

final class DenseMatrix[V] extends Matrix[V] with MatrixLike[V, DenseMatrix[V]] with Serializable

A DenseMatrix is a matrix with all elements found in an array. It is column major unless isTranspose is true, It is designed to be fast: Double- (and potentially Float-)valued DenseMatrices can be used with blas, and support operations to that effect.

@SerialVersionUID( 1L )
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Matrix[V], MatrixLike[V, DenseMatrix[V]], Tensor[(Int, Int), V], TensorLike[(Int, Int), V, DenseMatrix[V]], NumericOps[DenseMatrix[V]], QuasiTensor[(Int, Int), V], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. DenseMatrix
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Matrix
  5. MatrixLike
  6. Tensor
  7. TensorLike
  8. NumericOps
  9. QuasiTensor
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new DenseMatrix(rows: Int, data: Array[V], offset: Int = 0)

    Creates a matrix with the specified data array and rows.

    Creates a matrix with the specified data array and rows. columns inferred automatically

  2. new DenseMatrix(rows: Int, cols: Int, data: Array[V], offset: Int = 0)

    Creates a matrix with the specified data array, rows, and columns.

    Creates a matrix with the specified data array, rows, and columns. Data must be column major

  3. new DenseMatrix(rows: Int, cols: Int)(implicit man: ClassManifest[V])

    Creates a matrix with the specified data array, rows, and columns.

  4. new DenseMatrix(rows: Int, cols: Int, data: Array[V], offset: Int, majorStride: Int, isTranspose: Boolean = false)


    number of rows


    number of cols


    The underlying data. Column-major unless isTranpose is true. Mutate at your own risk. Note that this matrix may be a view of the data. Use linearIndex(r,c) to calculate indices.


    starting point into array


    distance separating columns (or rows, for isTranspose). should be >= rows (or cols, for isTranspose)


    if true, then the matrix is considered to be "transposed" (that is, row major)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def %[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpMod, That]): That

    Alias for :%(b) when b is a scalar.

    Alias for :%(b) when b is a scalar.

    Definition Classes
  5. final def %=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpMod]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Alias for :%=(b) when b is a scalar.

    Alias for :%=(b) when b is a scalar.

    Definition Classes
  6. final def &&[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpAnd, That]): That

    Alias for :&&(b) for all b.

    Alias for :&&(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes
  7. final def *[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpMulMatrix, That]): That

    Matrix multiplication

    Matrix multiplication

    Definition Classes
  8. final def *=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpMulScalar]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Alias for :*=(b) when b is a scalar.

    Alias for :*=(b) when b is a scalar.

    Definition Classes
  9. final def +[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpAdd, That]): That

    Alias for :+(b) for all b.

    Alias for :+(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes
  10. final def +=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpAdd]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Alias for :+=(b) for all b.

    Alias for :+=(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes
  11. final def +=?[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpAdd]): BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpAdd]

    Returns the operator delegate used in +=

    Returns the operator delegate used in +=

    Definition Classes
  12. final def -[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpSub, That]): That

    Alias for :-(b) for all b.

    Alias for :-(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes
  13. final def -=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpSub]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Alias for :-=(b) for all b.

    Alias for :-=(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes
  14. final def /[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpDiv, That]): That

    Alias for :/(b) when b is a scalar.

    Alias for :/(b) when b is a scalar.

    Definition Classes
  15. final def /=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpDiv]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Alias for :/=(b) when b is a scalar.

    Alias for :/=(b) when b is a scalar.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def :!=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpNe, That]): That

    Element-wise inequality comparator of this and b.

    Element-wise inequality comparator of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  17. final def :%[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpMod, That]): That

    Element-wise modulo of this and b.

    Element-wise modulo of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  18. final def :%=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpMod]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise modulo of b into this.

    Mutates this by element-wise modulo of b into this.

    Definition Classes
  19. final def :&&[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpAnd, That]): That

    Element-wise logical "and" operator -- returns true if corresponding elements are non-zero.

    Element-wise logical "and" operator -- returns true if corresponding elements are non-zero.

    Definition Classes
  20. final def :*[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpMulScalar, That]): That

    Element-wise product of this and b.

    Element-wise product of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  21. final def :*=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpMulScalar]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise multiplication of b into this.

