitParameterLists extends MethodSignatureRefactoring

    Refactoring to split parameter lists of a method.

  27. trait UnusedImportsFinder extends SourceGenerator with CompilerAccess with TreeTraverser with PimpedTrees with SilentTracing

Value Members

  1. object AddToClass extends AddMethodTarget with Product with Serializable

  2. object AddToObject extends AddMethodTarget with Product with Serializable

  3. package extraction
