

trait SFXDelegate[+D <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

Basic trait for all JavaFX classes wrapping.


JavaFX class to be wrapped.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
A, Accept, AccessibleAction, AccessibleRole, Accordion, ActionEvent, Add, Add, Affine, Again, Alert, AlertType, AlignmentDelegate, AlignmentPropertyDelegate, AllCandidates, AllDescendants, AllTabs, Alphanumeric, Alt, AltGraph, Always, Always, AmbientLight, Ampersand, AnchorLocation, AnchorPane, Animation, AnimationTimer, Any, ApplicationModal, Apply, Arc, ArcTo, ArcType, AreaChart, AsNeeded, Ascending, Ascending, Asterisk, At, AudioClip, AudioEqualizer, AudioTrack, Axis, B, Back, BackPrevious, BackQuote, BackSlash, BackSpace, Background, BackgroundFill, BackgroundImage, BackgroundPosition, BackgroundRepeat, BackgroundSize, Balanced, BarChart, Baseline, BaselineCenter, BaselineLeft, BaselineRight, Begin, Bevel, BigDecimalStringConverter, BigGap, BigIntStringConverter, Black, Blend, BlendMode, BlockDecrement, BlockIncrement, Bloom, Blue, BlurType, Bold, BooleanBinding, BooleanProperty, BooleanStringConverter, Border, BorderImage, BorderPane, BorderRepeat, BorderStroke, BorderStrokeStyle, BorderWidths, Bottom, Bottom, Bottom, BottomCenter, BottomLeft, BottomRight, BoundingBox, Bounds, Box, BoxBlur, Braceleft, Braceright, BubbleChart, BufferBinding, BufferProperty, Butt, Button, Button, ButtonBar, ButtonBase, ButtonData, ButtonType, ByteBGRA, ByteBRGAPre, ByteIndexed, ByteRGB, ByteStringConverter, C, CacheHint, Camera, Cancel, CancelClose, Canceled, Cancelled, Canvas, Caps, CategoryAxis, Cell, CellDataFeatures, CellDataFeatures, CellEditEvent, CellEditEvent, Center, Center, Center, Center, Center, CenterEllipsis, CenterLeft, CenterRight, CenterWordEllipsis, Centered, Change, ChannelDown, ChannelUp, CharStringConverter, Characters, Chart, CheckBox, CheckBox, CheckBoxListCell, CheckBoxTableCell, CheckBoxTreeCell, CheckBoxTreeTableCell, CheckMenuItem, CheckMenuItem, ChoiceBox, ChoiceBoxListCell, ChoiceBoxTableCell, ChoiceBoxTreeCell, ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell, ChoiceDialog, Chord, Circle, Circumflex, Clear, Clip, Clipboard, ClipboardContent, CloseBracket, ClosePath, CodeInput, Collapse, Collated, Collation, Colon, Color, Color, ColorAdjust, ColorBurn, ColorDelegate, ColorDodge, ColorInput, ColorPicker, ColoredKey0, ColoredKey1, ColoredKey2, ColoredKey3, ColumnConstraints, ComboBox, ComboBox, ComboBoxBase, ComboBoxEditableCell, ComboBoxListCell, ComboBoxTableCell, ComboBoxTreeCell, ComboBoxTreeTableCell, Comma, Command, Compose, ConditionalFeature, Confirmation, ConstraintsBase, ContentBottomLeft, ContentBottomRight, ContentDisplay, ContentTopLeft, ContentTopRight, ContextMenu, ContextMenu, ContextMenu, ContextMenuEvent, Control, Control, Controls, Convert, ConvertableCell, Copy, Copy, CornerRadii, CubicCurve, CubicCurveTo, CullFace, CurrencyStringConverter, Cursor, CustomMenuItem, Cut, CycleMethod, Cylinder, D, Darken, Data, Data, DataFormat, DateCell, DatePicker, DatePicker, DateStringConverter, DateTimeStringConverter, DeadAbovedot, DeadAbovering, DeadAcute, DeadBreve, DeadCaron, DeadCedilla, DeadCircumflex, DeadDiaeresis, DeadDoubleacute, DeadGrave, DeadIota, DeadMacron, DeadOgonek, DeadSemivoicedSound, DeadTilde, DeadVoicedSound, Decimal, Decorated, Decrement, DecrementButton, Default, Default, DefaultFormatter, DefaultStringConverter, Delete, DepthTest, Descending, Descending, Dialog, DialogEvent, DialogPane, Difference, Digit0, Digit1, Digit2, Digit3, Digit4, Digit5, Digit6, Digit7, Digit8, Digit9, Dimension2D, DimensionDelegate, DirectoryChooser, Disabled, Disabled, DisplacementMap, Disposed, Distant, Divide, Divider, Dollar