

package example

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Token extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object A extends Token with Product with Serializable

  2. object AdjunctUsage extends App

  3. object ApplyUsage extends App

  4. object ArrowUsage extends App

  5. object B extends Token with Product with Serializable

  6. object BifunctorUsage extends App

    A Bifunctor is very similar to a Functor, which you are hopefully already familiar with.

  7. object C extends Token with Product with Serializable

  8. object CABRunLengthEncoder

  9. object CaseInsensitiveUsage extends App

  10. object CodensityUsage extends SafeApp

  11. object ContravariantCoyonedaUsage extends App

  12. object DirectTypeClassUsage extends App

  13. object DivideExample

  14. object EndoUsage extends App

  15. object EnumUsage extends App

  16. object FibStateExample extends App

  17. object FingerTreeUsage extends App

  18. object Foldable1Usage extends App

  19. object FoldableUsage extends App

  20. object FreeApUsage extends App

  21. object FreeUsage extends App

  22. object FunctorUsage extends App

    A Functor is a ubiquitous typeclass involving type constructors of kind * → *, which is another way of saying types that have a single type variable.

  23. object IListUsage extends App

  24. object IsomorphismUsage extends App

  25. object IterateeUsage extends App

  26. object KleisliUsage extends App

  27. object LaunchburyInterpreter extends App

    Simple call-by-need (i.

  28. object MixedBag extends App

  29. object NameNeedValueUsage extends App

  30. object NewTypeUsage extends App

  31. object PartiallyApplied extends App

  32. object ReaderWriterStateTUsage extends App

  33. object STUsage extends App

  34. object StateTUsage extends App

  35. object StringUsage extends App

  36. object SyntaxUsage extends App

  37. object TagUsage extends App

    scalaz contains a way to simulate something similar to a Haskell newtype, where we can take an existing type, and create a new type from it, and allow us to create new typeclass instances for our newly created type to get different behaviors.

  38. object Token

  39. object TrampolineUsage extends App

  40. object TraverseUsage extends App

  41. object UnapplyInference extends App

    Examples showing the use of Unapply to reduce the need for type annotations

  42. object WordCount

    Character/Line/Word Count from "The Essense of the Iterator Pattern".

  43. object WriterUsage extends App

  44. package concurrent

  45. package transformers
