

package operators

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BinaryOp[A, B, +Op <: OpType, +R] extends AnyRef

    A BinaryOp is the standard implicit capability trait for binary operations: a + b, a - b, etc.

  2. trait BinaryRegistry[A, B, Op <: OpType, +R] extends BinaryOp[A, B, Op, R] with MMRegistry2[BinaryOp[_ <: A, _ <: B, Op, _ <: R]]

    This is a special kind of BinaryOp that supports registration of specialized implementations for a given operation.

  3. trait BinaryUpdateOp[A, B, Op <: OpType] extends AnyRef

    This is the capability trait for operations of the form a += b, a -= b, etc.

  4. trait BinaryUpdateRegistry[A <: AnyRef, B, Op <: OpType] extends BinaryUpdateOp[A, B, Op] with MMRegistry2[BinaryUpdateOp[_ <: A, _ <: B, Op]]

    This is a special kind of BinaryUpdateOp that supports registration of specialized implementations for a given operation.

  5. trait CanAxpy[A, X, -Y] extends AnyRef

    This is the capability trait for operations of the form y += x * a

  6. trait CanTranspose[-From, +To] extends AnyRef

    Capability trait for the transpose of a shaped value.

  7. sealed trait OpAdd extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :+ B and BinaryUpdateOp A :+= B.

  8. sealed trait OpAnd extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :&& B

  9. sealed trait OpDiv extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :/ B and BinaryUpdateOp A:/= B.

  10. sealed trait OpEq extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :== B.

  11. sealed trait OpGT extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :&gt B.

  12. sealed trait OpGTE extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :&gt= B.

  13. sealed trait OpLT extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :&lt B.

  14. sealed trait OpLTE extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :&lt= B.

  15. sealed trait OpMod extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :% B and BinaryUpdateOp A:%= B.

  16. sealed trait OpMulInner extends OpType

    Type marker for inner (dot) product of A and B.

  17. sealed trait OpMulMatrix extends OpType

    Type marker for inner (dot) product of A and B.

  18. sealed trait OpMulScalar extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :* B and BinaryUpdateOp A :*= B.

  19. sealed trait OpNe extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :!= B.

  20. sealed trait OpNeg extends OpType

    Type marker for UnaryOp -A.

  21. sealed trait OpNot extends OpType

    Type marker for UnaryOp !A.

  22. sealed trait OpOr extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :|| B

  23. sealed trait OpPow extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A : B and BinaryUpdateOp A:= B.

  24. sealed trait OpSet extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryUpdateOp A := B.

  25. sealed trait OpSolveMatrixBy extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A \ B when A is a matrix.

  26. sealed trait OpSub extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :- B and BinaryUpdateOp A :-= B.

  27. sealed trait OpType extends AnyRef

    Marker sealed trait for some operation, be it UnaryOp, BinaryOp, or BinaryUpdateOp.

  28. sealed trait OpXor extends OpType

    Type marker for BinaryOp A :^^ B

  29. trait UnaryOp[A, Op <: OpType, +R] extends MethodImpl[A, R]

    This is the capability trait for operations of the form -a.

  30. trait UnaryRegistry[A <: AnyRef, Op <: OpType, R] extends UnaryOp[A, Op, R] with Multimethod[[A, R]UnaryOp[A, Op, R], A, R]

    This is a special kind of UnaryOp that supports registration of specialized implementations for a given operation.

Value Members

  1. object BinaryOp

  2. object BinaryUpdateOp

  3. object CanAxpy

  4. object OpAdd extends OpAdd

  5. object OpAnd extends OpAnd

  6. object OpDiv extends OpDiv

  7. object OpEq extends OpEq

  8. object OpGT extends OpGT

  9. object OpGTE extends OpGTE

  10. object OpLT extends OpLT

  11. object OpLTE extends OpLTE

  12. object OpMod extends OpMod

  13. object OpMulInner extends OpMulInner

  14. object OpMulMatrix extends OpMulMatrix

  15. object OpMulScalar extends OpMulScalar

  16. object OpNe extends OpNe

  17. object OpNeg extends OpNeg

  18. object OpNot extends OpNot

  19. object OpOr extends OpOr

  20. object OpPow extends OpPow

  21. object OpSet extends OpSet

  22. object OpSolveMatrixBy extends OpSolveMatrixBy

  23. object OpSub extends OpSub

  24. object OpXor extends OpXor

  25. object UnaryOp
