
package xsbt

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class API extends Compat with GlobalHelpers with ClassName

  2. final class Analyzer extends LocateClassFile

  3. sealed abstract class CallbackGlobal extends Global

    Defines the interface of the incremental compiler hiding implementation details.

  4. trait ClassName extends Compat

    Utility methods for creating (source|binary) class names for a Symbol.

  5. abstract class Compat extends AnyRef

    Collection of hacks that make it possible for the compiler interface to stay source compatible with Scala compiler 2.

  6. final class CompilerInterface extends AnyRef

  7. class ConsoleInterface extends AnyRef

  8. final class Dependency extends LocateClassFile with GlobalHelpers

    Extracts dependency information from each compilation unit.

  9. class ExtractAPI[GlobalType <: Global] extends Compat with ClassName with GlobalHelpers

    Extracts full (including private members) API representation out of Symbols and Types.

  10. class ExtractUsedNames[GlobalType <: CallbackGlobal] extends Compat with ClassName with GlobalHelpers

    Extracts simple names used in given compilation unit.

  11. trait GlobalHelpers extends AnyRef

  12. class InteractiveConsoleFactory extends xsbti.InteractiveConsoleFactory

  13. class InteractiveConsoleInterface extends xsbti.InteractiveConsoleInterface

  14. case class InteractiveConsoleResponse(result: InteractiveConsoleResult, output: String) extends xsbti.InteractiveConsoleResponse with Product with Serializable

  15. class InterfaceCompileCancelled extends CompileCancelled

  16. class InterfaceCompileFailed extends CompileFailed

  17. final class JarUtils extends AnyRef

    This is a utility class that provides a set of functions that are used to implement straight to jar compilation.

  18. class LocalToNonLocalClass[G <: CallbackGlobal] extends AnyRef

    A memoized lookup of an enclosing non local class.

  19. abstract class LocateClassFile extends Compat with ClassName

    Contains utility methods for looking up class files corresponding to Symbols.

  20. class PlainNioFile extends AbstractFile

  21. class ScaladocInterface extends AnyRef

  22. final class VirtualFileWrap extends AbstractFile

  23. sealed class ZincCompiler extends CallbackGlobal with ZincGlobalCompat

    Defines the implementation of Zinc with all its corresponding phases.

  24. final class ZincCompilerRangePos extends ZincCompiler with Positions

  25. trait ZincGlobalCompat extends AnyRef

    Defines compatibility utils for ZincCompiler.

Value Members

  1. object API

  2. object Analyzer

  3. object Command

  4. object Compat

  5. object Dependency

  6. object ExtractAPI

  7. object InteractiveConsoleHelper

  8. object InteractiveMakeSettings

  9. object Log

  10. object MakeSettings

  11. object Message
