

package scalacheck

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Arbitrary[T] extends AnyRef

  2. sealed trait Gen[+T] extends AnyRef

  3. trait Prop extends AnyRef

  4. class Properties extends Prop

    Represents a collection of properties, with convenient methods for checking all properties at once.

    Represents a collection of properties, with convenient methods for checking all properties at once. This class is itself a property, which holds if and only if all of the contained properties hold.

    Properties are added in the following way:

    object MyProps extends Properties("MyProps") {
      property("myProp1") = forAll { (n:Int, m:Int) =>
        n+m == m+n
  5. class ScalaCheckFramework extends Framework

  6. sealed abstract class Shrink[T] extends AnyRef

  7. trait Commands extends Prop

    See User Guide for usage examples

    See User Guide for usage examples


    (Since version 1.11.4) Will be replaced with a new implementation in 1.12.0

Value Members

  1. object Arbitrary

    Defines implicit org.scalacheck.Arbitrary instances for common types.

    Defines implicit org.scalacheck.Arbitrary instances for common types.

    ScalaCheck uses implicit org.scalacheck.Arbitrary instances when creating properties out of functions with the method, and when the Arbitrary.arbitrary method is used. For example, the following code requires that there exists an implicit Arbitrary[MyClass] instance:

    val myProp = Prop.forAll { myClass: MyClass =>
    val myGen = Arbitrary.arbitrary[MyClass]

    The required implicit definition could look like this:

    implicit val arbMyClass: Arbitrary[MyClass] = Arbitrary(...)

    The factory method Arbitrary(...) takes a generator of type Gen[T] and returns an instance of Arbitrary[T].

    The Arbitrary module defines implicit org.scalacheck.Arbitrary instances for common types, for convenient use in your properties and generators.

  2. object Gen

  3. object Prop

  4. object Shrink

  5. object Test

  6. package util
