

package scalatra

Linear Supertypes
Control, AnyRef, Any
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  1. scalatra
  2. Control
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Type Members

  1. type Action = () ⇒ Any

  2. case class ActionResult(status: ResponseStatus, body: Any, headers: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

  3. trait ApiFormats extends ScalatraBase

    Adds support for mapping and inferring formats to content types.

  4. abstract class AsyncResult extends ScalatraContext

  5. final class BooleanBlockRouteMatcher extends RouteMatcher

    A route matcher on a boolean condition.

  6. case class Conneg[T](value: T, q: Float = 1) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the value of a content negotiation header.

  7. trait ContentEncoding extends AnyRef

    Represents an HTTP content encoding.

  8. trait ContentEncodingSupport extends Handler

    Scalatra handler for gzipped responses.

  9. type ContentTypeInferrer = PartialFunction[Any, String]

  10. trait Control extends AnyRef

    A collection of methods that affect the control flow of routes.

  11. case class Cookie(name: String, value: String)(implicit cookieOptions: CookieOptions = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait CookieContext extends AnyRef

  13. case class CookieOptions(domain: String = "", path: String = "", maxAge: Int = -1, secure: Boolean = false, comment: String = "", httpOnly: Boolean = false, version: Int = 0, encoding: String = "UTF-8") extends Product with Serializable

  14. trait CoreDsl extends Handler with Control with ScalatraContext with ServletApiImplicits

    The core Scalatra DSL.

  15. type CoreStack = CorsSupport with FutureSupport with FlashMapSupport

  16. type CoreStackNoFlash = CorsSupport with FutureSupport

  17. type CoreStackNoFlashWithCsrf = CoreStackNoFlash with CsrfTokenSupport

  18. type CoreStackNoFlashWithXsrf = CoreStackNoFlash with XsrfTokenSupport

  19. type CoreStackWithCsrf = CoreStack with CsrfTokenSupport

  20. type CoreStackWithXsrf = CoreStack with XsrfTokenSupport

  21. trait CorsSupport extends Handler with Initializable

  22. trait CsrfTokenSupport extends AnyRef

    Provides cross-site request forgery protection.

  23. trait DynamicScope extends RequestResponseScope

    The Scalatra DSL requires a dynamically scoped request and response.

  24. type ErrorHandler = PartialFunction[Throwable, Any]

  25. case class ExtensionMethod(name: String) extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  26. type FileUploadStack = FutureSupport with FlashMapSupport with FileUploadSupport

  27. class FlashMap extends MutableMapWithIndifferentAccess[Any] with Serializable

    A FlashMap is the data structure used by org.scalatra.FlashMapSupport to allow passing temporary values between sequential actions.

  28. trait FlashMapSupport extends Handler

    Allows an action to set key-value pairs in a transient state that is accessible only to the next action and is expired immediately after that.

  29. type FullCoreStack = CoreStack with FileUploadSupport

  30. trait FutureSupport extends AsyncSupport

  31. type FuturesAndFlashStack = FutureSupport with FlashMapSupport

  32. type FuturesAndFlashStackWithCsrf = FuturesAndFlashStack with CsrfTokenSupport

  33. type FuturesAndFlashStackWithXsrf = FuturesAndFlashStack with XsrfTokenSupport

  34. sealed trait HttpMethod extends AnyRef

  35. abstract class HttpVersion extends Ordered[HttpVersion]

  36. trait LifeCycle extends ServletApiImplicits

  37. case class MatchedRoute(action: () ⇒ Any, multiParams: MultiParams) extends Product with Serializable

    An action and the multi-map of route parameters to invoke it with.

  38. trait MethodOverride extends Handler with ServletApiImplicits

    Mixin for clients that only support a limited set of HTTP verbs.

  39. type MultiParams = MultiMap

  40. type Params = MultiMapHeadView[String, String] with MapWithIndifferentAccess[String]

  41. case class PathPattern(regex: Regex, captureGroupNames: List[String] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    A path pattern optionally matches a request path and extracts path parameters.

