

package guice

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class RichBuilder extends AnyRef

    This helper class provides a workaround for using 'with' in the Guice Servlet DSL

  2. class ScalateAtmosphereModule extends ScalateModule

    ScalateModule that also configures the Atmosphere framework which here acts as an extension to Jersey for developing Comet/WebSocket resources.

  3. class ScalateAtmosphereServlet extends AtmosphereServlet

    Atmosphere servlet configured by Scalate/Guice

  4. class ScalateGuiceContainer extends GuiceContainer

  5. class ScalateGuiceContextListener extends GuiceServletContextListener

    A servlet context listener which registers Guice Servlet

  6. class ScalateModule extends ServletModule

    A default Guice which registers Jersey and the Scalate servlets

Value Members

  1. object ScalateGuiceContainer extends Log with Serializable
