

object KeyCode extends SFXEnumDelegateCompanion[javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, KeyCode] with Serializable

Wrapper for javafx.scene.input.KeyCode

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, SFXEnumDelegateCompanion[javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, KeyCode], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. KeyCode
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. SFXEnumDelegateCompanion
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. val A: KeyCode

  7. val ACCEPT: KeyCode

  8. val ADD: KeyCode

  9. val AGAIN: KeyCode

  10. val ALL_CANDIDATES: KeyCode

  11. val ALPHANUMERIC: KeyCode

  12. val ALT: KeyCode

  13. val ALT_GRAPH: KeyCode

  14. val AMPERSAND: KeyCode

  15. val ASTERISK: KeyCode

  16. val AT: KeyCode

  17. val B: KeyCode

  18. val BACK_QUOTE: KeyCode

  19. val BACK_SLASH: KeyCode

  20. val BACK_SPACE: KeyCode

  21. val BEGIN: KeyCode

  22. val BRACELEFT: KeyCode

  23. val BRACERIGHT: KeyCode

  24. val C: KeyCode

  25. val CANCEL: KeyCode

  26. val CAPS: KeyCode

  27. val CHANNEL_DOWN: KeyCode

  28. val CHANNEL_UP: KeyCode

  29. val CIRCUMFLEX: KeyCode

  30. val CLEAR: KeyCode

  31. val CLOSE_BRACKET: KeyCode

  32. val CODE_INPUT: KeyCode

  33. val COLON: KeyCode

  34. val COLORED_KEY_0: KeyCode

  35. val COLORED_KEY_1: KeyCode

  36. val COLORED_KEY_2: KeyCode

  37. val COLORED_KEY_3: KeyCode

  38. val COMMA: KeyCode

  39. val COMMAND: KeyCode

  40. val COMPOSE: KeyCode

  41. val CONTEXT_MENU: KeyCode

  42. val CONTROL: KeyCode

  43. val CONVERT: KeyCode

  44. val COPY: KeyCode

  45. val CUT: KeyCode

  46. val D: KeyCode

  47. val DEAD_ABOVEDOT: KeyCode

  48. val DEAD_ABOVERING: KeyCode

  49. val DEAD_ACUTE: KeyCode

  50. val DEAD_BREVE: KeyCode

  51. val DEAD_CARON: KeyCode

  52. val DEAD_CEDILLA: KeyCode

  53. val DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX: KeyCode

  54. val DEAD_DIAERESIS: KeyCode

  55. val DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE: KeyCode

  56. val DEAD_GRAVE: KeyCode

  57. val DEAD_IOTA: KeyCode

  58. val DEAD_MACRON: KeyCode

  59. val DEAD_OGONEK: KeyCode


  61. val DEAD_TILDE: KeyCode

  62. val DEAD_VOICED_SOUND: KeyCode

  63. val DECIMAL: KeyCode

  64. val DELETE: KeyCode

  65. val DIGIT0: KeyCode

  66. val DIGIT1: KeyCode

  67. val DIGIT2: KeyCode

  68. val DIGIT3: KeyCode

  69. val DIGIT4: KeyCode

  70. val DIGIT5: KeyCode

  71. val DIGIT6: KeyCode

  72. val DIGIT7: KeyCode

  73. val DIGIT8: KeyCode

  74. val DIGIT9: KeyCode

  75. val DIVIDE: KeyCode

  76. val DOLLAR: KeyCode

  77. val DOWN: KeyCode

  78. val E: KeyCode

  79. val EJECT_TOGGLE: KeyCode

  80. val END: KeyCode

  81. val ENTER: KeyCode

  82. val EQUALS: KeyCode

  83. val ESCAPE: KeyCode

  84. val EURO_SIGN: KeyCode

  85. val EXCLAMATION_MARK: KeyCode

  86. val F: KeyCode

  87. val F1: KeyCode

  88. val F10: KeyCode

  89. val F11: KeyCode

  90. val F12: KeyCode

  91. val F13: KeyCode

  92. val F14: KeyCode

  93. val F15: KeyCode

  94. val F16: KeyCode

  95. val F17: KeyCode

  96. val F18: KeyCode

  97. val F19: KeyCode

  98. val F2: KeyCode

  99. val F20: KeyCode

  100. val F21: KeyCode

  101. val F22: KeyCode

  102. val F23: KeyCode

  103. val F24: KeyCode

  104. val F3: KeyCode

  105. val F4: KeyCode

  106. val F5: KeyCode

  107. val F6: KeyCode

  108. val F7: KeyCode

  109. val F8: KeyCode

  110. val F9: KeyCode

  111. val FAST_FWD: KeyCode

  112. val FINAL: KeyCode

  113. val FIND: KeyCode

  114. val FULL_WIDTH: KeyCode

  115. val G: KeyCode

  116. val GAME_A: KeyCode

  117. val GAME_B: KeyCode

  118. val GAME_C: KeyCode

  119. val GAME_D: KeyCode

  120. val GREATER: KeyCode

  121. val H: KeyCode

  122. val HALF_WIDTH: KeyCode

  123. val HELP: KeyCode

  124. val HIRAGANA: KeyCode

  125. val HOME: KeyCode

  126. val I: KeyCode

  127. val INFO: KeyCode

  128. val INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF: KeyCode

  129. val INSERT: KeyCode


  131. val J: KeyCode

  132. val JAPANESE_HIRAGANA: KeyCode

  133. val JAPANESE_KATAKANA: KeyCode

  134. val JAPANESE_ROMAN: KeyCode

  135. val K: KeyCode

  136. val KANA: KeyCode

  137. val KANA_LOCK: KeyCode

  138. val KANJI: KeyCode

  139. val KATAKANA: KeyCode

  140. val KP_DOWN: KeyCode

  141. val KP_LEFT: KeyCode

  142. val KP_RIGHT: KeyCode

  143. val KP_UP: KeyCode

  144. val L: KeyCode

  145. val LEFT: KeyCode

  146. val LEFT_PARENTHESIS: KeyCode

  147. val LESS: KeyCode