  42. trait PathPatternParser extends AnyRef

    Parses a string into a path pattern for routing.

  43. final class PathPatternRouteMatcher extends RouteMatcher

  44. class RailsPathPatternParser extends RegexPathPatternParser

    Path pattern parser based on Rack::Mount::Strexp, which is used by Rails.

  45. final class RailsRouteMatcher extends RouteMatcher with ReversibleRouteMatcher

    An implementation of Rails' path pattern syntax

  46. trait RegexPathPatternParser extends PathPatternParser with RegexParsers

  47. final class RegexRouteMatcher extends RouteMatcher

    A route matcher for regular expressions.

  48. type RenderPipeline = PartialFunction[Any, Any]

  49. trait RequestResponseScope extends AnyRef

  50. case class ResponseStatus(code: Int, message: String) extends Ordered[ResponseStatus] with Product with Serializable

  51. trait ReversibleRouteMatcher extends AnyRef

    A route matcher from which a URI can be generated from route parameters.

  52. case class Route(routeMatchers: Seq[RouteMatcher] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], action: () ⇒ Any, contextPath: (HttpServletRequest) ⇒ String = ..., metadata: Map[Symbol, Any] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    A route is a set of matchers and an action.

  53. trait RouteMatcher extends RouteTransformer

    A route matcher is evaluated in the context it was created and returns a a (possibly empty) multi-map of parameters if the route is deemed to match.

  54. class RouteRegistry extends AnyRef

  55. trait RouteTransformer extends AnyRef

  56. trait ScalatraBase extends ScalatraContext with CoreDsl with DynamicScope with Initializable with ServletApiImplicits with ScalatraParamsImplicits with DefaultImplicitConversions with SessionSupport

    The base implementation of the Scalatra DSL.

  57. trait ScalatraContext extends ServletApiImplicits with SessionSupport with CookieContext

  58. class ScalatraException extends Exception

  59. trait ScalatraFilter extends Filter with ServletBase

    An implementation of the Scalatra DSL in a filter.

  60. class ScalatraParams extends MultiMapHeadView[String, String] with MapWithIndifferentAccess[String]

  61. trait ScalatraParamsImplicits extends AnyRef

    Add some implicits

  62. trait ScalatraServlet extends HttpServlet with ServletBase with Initializable

    An implementation of the Scalatra DSL in a servlet.

  63. sealed trait Scheme extends AnyRef

  64. trait SessionSupport extends AnyRef

    This trait provides session support for stateful applications.

  65. class SinatraPathPatternParser extends RegexPathPatternParser

    A Sinatra-compatible route path pattern parser.

  66. final class SinatraRouteMatcher extends RouteMatcher with ReversibleRouteMatcher

    An implementation of Sinatra's path pattern syntax.

  67. trait SslRequirement extends Handler with ServletApiImplicits

    Redirects unsecured requests to the corresponding secure URL.

  68. final class StatusCodeRouteMatcher extends RouteMatcher

  69. class SweetCookies extends ServletApiImplicits

  70. trait UrlGeneratorSupport extends AnyRef

    Adds support for generating URIs from routes and their params.

  71. trait XsrfTokenSupport extends AnyRef

  72. trait CookieSupport extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.2) You can remove this mixin, it's included in core by default

  73. type GZipSupport = ContentEncodingSupport


    (Since version 2.4) Use ContentEncodingSupport, GZipSupport will be removed eventually

  74. trait GetResponseStatusSupport extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.1.0) No longer necessary after upgrade to Servlet 3.0

  75. type ScalatraKernel = ServletBase


    (Since version 2.1.0) Use org.scalatra.servlet.ServletBase if you depend on the Servlet API, or org.scalatra.ScalatraBase if you don't.

  76. trait TypedParamSupport extends ScalatraBase


    (Since version 2.2) This got folded into core, so you can remove the TypeParamSupport trait safely.

