

package stats

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ModeResult[T](mode: T, frequency: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  2. class RandomizationTest[L] extends (Seq[L], Seq[L]) ⇒ Double

    Implements statistical significance testing for the output of two systems by randomization.

Value Members

  1. object DescriptiveStats

    Provides utilities for descriptive statistics, like the mean and variance.

  2. object accumulateAndCount extends UFunc

  3. object bincount extends UFunc

    A breeze.generic.UFunc for counting bins.

  4. object corrcoeff extends UFunc

  5. object covmat extends UFunc

  6. object digitize extends UFunc

    A breeze.generic.UFunc for digitizing arrays.

  7. package distributions

  8. object hist extends UFunc

  9. package hypothesis

    This package contains hypothesis tests.

  10. package mcmc

  11. object mean extends UFunc

    A breeze.generic.UFunc for computing the mean of objects

  12. object meanAndVariance extends UFunc

    A breeze.generic.UFunc for computing the mean and sample variance of objects.

  13. object median extends UFunc

    A breeze.generic.UFunc for computing the median of objects

  14. object mode extends UFunc

  15. package random

  16. package regression

  17. object stddev extends UFunc

    Computes the *sample* standard deviation by calling variance and then sqrt'ing.

  18. object variance extends UFunc

    A breeze.generic.UFunc for computing the *sample* variance of objects.