  148. val M: KeyCode

  149. val META: KeyCode

  150. val MINUS: KeyCode

  151. val MODECHANGE: KeyCode

  152. val MULTIPLY: KeyCode

  153. val MUTE: KeyCode

  154. val N: KeyCode

  155. val NONCONVERT: KeyCode

  156. val NUMBER_SIGN: KeyCode

  157. val NUMPAD0: KeyCode

  158. val NUMPAD1: KeyCode

  159. val NUMPAD2: KeyCode

  160. val NUMPAD3: KeyCode

  161. val NUMPAD4: KeyCode

  162. val NUMPAD5: KeyCode

  163. val NUMPAD6: KeyCode

  164. val NUMPAD7: KeyCode

  165. val NUMPAD8: KeyCode

  166. val NUMPAD9: KeyCode

  167. val NUM_LOCK: KeyCode

  168. val O: KeyCode

  169. val OPEN_BRACKET: KeyCode

  170. val P: KeyCode

  171. val PAGE_DOWN: KeyCode

  172. val PAGE_UP: KeyCode

  173. val PASTE: KeyCode

  174. val PAUSE: KeyCode

  175. val PERIOD: KeyCode

  176. val PLAY: KeyCode

  177. val PLUS: KeyCode

  178. val POUND: KeyCode

  179. val POWER: KeyCode

  180. val PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE: KeyCode

  181. val PRINTSCREEN: KeyCode

  182. val PROPS: KeyCode

  183. val Q: KeyCode

  184. val QUOTE: KeyCode

  185. val QUOTEDBL: KeyCode

  186. val R: KeyCode

  187. val RECORD: KeyCode

  188. val REWIND: KeyCode

  189. val RIGHT: KeyCode

  190. val RIGHT_PARENTHESIS: KeyCode

  191. val ROMAN_CHARACTERS: KeyCode

  192. val S: KeyCode

  193. val SCROLL_LOCK: KeyCode

  194. val SEMICOLON: KeyCode

  195. val SEPARATOR: KeyCode

  196. val SHIFT: KeyCode

  197. val SHORTCUT: KeyCode

  198. val SLASH: KeyCode

  199. val SOFTKEY_0: KeyCode

  200. val SOFTKEY_1: KeyCode

  201. val SOFTKEY_2: KeyCode

  202. val SOFTKEY_3: KeyCode

  203. val SOFTKEY_4: KeyCode

  204. val SOFTKEY_5: KeyCode

  205. val SOFTKEY_6: KeyCode

  206. val SOFTKEY_7: KeyCode

  207. val SOFTKEY_8: KeyCode

  208. val SOFTKEY_9: KeyCode

  209. val SPACE: KeyCode

  210. val STAR: KeyCode

  211. val STOP: KeyCode

  212. val SUBTRACT: KeyCode

  213. val T: KeyCode

  214. val TAB: KeyCode

  215. val TRACK_NEXT: KeyCode

  216. val TRACK_PREV: KeyCode

  217. val U: KeyCode

  218. val UNDEFINED: KeyCode

  219. val UNDERSCORE: KeyCode

  220. val UNDO: KeyCode

  221. val UP: KeyCode

  222. val V: KeyCode

  223. val VOLUME_DOWN: KeyCode

  224. val VOLUME_UP: KeyCode

  225. val W: KeyCode

  226. val WINDOWS: KeyCode

  227. val X: KeyCode

  228. val Y: KeyCode

  229. val Z: KeyCode

  230. def apply(name: String): KeyCode

    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

    Definition Classes
  231. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  232. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  233. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  234. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  235. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  236. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  237. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  238. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  239. def jfxEnum2sfx(e: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode): KeyCode

    Converts a JavaFX Enum to its respective SFXEnumDelegate

    Converts a JavaFX Enum to its respective SFXEnumDelegate

    Definition Classes
  240. def keyCode(name: String): KeyCode

    Parses textual representation of a key.

  241. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  242. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  243. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  244. implicit def sfxEnum2jfx(s: KeyCode): javafx.scene.input.KeyCode

    Converts a SFXEnumDelegate to its respective JavaFX Enum

    Converts a SFXEnumDelegate to its respective JavaFX Enum

    Definition Classes
  245. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  246. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  247. def unsortedValues: Array[KeyCode]

    Contain constants which will be source for values List

    Contain constants which will be source for values List

    Definition Classes
  248. lazy val values: List[KeyCode]

    Returns a List containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Returns a List containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Definition Classes
  249. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  250. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  251. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from SFXEnumDelegateCompanion[javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, KeyCode]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