  77. trait UrlSupport extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for the creation of URL strings.

Value Members

  1. object Accepted

  2. object AlreadyReported

  3. object ApiFormats

  4. object BadGateway

  5. object BadRequest

  6. object Conflict

  7. object Connect extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  8. object Conneg extends Serializable

    Defines type classes and helper methods for well known content-negotiation headers.

  9. object ContentEncoding

  10. object Cookie extends Serializable

  11. object CookieSupport

  12. object CorsSupport

  13. object Created

  14. object CsrfTokenSupport

  15. object Delete extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  16. val EnvironmentKey: String

  17. object ExpectationFailed

  18. object FailedDependency

  19. object FlashMapSupport

  20. object Forbidden

  21. object Found

  22. object GatewayTimeout

  23. object GenerateId

  24. object Get extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  25. object Gone

  26. object HTTPVersionNotSupported

  27. object Head extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  28. object Http extends Scheme with Product with Serializable

  29. object Http10 extends HttpVersion

  30. object Http11 extends HttpVersion

  31. object HttpMethod

  32. object Https extends Scheme with Product with Serializable

  33. object IMUsed

  34. object InsufficientStorage

  35. object InternalServerError

  36. object LengthRequired

  37. object Locked

  38. object LoopDetected

  39. object MethodNotAllowed

  40. object MethodOverride

  41. object MovedPermanently

  42. val MultiParamsKey: String

  43. object MultiStatus

  44. object MultipleChoices

  45. object NetworkAuthenticationRequired

  46. object NoContent

  47. object NonAuthoritativeInformation

  48. object NotAcceptable

  49. object NotExtended

  50. object NotFound

  51. object NotImplemented

  52. object NotModified

  53. object Ok

  54. object Options extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  55. object PartialContent

  56. object Patch extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  57. object PathPatternParser

  58. object PaymentRequired

  59. object PermanentRedirect

  60. object Post extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  61. object PreconditionFailed

  62. object PreconditionRequired

  63. object ProxyAuthenticationRequired

  64. object Put extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  65. object RailsPathPatternParser

  66. object RequestEntityTooLarge

  67. object RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge

  68. object RequestTimeout

  69. object RequestURITooLong

  70. object RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable

  71. object ResetContent

  72. object ResponseStatus extends Serializable

  73. object Route extends Serializable

  74. object RouteTransformer

  75. object ScalatraBase

  76. object ScalatraContext

  77. object ScalatraKernel

  78. object ScalatraParamsImplicits extends ScalatraParamsImplicits with DefaultImplicitConversions

  79. object ScalatraServlet extends Serializable

  80. object SeeOther

  81. object ServiceUnavailable

  82. object SinatraPathPatternParser

  83. object TemporaryRedirect

  84. object TooManyRequests

  85. object Trace extends HttpMethod with Product with Serializable

  86. object Unauthorized

  87. object UnprocessableEntity

  88. object UnsupportedMediaType

  89. object UpgradeRequired

  90. object UriDecoder

  91. object UrlGenerator extends UrlGeneratorSupport

  92. object UseProxy

  93. object VariantAlsoNegotiates

  94. object XsrfTokenSupport

  95. package akka

  96. def halt(result: ActionResult): Nothing

    Definition Classes
  97. def halt[T](status: Integer = null, body: T = (), headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, reason: String = null)(implicit arg0: Manifest[T]): Nothing

    Immediately halts processing of a request.

    Immediately halts processing of a request. Can be called from either a before filter or a route.


    the status to set on the response, or null to leave the status unchanged.


    a result to render through the render pipeline as the body


    headers to add to the response


    the HTTP status reason to set, or null to leave unchanged.

    Definition Classes
  98. package i18n

  99. def pass(): Nothing

    Immediately exits from the current route.

    Immediately exits from the current route.

    Definition Classes
  100. package servlet

  101. package util

Inherited from Control

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
