

package anyvals

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CompileTimeAssertions extends AnyRef

    Trait providing assertion methods that can be called at compile time from macros to validate literals in source code.

  2. final class PosDouble extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for positive Doubles.

  3. final class PosFloat extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for positive Floats.

  4. final class PosInt extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for positive Ints.

  5. final class PosLong extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for positive Longs.

  6. final class PosZDouble extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for non-negative Doubles.

  7. final class PosZFloat extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for non-negative Floats.

  8. final class PosZInt extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for non-negative Ints.

  9. final class PosZLong extends AnyVal

    An AnyVal for non-negative Longs.

Value Members

  1. object CompileTimeAssertions extends CompileTimeAssertions

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of CompileTimeAssertions members as an alternative to mixing in the trait.

  2. object PosDouble

    The companion object for PosDouble that offers factory methods that produce PosDoubles, implicit widening conversions from PosDouble to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosDouble.

  3. object PosFloat

    The companion object for PosFloat that offers factory methods that produce PosFloats, implicit widening conversions from PosFloat to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosFloat.

  4. object PosInt

    The companion object for PosInt that offers factory methods that produce PosInts, implicit widening conversions from PosInt to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosInt.

  5. object PosLong

    The companion object for PosLong that offers factory methods that produce PosLongs, implicit widening conversions from PosLong to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosLong.

  6. object PosZDouble

    The companion object for PosZDouble that offers factory methods that produce PosZDoubles, implicit widening conversions from PosZDouble to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosZDouble.

  7. object PosZFloat

    The companion object for PosZFloat that offers factory methods that produce PosZFloats, implicit widening conversions from PosZFloat to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosZFloat.

  8. object PosZInt

    The companion object for PosZInt that offers factory methods that produce PosZInts, implicit widening conversions from PosZInt to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosZInt.

  9. object PosZLong

    The companion object for PosZLong that offers factory methods that produce PosZLongs, implicit widening conversions from PosZLong to other numeric types, and maximum and minimum constant values for PosZLong.