    Mutates this by element-wise multiplication of b into this.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def :+[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpAdd, That]): That

    Element-wise sum of this and b.

    Element-wise sum of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  23. final def :+=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpAdd]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise addition of b into this.

    Mutates this by element-wise addition of b into this.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def :-[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpSub, That]): That

    Element-wise difference of this and b.

    Element-wise difference of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  25. final def :-=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpSub]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise subtraction of b from this

    Mutates this by element-wise subtraction of b from this

    Definition Classes
  26. final def :/[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpDiv, That]): That

    Element-wise quotient of this and b.

    Element-wise quotient of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  27. final def :/=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpDiv]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise division of b into this

    Mutates this by element-wise division of b into this

    Definition Classes
  28. final def :<[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpLT, That]): That

    Element-wise less=than comparator of this and b.

    Element-wise less=than comparator of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  29. final def :<=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpLTE, That]): That

    Element-wise less-than-or-equal-to comparator of this and b.

    Element-wise less-than-or-equal-to comparator of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  30. final def :=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpSet]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise assignment of b into this.

    Mutates this by element-wise assignment of b into this.

    Definition Classes
  31. final def :==[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpEq, That]): That

    Element-wise equality comparator of this and b.

    Element-wise equality comparator of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  32. final def :>[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpGT, That]): That

    Element-wise greater-than comparator of this and b.

    Element-wise greater-than comparator of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  33. final def :>=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpGTE, That]): That

    Element-wise greater-than-or-equal-to comparator of this and b.

    Element-wise greater-than-or-equal-to comparator of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  34. final def :^[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpPow, That]): That

    Element-wise exponentiation of this and b.

    Element-wise exponentiation of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  35. final def :^=[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryUpdateOp[TT, B, OpPow]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Mutates this by element-wise exponentiation of this by b.

    Mutates this by element-wise exponentiation of this by b.

    Definition Classes
  36. final def :^^[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpXor, That]): That

    Element-wise logical "xor" operator -- returns true if only one of the corresponding elements is non-zero.

    Element-wise logical "xor" operator -- returns true if only one of the corresponding elements is non-zero.

    Definition Classes
  37. final def :||[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpOr, That]): That

    Element-wise logical "or" operator -- returns true if either element is non-zero.

    Element-wise logical "or" operator -- returns true if either element is non-zero.

    Definition Classes
  38. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  39. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  40. def \[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpSolveMatrixBy, That]): That

    Shaped solve of this by b.

    Shaped solve of this by b.

    Definition Classes
  41. final def ^^[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpXor, That]): That

    Alias for :^^(b) for all b.

    Alias for :^^(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes
  42. def active: TensorActive[(Int, Int), V, DenseMatrix[V]]

    Definition Classes
  43. def activeIterator: Iterator[((Int, Int), V)]

    Definition Classes
  44. def activeKeysIterator: Iterator[(Int, Int)]

    Definition Classes
  45. def activeSize: Int

    Definition Classes
  46. def activeValuesIterator: Iterator[V]

    Definition Classes
  47. def all(implicit semi: Semiring[V]): Boolean

    Returns true if all elements are non-zero

    Returns true if all elements are non-zero

    Definition Classes
  48. def allVisitableIndicesActive: Boolean

  49. def any(implicit semi: Semiring[V]): Boolean

    Returns true if no elements are non-zero

    Returns true if no elements are non-zero

    Definition Classes
  50. def apply(row: Int, col: Int): V

    Definition Classes
  51. final def apply(i: (Int, Int)): V

    Definition Classes
  52. def apply[Slice1, Slice2, Result](slice1: Slice1, slice2: Slice2)(implicit canSlice: CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], Slice1, Slice2, Result]): Result

    Method for slicing that is tuned for Matrices.

    Method for slicing that is tuned for Matrices.


    Definition Classes
  53. def apply[Result](a: (Int, Int), slice: (Int, Int)*)(implicit canSlice: CanSlice[DenseMatrix[V], Seq[(Int, Int)], Result]): Result

    Slice a sequence of elements.

    Slice a sequence of elements. Must be at least 2.


    Definition Classes
  54. def apply[Slice, Result](slice: Slice)(implicit canSlice: CanSlice[DenseMatrix[V], Slice, Result]): Result

    method for slicing a tensor.

    method for slicing a tensor. For instance, DenseVectors support efficient slicing by a Range object.


