

package property

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BooleanProperty extends ReadOnlyBooleanProperty with Property[Boolean, Boolean] with SFXDelegate[]

  2. class DoubleProperty extends ReadOnlyDoubleProperty with Property[Double, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  3. class FloatProperty extends ReadOnlyFloatProperty with Property[Float, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  4. class IntegerProperty extends ReadOnlyIntegerProperty with Property[Int, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  5. class LongProperty extends ReadOnlyLongProperty with Property[Long, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  6. trait LowerPriorityIncludes extends AnyRef

  7. class ObjectProperty[T] extends ReadOnlyObjectProperty[T] with Property[T, T] with SFXDelegate[[T]]

    This class provides a full implementation of a Property wrapping an arbitrary Object.

  8. trait Property[T, J] extends ReadOnlyProperty[T, J] with SFXDelegate[[J]]

    Generic trait that defines the methods common to all (writable) properties independent of their type.

  9. trait PropertyIncludes extends LowerPriorityIncludes

  10. class ReadOnlyBooleanProperty extends BooleanExpression with ReadOnlyProperty[Boolean, Boolean] with SFXDelegate[]

  11. class ReadOnlyDoubleProperty extends NumberExpression with ReadOnlyProperty[Double, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  12. class ReadOnlyFloatProperty extends NumberExpression with ReadOnlyProperty[Float, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  13. class ReadOnlyIntegerProperty extends NumberExpression with ReadOnlyProperty[Int, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  14. class ReadOnlyLongProperty extends NumberExpression with ReadOnlyProperty[Long, Number] with SFXDelegate[]

  15. class ReadOnlyObjectProperty[T] extends ObjectExpression[T] with ReadOnlyProperty[T, T] with SFXDelegate[[T]]

  16. class ReadOnlyObjectWrapper[T] extends ObjectProperty[T] with SFXDelegate[[T]]

    Wrapper for

  17. trait ReadOnlyProperty[T, J] extends ObservableValue[T, J] with SFXDelegate[[J]]

    Generic trait that defines the methods common to all readable properties independent of their type.

  18. class ReadOnlyStringProperty extends StringExpression with ReadOnlyProperty[String, String] with SFXDelegate[]

  19. class StringProperty extends ReadOnlyStringProperty with Property[String, String] with SFXDelegate[]
