

package matchers

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ArgThat[T] extends Matcher[T]

    Matcher that uses provided predicate to perform matching

  2. class ArgumentMatcher extends (Product) ⇒ Boolean

  3. class MatchAny extends MatcherBase

    Matcher that matches everything

  4. class MatchEpsilon extends MatcherBase

    Matcher that matches all numbers that are close to a given value

  5. trait Matcher[T] extends MatcherBase

    Can be extended to implement custom matchers.

  6. trait MatcherBase extends Equals

    Base trait of all ScalaMock argument matchers.

    Base trait of all ScalaMock argument matchers.

    If you want to write a custom matcher please extend the Matcher trait.

  7. trait Matchers extends AnyRef

  8. class MockParameter[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object MatchEpsilon