    Definition Classes
  55. def argmax(implicit ord: Ordering[V]): (Int, Int)

    Definition Classes
  56. def argmin(implicit ord: Ordering[V]): (Int, Int)

    Definition Classes
  57. def argsort(implicit ord: Ordering[V]): IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)]

    Definition Classes
  58. def argtopk(k: Int)(implicit ordering: Ordering[V]): IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)]

    Returns the k indices with maximum value.

    Returns the k indices with maximum value. (NOT absolute value.)


    how many to return


    Definition Classes
  59. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  60. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  61. val cols: Int

    number of cols

    number of cols

    Definition Classes
  62. def copy: DenseMatrix[V]

  63. val data: Array[V]

    The underlying data.

    The underlying data. Column-major unless isTranpose is true. Mutate at your own risk. Note that this matrix may be a view of the data. Use linearIndex(r,c) to calculate indices.

  64. final def dot[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, BB >: B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, BB, OpMulInner, That]): That

    Inner product of this and b.

    Inner product of this and b.

    Definition Classes
  65. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  66. def equals(p1: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    DenseMatrix → AnyRef → Any
  67. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  68. def findAll(f: (V) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)]

    Returns all indices k whose value satisfies a predicate.

    Returns all indices k whose value satisfies a predicate.

    Definition Classes
  69. def flatten(view: View = View.Prefer): DenseVector[V]

    Converts this matrix to a DenseVector (column-major) If view = true (or View.

    Converts this matrix to a DenseVector (column-major) If view = true (or View.Require), throws an exception if we cannot return a view. otherwise returns a view. If view == false (or View.Copy) returns a copy If view == View.Prefer (the default), returns a view if possible, otherwise returns a copy.

    Views are only possible (if(isTranspose) majorStride == cols else majorStride == rows) == true

  70. def forall(fn: ((Int, Int), V) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Returns true if and only if the given predicate is true for all elements.

    Returns true if and only if the given predicate is true for all elements.

    Definition Classes
  71. def forallValues(fn: (V) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Returns true if and only if the given predicate is true for all elements.

    Returns true if and only if the given predicate is true for all elements.

    Definition Classes
  72. def foreachKey[U](fn: ((Int, Int)) ⇒ U): Unit

    Applies the given function to each key in the tensor.

    Applies the given function to each key in the tensor.

    Definition Classes
  73. def foreachPair[U](fn: ((Int, Int), V) ⇒ U): Unit

    Applies the given function to each key and its corresponding value.

    Applies the given function to each key and its corresponding value.

    Definition Classes
  74. def foreachValue[U](fn: (V) ⇒ U): Unit

    Applies the given function to each value in the map (one for each element of the domain, including zeros).

    Applies the given function to each value in the map (one for each element of the domain, including zeros).

    Definition Classes
  75. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  76. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  77. def indexAt(i: Int): Int

  78. def isActive(i: Int): Boolean

  79. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  80. val isTranspose: Boolean

    if true, then the matrix is considered to be "transposed" (that is, row major)

  81. def iterator: Iterator[((Int, Int), V)]

    Definition Classes
  82. def keySet: Set[(Int, Int)]

    Definition Classes
  83. def keys: TensorKeys[(Int, Int), V, DenseMatrix[V]]

    Definition Classes
  84. def keysIterator: Iterator[(Int, Int)]

    Definition Classes
  85. final def linearIndex(row: Int, col: Int): Int

    Calculates the index into the data array for row and column

  86. val majorStride: Int

    distance separating columns (or rows, for isTranspose).

    distance separating columns (or rows, for isTranspose). should be >= rows (or cols, for isTranspose)

  87. def map[E2, That](fn: (V) ⇒ E2)(implicit canMapValues: CanMapValues[DenseMatrix[V], V, E2, That]): That

    Definition Classes
  88. def mapActivePairs[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], O, That](f: ((Int, Int), V) ⇒ O)(implicit bf: CanMapKeyValuePairs[TT, (Int, Int), V, O, That]): That

    Maps all active key-value pairs values.

    Maps all active key-value pairs values.

    Definition Classes
  89. def mapActiveValues[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], O, That](f: (V) ⇒ O)(implicit bf: CanMapValues[TT, V, O, That]): That

    Maps all non-zero values.

