

final class OptionOps[A] extends AnyVal

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. OptionOps
  2. AnyVal
  3. NotNull
  4. Any
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  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new OptionOps(self: Option[A])

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
  3. final def <\/[B](b: ⇒ B): \/[A, B]

  4. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def \/>[E](e: ⇒ E): \/[E, A]

  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  7. final def cata[X](some: (A) ⇒ X, none: ⇒ X): X

  8. final def err(message: ⇒ String): A

    Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, raises an error with the provided message.

  9. final def first: @@[Option[A], First]

  10. final def foldLift[F[_], B](b: ⇒ B, k: (F[A]) ⇒ B)(implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): B

  11. final def foldLiftOpt[B](b: ⇒ B, k: (Option[A]) ⇒ B): B

  12. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]

    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  13. final def getOrElseF[F[_]](fa: ⇒ F[A])(implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): F[A]

  14. final def ifNone(n: ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Executes the provided side effect if the Option if it is undefined.

  15. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  16. final def last: @@[Option[A], Last]

  17. final def orEmpty[M[_]](implicit arg0: Applicative[M], arg1: PlusEmpty[M]): M[A]

  18. final def orZero(implicit z: Monoid[A]): A

  19. val self: Option[A]

  20. final def toFailure[B](b: ⇒ B): Validation[A, B]

  21. final def toFailureNel[B](b: ⇒ B): ValidationNel[A, B]

  22. final def toLeftDisjunction[B](b: ⇒ B): \/[A, B]

  23. final def toMaybe: Maybe[A]

  24. final def toRightDisjunction[E](e: ⇒ E): \/[E, A]

  25. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
  26. final def toSuccess[E](e: ⇒ E): Validation[E, A]

  27. final def toSuccessNel[E](e: ⇒ E): ValidationNel[E, A]

  28. final def unary_~(implicit z: Monoid[A]): A

    Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the zero element for the type A

    Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the zero element for the type A

    For example:

    val o: Option[List[String]] = None
    val a: List[String] = ~o // List()
  29. final def |(a: ⇒ A): A

    Returns the item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the provided argument.

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from NotNull

Inherited from Any
