
package sbinary

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BasicTypes extends CoreProtocol

  2. trait CollectionTypes extends BasicTypes with LowPriorityCollectionTypes

  3. trait CoreProtocol extends Protocol

  4. trait DefaultProtocol extends StandardTypes with JavaFormats

  5. case class EOF() extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  6. trait Format[T] extends Reads[T] with Writes[T]

  7. trait Generic extends CoreProtocol

  8. trait Input extends AnyRef

  9. trait JavaFormats extends StandardPrimitives with JavaUTF

  10. class JavaInput extends Input

  11. class JavaOutput extends Output

  12. trait JavaUTF extends CoreProtocol

  13. trait LowPriorityCollectionTypes extends Generic

  14. trait Output extends AnyRef

  15. trait Protocol extends AnyRef

  16. trait Reads[T] extends AnyRef

  17. trait StandardPrimitives extends CoreProtocol

  18. trait StandardTypes extends CollectionTypes

  19. trait Writes[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object DefaultProtocol extends DefaultProtocol

  2. object EOF extends Serializable

  3. object Input

  4. object Operations

  5. object Output