, Done, DoubleProperty, DoubleSpinnerValueFactory, DoubleStringConverter, Down, Down, Down, Draft, DragEvent, Dragboard, DrawMode, DropShadow, Duplex, Duration, E, EditEvent, EditEvent, EditEvent, Effect, Effect, EjectToggle, Ellipse, Ellipsis, Enable, End, Enter, Equal, EqualOpposites, EqualizerBand, Equals, Error, Error, Escape, EuroSign, EvenOdd, Event, EventDispatchChain, EventDispatcher, EventTarget, EventType, ExclamationMark, Exclusion, Expand, ExtensionFilter, ExtraBold, ExtraLight, F, F1, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F2, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, FXML, FadeTransition, Failed, FastFwd, FileChooser, Fill, FillRule, FillTransition, FilteredBuffer, Final, Find, Finish, Fire, FireDelegate, FloatMap, FloatProperty, FloatStringConverter, FlowPane, FocusModel, Font, FontPosture, FontSmoothingType, FontWeight, FormatStringConverter, Front, FullWidth, G, GameA, GameB, GameC, GameD, Gaussian, GaussianBlur, GestureEvent, Glow, GraphicOnly, Graphics, GraphicsContext, Gray, Greater, Green, GridPane, Group, H, HBox, HLineTo, HPos, HTMLEditor, HalfWidth, Halted, HardLight, HardwareMinimum, Help, Help, Help2, High, Hiragana, Home, Horizontal, HorizontalDirection, HorizontalTextScrollUnits, HostServices, Hyperlink, Hyperlink, I, Image, ImageCursor, ImageInput, ImageView, ImageView, Increment, IncrementButton, IndexRange, IndexedCell, Info, Information, Inherit, Inherit, InnerShadow, InputDelegate, InputEvent, InputMethod, InputMethodEvent, InputMethodHighlight, InputMethodOnOff, InputMethodTextRun, InputMultitouch, InputPointer, InputTouch, Insert, Insets, Inside, IntARGB, IntARGBPre, IntStringConverter, IntegerProperty, IntegerSpinnerValueFactory, InvertedExclamationMark, Italic, ItemableCell, J, JapaneseHiragana, JapaneseKatakana, JapaneseRoman, JobSettings, JobStatus, Justify, K, KPDown, KPLeft, KPRight, KPUp, Kana, KanaLock, Kanji, Katakana, KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCode, KeyCodeCombination, KeyCombination, KeyEvent, KeyFrame, KeyValue, L, LCD, Label, Labeled, Landscape, LeadingEllipsis, LeadingWordEllipsis, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, LeftParenthesis, LeftToRight, Less, Light, Light, LightBase, Lighten, Lighting, Line, Line, LineChart, LineTo, LinearGradient, Lines, Link, ListCell, ListItem, ListSpinnerValueFactory, ListView, ListView, Logical, LogicalVerticalCenter, LongProperty, LongStringConverter, Low, M, MT_2D_2x3, MT_2D_3x3, MT_3D_3x4, MT_3D_4x4, MapBinding, MapProperty, MarginType, Material, MatrixType, Media, Media, MediaCorrupted, MediaErrorEvent, MediaException, MediaInaccessible, MediaMarkerEvent, MediaPlayer, MediaUnavailable, MediaUnspecified, MediaUnsupported, MediaView, Medium, Menu, Menu, MenuBar, MenuBar, MenuButton, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuItem, Mesh, MeshView, Meta, Middle, Minus, Miter, Mnemonic, Modality, Modechange, Modifier, ModifierValue, Monochrome, MotionBlur, MouseButton, MouseDragEvent, MouseEvent, Move, MoveTo, Moved, Multiple, MultipleSelectionModel, Multiply, Multiply, Mute, N, Never, Never, NextForward, No, NoCycle, NoRepeat, Node, Node, NodeOrientation, NonInvertibleTransformException, NonZero, Nonconvert, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, Normal, Normal, NotStarted, NumLock, NumberAxis, NumberBinding, NumberSign, NumberStringConverter, Numpad0, Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3, Numpad4, Numpad5, Numpad6, Numpad7, Numpad8, Numpad9, O, OKDone, ObjectBinding, ObjectProperty, Observable, ObservableArray, ObservableBuffer, ObservableBufferBase, ObservableFloatArray, ObservableHashMap, ObservableHashSet, ObservableIntegerArray, ObservableMap, ObservableSet, ObservableValue, OnePassBox, OneSided, OnlyFirstModel, Open, OpenBracket, OperationUnsupported, Orientation, OrientationType, OrthogonalToTangent, Other, Outside, Overlay, OverrunStyle, P, PageDown, PageItem, PageLayout, PageOrientation, PageRange, PageUp, Pages, Pagination, Pagination, Paint, Pane, Paper, PaperSource, ParallelCamera, ParallelTransition, Parameters, Parent, Parent, PasswordField, PasswordField, Paste, Path, PathElement, PathTransition, Pause, PauseTransition, Paused, Paused, PercentageStringConverter, Period, PerspectiveCamera, PerspectiveTransform, PhongMaterial, PickResult, PieChart, PixelFormat, PixelReader, PixelWriter, Play, PlaybackError, PlaybackHalted, Playing, Plus, Point, Point2D, Point3D, PointLight, Polygon, Polyline, Popup, PopupControl, PopupFeatures, PopupWindow, Portrait, Pos, PositionDelegate, Pound, Power, Pressed, PreviousCandidate, Primary, PrimaryStage, PrintColor, PrintQuality, PrintResolution, PrintSides, Printer, PrinterAttributes, PrinterJob, Printing, Printscreen, Priority, ProgressBar, ProgressBarTableCell, ProgressIndicator, ProgressIndicator, PromptData, Property, Props, PseudoClass, Q, QuadCurve, QuadCurveTo, Quality, Quote, Quotedbl, R, RadialGradient, RadioButton, RadioButton, RadioMenuItem, RadioMenuItem, ReadOnlyBooleanProperty, ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper, ReadOnlyBufferProperty, ReadOnlyBufferWrapper, ReadOnlyDoubleProperty, ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper, ReadOnlyFloatProperty, ReadOnlyFloatWrapper, ReadOnlyIntegerProperty, ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper, ReadOnlyLongProperty, ReadOnlyLongWrapper, ReadOnlyMapProperty, ReadOnlyMapWrapper, ReadOnlyObjectProperty, ReadOnlyObjectWrapper, ReadOnlyProperty, ReadOnlySetProperty, ReadOnlySetWrapper, ReadOnlyStringProperty, ReadOnlyStringWrapper, Ready, Ready, Record, Rectangle, Rectangle2D, Red, Reflect, Reflection, Region, Regular, Released, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, RequestFocus, ResizeFeatures, ResizeFeatures, ResizeFeaturesBase, ReverseLandcsape, ReversePortrait, Rewind, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, RightParenthesis, RightToLeft, RomanCharacters, Rotate, Rotate, RotateEvent, RotateTransition, Round, Round, Round, Round, Round, RowConstraints, Running, Running, S, SFXEnumDelegate, SFXPanel, SVGPath, SWT, Scale, Scale, ScaleAndRotate, ScaleTransition, ScatterChart, Scene, Scene3D, SceneAntialiasing, SceneProperty, Scheduled, ScheduledService, Screen, Screen, ScrollBar, ScrollBar, ScrollBarPolicy, ScrollEvent, ScrollLock, ScrollPane, ScrollPane, ScrollToEvent, Secondary, SelectedConverted, SelectedRaw, SelectedTab, SelectionMode, SelectionModel, SemiBold, Semicolon, Separator, Separator, SeparatorMenuItem, SepiaTone, SequentialTransition, Series, Service, SetBinding, SetProperty, SetSelectedItems, SetText, SetTextSelection, SetValue, Shadow, Shape, Shape3D, ShapeClip, Shear, Shift, ShortStringConverter, Shortcut, ShowItem, ShowMenu, ShowTextRange, Side, Single, SingleSelectionModel, Skin, SkinBase, Skinnable, Slash, Slider, Slider, SmallGap, SnapshotParameters, SnapshotResult, SoftLight, Softkey0, Softkey1, Softkey2, Softkey3, Softkey4, Softkey5, Softkey6, Softkey7, Softkey8, Softkey9, Sometimes, SortEvent, SortType, SortType, SortedBuffer, SortingPolicy, Space, Space, Space, Speed, Sphere, Spinner, Spinner, SpinnerValueFactory, SplitMenuButton, SplitMenuButton, SplitPane, Spot, Square, SrcAtop, SrcOver, StackPane, StackedAreaChart, StackedBarChart, Stage, StageStyle, Stalled, Star, State, State, StateSelectableCell, Stationary, Status, Status, Stop, Stop, Stopped, Stopped, Stretch, StringBinding, StringConverterDelegate, StringConverterJavaToJavaDelegate, StringProperty, StrokeLineCap, StrokeLineJoin, StrokeTransition, StrokeType, StyleConverter, StyleOrigin, Styleable, SubScene, SubtitleTrack, Subtract, Succeeded, Swing, SwingNode, SwipeEvent, T, Tab, Tab, TabClosingPolicy, TabItem, TabPane, TabPane, TableCell, TableCell, TableColumn, TableColumn, TableColumnBase, TableFocusModel, TablePosition, TablePositionBase, TableRow, TableRow, TableSelectionModel, TableView, TableView, TableViewFocusModel, TableViewSelectionModel, Task, Text, Text, TextAlignment, TextArea, TextArea, TextBoundsType, TextField, TextField, TextFieldListCell, TextFieldProperty, TextFieldTableCell, TextFieldTreeCell, TextFieldTreeTableCell, TextFlow, TextFormatter, TextInputControl, TextInputDialog, TextOnly, Thin, ThreePassBox, Thumb, TickMark, TilePane, TimeStringConverter, Timeline, TitledPane, TitledPane, Toggle, ToggleButton, ToggleButton, ToggleGroup, ToolBar, ToolBar, Tooltip, Tooltip, Top, Top, Top, TopCenter, TopLeft, TopRight, TouchEvent, TouchPoint, Track, TrackNext, TrackPrev, TransferMode, Transform, TransformChangedEvent, TransformationBuffer, Transition, Translate, TranslateTransition, Transparent, TransparentWindow, TreeCell, TreeItem, TreeItem, TreeModificationEvent, TreeSortMode, TreeTableCell, TreeTableCell, TreeTableColumn, TreeTablePosition, TreeTableRow, TreeTableRow, TreeTableView, TreeTableView, TreeTableViewFocusModel, TreeTableViewSelectionModel, TreeView, TreeView, TriangleMesh, Tumble, TwoLevelFocus, TwoPassBox, Type, Type, U, Unavailable, Uncollated, Undecorated, Undefined, Underscore, Undo, Unified, UnifiedWindow, Unknown, Unknown, UnselectedConverted, UnselectedRaw, Up, Up, Up, UpdatableCell, Utility, V, VBox, VLineTo, VPos, ValueAxis, VertexFormat, Vertical, VerticalDirection, VerticalTextScrollUnits, VideoTrack, VirtualKeyboard, Visual, VolumeDown, VolumeUp, W, Warning, WeakEventHandler, Web, WebEngine, WebErrorEvent, WebEvent, WebView, Window, WindowBottomLeft, WindowBottomRight, WindowEvent, WindowModal, WindowTopLeft, WindowTopRight, Windows, WordEllipsis, Worker, WorkerStateEvent, WritableImage, WritablePixelFormat, X, XAxis, XYChart, Y, YAxis, Yes, Z, ZoomEvent
Type Hierarchy Learn more about scaladoc diagrams
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. SFXDelegate
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def delegate: D

    JavaFX object to be wrapped.

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  7. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  8. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  9. def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

    Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

    Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.


    Object to be compared.


    if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

    Definition Classes
    SFXDelegate → AnyRef → Any
  10. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  11. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def hashCode(): Int


    The delegate hashcode

    Definition Classes
    SFXDelegate → AnyRef → Any
  13. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  14. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  15. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  16. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  17. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  18. def toString(): String


    Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

    Definition Classes
    SFXDelegate → AnyRef → Any
  19. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  20. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  21. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
