

package cell

Wraps javafx.scene.control.cell package.

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CellIncludes extends AnyRef

    Contains implcit methods to convert from javafx.scene.control.cell Classes/Traits to their ScalaFX counterparts.

  2. class CheckBoxListCell[T] extends ListCell[T] with ConvertableCell[CheckBoxListCell[T], T, T] with StateSelectableCell[CheckBoxListCell[T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[CheckBoxListCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[CheckBoxListCell[T]]

    Wraps CheckBoxListCell

  3. class CheckBoxTableCell[S, T] extends TableCell[S, T] with ConvertableCell[CheckBoxTableCell[S, T], T, T] with StateSelectableCell[CheckBoxTableCell[S, T], T, Integer] with UpdatableCell[CheckBoxTableCell[S, T], T] with SFXDelegate[CheckBoxTableCell[S, T]]

    Wraps CheckBoxTableCell

  4. class CheckBoxTreeCell[T] extends TreeCell[T] with ConvertableCell[CheckBoxTreeCell[T], T, TreeItem[T]] with StateSelectableCell[CheckBoxTreeCell[T], T, TreeItem[T]] with UpdatableCell[CheckBoxTreeCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[CheckBoxTreeCell[T]]

    Wraps CheckBoxTreeCell

  5. class ChoiceBoxListCell[T] extends ListCell[T] with ConvertableCell[ChoiceBoxListCell[T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[ChoiceBoxListCell[T], T] with ItemableCell[ChoiceBoxListCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[ChoiceBoxListCell[T]]

    Wraps ChoiceBoxListCell

  6. class ChoiceBoxTableCell[S, T] extends TableCell[S, T] with ConvertableCell[ChoiceBoxTableCell[S, T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[ChoiceBoxTableCell[S, T], T] with ItemableCell[ChoiceBoxTableCell[S, T], T] with SFXDelegate[ChoiceBoxTableCell[S, T]]

    Wraps ChoiceBoxListCell

  7. class ChoiceBoxTreeCell[T] extends TreeCell[T] with ConvertableCell[ChoiceBoxTreeCell[T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[ChoiceBoxTreeCell[T], T] with ItemableCell[ChoiceBoxTreeCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[ChoiceBoxTreeCell[T]]

    Wraps ChoiceBoxTreeCell

  8. type ComboBoxEditable = AnyRef { def comboBoxEditableProperty(): }

    Types that contains the method comboBoxEditableProperty(): jfxbp.BooleanProperty

    Types that contains the method comboBoxEditableProperty(): jfxbp.BooleanProperty

    Definition Classes
  9. trait ComboBoxEditableCell[C <: Cell[T] with ComboBoxEditable, T] extends SFXDelegate[C]

    Cells which delegate contains the method comboBoxEditableProperty(): jfxbp.BooleanProperty.

  10. class ComboBoxListCell[T] extends ListCell[T] with ConvertableCell[ComboBoxListCell[T], T, T] with ComboBoxEditableCell[ComboBoxListCell[T], T] with UpdatableCell[ComboBoxListCell[T], T] with ItemableCell[ComboBoxListCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[ComboBoxListCell[T]]

    Wraps ChoiceBoxListCell

  11. class ComboBoxTableCell[S, T] extends TableCell[S, T] with ConvertableCell[ComboBoxTableCell[S, T], T, T] with ComboBoxEditableCell[ComboBoxTableCell[S, T], T] with UpdatableCell[ComboBoxTableCell[S, T], T] with ItemableCell[ComboBoxTableCell[S, T], T] with SFXDelegate[ComboBoxTableCell[S, T]]

    Wraps ComboBoxTableCell

  12. class ComboBoxTreeCell[T] extends TreeCell[T] with ConvertableCell[ComboBoxTreeCell[T], T, T] with ComboBoxEditableCell[ComboBoxTreeCell[T], T] with UpdatableCell[ComboBoxTreeCell[T], T] with ItemableCell[ComboBoxTreeCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[ComboBoxTreeCell[T]]

    Wraps ComboBoxTreeCell

  13. type Convertable[J] = AnyRef { def converterProperty():[javafx.util.StringConverter[J]] }

    Types that contains the method converterProperty(): jfxbp.ObjectProperty[jfxu.StringConverter[T]]

    Types that contains the method converterProperty(): jfxbp.ObjectProperty[jfxu.StringConverter[T]]

    Definition Classes
  14. trait ConvertableCell[C <: Cell[T] with Convertable[J], T, J] extends SFXDelegate[C]

    Cells which delegate contains the method converterProperty(): jfxbp.ObjectProperty[jfxu.StringConverter[T]]

  15. type Itemable[T] = AnyRef { def getItems(): javafx.collections.ObservableList[T] }

    Types that contains the method getItems(): ObservableList[T].

    Types that contains the method getItems(): ObservableList[T].

    Definition Classes
  16. trait ItemableCell[C <: Cell[T] with Itemable[T], T] extends SFXDelegate[C]

    javafx.scene.control.Cells that contains the method getItems(): ObservableList[T].

  17. class ProgressBarTableCell[S] extends TableCell[S, Double] with UpdatableCell[ProgressBarTableCell[S], Double] with SFXDelegate[ProgressBarTableCell[S]]

    Wraps ProgressBarTableCell

  18. type StateSelectable[J] = AnyRef { def selectedStateCallbackProperty():[javafx.util.Callback[J,javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[java.lang.Boolean]]] }

    Types that contains the property selectedStateCallback.

    Types that contains the property selectedStateCallback.

    Definition Classes
  19. trait StateSelectableCell[C <: Cell[T] with StateSelectable[J], T, J] extends SFXDelegate[C]

    Cells which delegate contains the property selectedStateCallback.

  20. class TextFieldListCell[T] extends ListCell[T] with ConvertableCell[TextFieldListCell[T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[TextFieldListCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[TextFieldListCell[T]]

    Wraps TextFieldListCell

  21. class TextFieldTableCell[S, T] extends TableCell[S, T] with ConvertableCell[TextFieldTableCell[S, T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[TextFieldTableCell[S, T], T] with SFXDelegate[TextFieldTableCell[S, T]]

    Wraps TextFieldTableCell

  22. class TextFieldTreeCell[T] extends TreeCell[T] with ConvertableCell[TextFieldTreeCell[T], T, T] with UpdatableCell[TextFieldTreeCell[T], T] with SFXDelegate[TextFieldTreeCell[T]]

    Wraps TextFieldTreeCell

  23. trait UpdatableCell[C <: Cell[T], T] extends SFXDelegate[C]

    Cells which delegate contains the method updateItem(item: Any, empty: Boolean): Unit.

Value Members

  1. object CellIncludes extends CellIncludes

  2. object CheckBoxListCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for CheckBoxListCell.

  3. object CheckBoxTableCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for CheckBoxTableCell.

  4. object CheckBoxTreeCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for CheckBoxTreeCell.

  5. object ChoiceBoxListCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ChoiceBoxListCell.

  6. object ChoiceBoxTableCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ChoiceBoxTableCell.

  7. object ChoiceBoxTreeCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ChoiceBoxTreeCell.

  8. object ComboBoxListCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ComboBoxListCell.

  9. object ComboBoxTableCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ComboBoxTableCell.

  10. object ComboBoxTreeCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ComboBoxTreeCell.

  11. object ProgressBarTableCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for ProgressBarTableCell.

  12. object TextFieldListCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for TextFieldListCell.

  13. object TextFieldTableCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for TextFieldTableCell.

  14. object TextFieldTreeCell extends AnyRef

    Companion Object for TextFieldTableCell.