    Maps all non-zero values.

    Definition Classes
  90. def mapPairs[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], O, That](f: ((Int, Int), V) ⇒ O)(implicit bf: CanMapKeyValuePairs[TT, (Int, Int), V, O, That]): That

    Creates a new map containing a transformed copy of this map.

    Creates a new map containing a transformed copy of this map.

    Definition Classes
  91. def mapValues[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], O, That](f: (V) ⇒ O)(implicit bf: CanMapValues[TT, V, O, That]): That

    Creates a new map containing a transformed copy of this map.

    Creates a new map containing a transformed copy of this map.

    Definition Classes
  92. def max(implicit ord: Ordering[V]): V

    Definition Classes
  93. def min(implicit ord: Ordering[V]): V

    Definition Classes
  94. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  95. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  96. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  97. val offset: Int

    starting point into array

  98. def pairs: TensorPairs[(Int, Int), V, DenseMatrix[V]]

    Definition Classes
  99. def repr: DenseMatrix[V]

    Definition Classes
  100. def reshape(rows: Int, cols: Int = 1, view: View = View.Prefer): DenseMatrix[V]

    Reshapes this matrix to have the given number of rows and columns If view = true (or View.

    Reshapes this matrix to have the given number of rows and columns If view = true (or View.Require), throws an exception if we cannot return a view. otherwise returns a view. If view == false (or View.Copy) returns a copy If view == View.Prefer (the default), returns a view if possible, otherwise returns a copy.

    Views are only possible (if(isTranspose) majorStride == cols else majorStride == rows) == true

    rows * cols must equal size, or cols < 0 && (size / rows * rows == size)


    the number of rows


    the number of columns, or -1 to auto determine based on size and rows

  101. val rows: Int

    number of rows

    number of rows

    Definition Classes
  102. def size: Int

    Definition Classes
  103. def sum(implicit num: Numeric[V]): V

    Definition Classes
  104. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  105. final def t[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], That, Slice1, Slice2, Result](a: Slice1, b: Slice2)(implicit op: CanTranspose[TT, That], canSlice: CanSlice2[That, Slice1, Slice2, Result]): Result

    A transposed view of this object, followed by a slice.

    A transposed view of this object, followed by a slice. Sadly frequently necessary.

    Definition Classes
  106. final def t[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], That](implicit op: CanTranspose[TT, That]): That

    A transposed view of this object.

    A transposed view of this object.

    Definition Classes
  107. def toDenseMatrix(implicit cm: ClassManifest[V], dfv: DefaultArrayValue[V]): DenseMatrix[V]

    Definition Classes
  108. def toDenseVector: DenseVector[V]

    Converts this matrix to a DenseVector (column-major)

  109. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    Matrix → AnyRef → Any
  110. def toString(maxLines: Int = Terminal.terminalHeight - 3, maxWidth: Int = Terminal.terminalWidth): String

    Definition Classes
  111. def trace(implicit numeric: Numeric[V]): V

    Computes the sum along the diagonal.

  112. final def unary_![TT >: DenseMatrix[V], That](implicit op: UnaryOp[TT, OpNot, That]): That

    Definition Classes
  113. final def unary_-[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], That](implicit op: UnaryOp[TT, OpNeg, That]): That

    Definition Classes
  114. def update(row: Int, col: Int, v: V): Unit

    Definition Classes
  115. final def update(i: (Int, Int), e: V): Unit

    Definition Classes
  116. def ureduce[A](f: URFunc[V, A]): A

    Definition Classes
  117. def valueAt(i: Int): V

  118. def values: TensorValues[(Int, Int), V, DenseMatrix[V]]

    Definition Classes
  119. def valuesIterator: Iterator[V]

    Definition Classes
  120. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  121. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  122. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
  123. final def ||[TT >: DenseMatrix[V], B, That](b: B)(implicit op: BinaryOp[TT, B, OpOr, That]): That

    Alias for :||(b) for all b.

    Alias for :||(b) for all b.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Matrix[V]

Inherited from MatrixLike[V, DenseMatrix[V]]

Inherited from Tensor[(Int, Int), V]

Inherited from TensorLike[(Int, Int), V, DenseMatrix[V]]

Inherited from NumericOps[DenseMatrix[V]]

Inherited from QuasiTensor[(Int, Int), V]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
