

abstract class LensInstances extends LensInstances0

Linear Supertypes
LensInstances0, AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
  1. LensInstances
  2. LensInstances0
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new LensInstances()

Type Members

  1. type ArrayLens[S, A] = ArrayLensFamily[S, S, A]

  2. case class ArrayLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Array[A], Array[A]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Provide an imperative-seeming API for arrays viewed through a lens

  3. type FractionalLens[S, F] = FractionalLensFamily[S, S, F]

  4. case class FractionalLensFamily[S1, S2, F](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, F, F], frac: Fractional[F]) extends Product with Serializable

    Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens

  5. type IntegralLens[S, I] = IntegralLensFamily[S, S, I]

  6. case class IntegralLensFamily[S1, S2, I](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, I, I], ig: Integral[I]) extends Product with Serializable

    Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens

  7. type MapLens[S, K, V] = MapLensFamily[S, S, K, V]

  8. case class MapLensFamily[S1, S2, K, V](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Map[K, V], Map[K, V]]) extends Product with Serializable

    A lens that views an immutable Map type can provide a mutable.

  9. type NumericLens[S, N] = NumericLensFamily[S, S, N]

  10. case class NumericLensFamily[S1, S2, N](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N], num: Numeric[N]) extends Product with Serializable

    Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a lens

  11. type QueueLens[S, A] = QueueLensFamily[S, S, A]

  12. case class QueueLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Queue[A], Queue[A]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Provide an imperative-seeming API for queues viewed through a lens

  13. type SeqLikeLens[S, A, Repr <: SeqLike[A, Repr]] = SeqLikeLensFamily[S, S, A, Repr]

  14. case class SeqLikeLensFamily[S1, S2, A, Repr <: SeqLike[A, Repr]](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Repr, Repr]) extends Product with Serializable

    Provide the appearance of a mutable-like API for sorting sequences through a lens

  15. type SetLens[S, K] = SetLensFamily[S, S, K]

  16. case class SetLensFamily[S1, S2, K](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Set[K], Set[K]]) extends Product with Serializable

  17. type StackLens[S, A] = StackLensFamily[S, S, A]


    (Since version 7.1) will be removed, because scala.collection.immutable.Stack is deprecated in Scala

  18. case class StackLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Stack[A], Stack[A]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Provide an imperative-seeming API for stacks viewed through a lens

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. val ArrayLens: LensInstances.this.ArrayLensFamily.type

  7. val FractionalLens: LensInstances.this.FractionalLensFamily.type

  8. val IntegralLens: LensInstances.this.IntegralLensFamily.type

  9. implicit def LensFamilyState[A, B](lens: scalaz.LensFamily[A, _, B, _]): State[A, B]

    Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the viewed portion of the state

  10. implicit def LensFamilyUnzip[S, R]: Unzip[[α]LensFamily[S, R, α, α]]

  11. val MapLens: LensInstances.this.MapLensFamily.type

  12. val NumericLens: LensInstances.this.NumericLensFamily.type

  13. val QueueLens: LensInstances.this.QueueLensFamily.type

  14. val SeqLikeLens: LensInstances.this.SeqLikeLensFamily.type

  15. val SetLens: LensInstances.this.SetLensFamily.type

  16. implicit def arrayLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Array[A], Array[A]]): ArrayLensFamily[S1, S2, A]

  17. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  18. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  19. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  20. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  21. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  22. implicit def fractionalLensFamily[S1, S2, F](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, F, F])(implicit arg0: Fractional[F]): FractionalLensFamily[S1, S2, F]

  23. final def getClass(): java.lang.Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  24. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. implicit def integralLensFamily[S1, S2, I](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, I, I])(implicit arg0: Integral[I]): IntegralLensFamily[S1, S2, I]

  26. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  27. implicit val lensCategory: LensCategory

  28. implicit def mapLensFamily[S1, S2, K, V](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Map[K, V], Map[K, V]]): MapLensFamily[S1, S2, K, V]

  29. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  31. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  32. implicit def numericLensFamily[S1, S2, N](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, N, N])(implicit arg0: Numeric[N]): NumericLensFamily[S1, S2, N]

  33. implicit def queueLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Queue[A], Queue[A]]): QueueLensFamily[S1, S2, A]

  34. implicit def seqLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Seq[A], Seq[A]]): SeqLikeLensFamily[S1, S2, A, Seq[A]]

  35. implicit def seqLikeLensFamily[S1, S2, A, Repr <: SeqLike[A, Repr]](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Repr, Repr]): SeqLikeLensFamily[S1, S2, A, Repr]

    Definition Classes
  36. implicit def setLensFamily[S1, S2, K](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Set[K], Set[K]]): SetLensFamily[S1, S2, K]

    A lens that views a Set can provide the appearance of in place mutation

  37. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  38. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  39. implicit def tuple2LensFamily[S1, S2, A, B](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B), (A, B)]): (LensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], LensFamily[S1, S2, B, B])

  40. implicit def tuple3LensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C), (A, B, C)]): (LensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], LensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], LensFamily[S1, S2, C, C])

  41. implicit def tuple4LensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D), (A, B, C, D)]): (LensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], LensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], LensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], LensFamily[S1, S2, D, D])

  42. implicit def tuple5LensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D, E](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D, E), (A, B, C, D, E)]): (LensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], LensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], LensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], LensFamily[S1, S2, D, D], LensFamily[S1, S2, E, E])

  43. implicit def tuple6LensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D, E, H](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D, E, H), (A, B, C, D, E, H)]): (LensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], LensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], LensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], LensFamily[S1, S2, D, D], LensFamily[S1, S2, E, E], LensFamily[S1, S2, H, H])

  44. implicit def tuple7LensFamily[S1, S2, A, B, C, D, E, H, I](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, (A, B, C, D, E, H, I), (A, B, C, D, E, H, I)]): (LensFamily[S1, S2, A, A], LensFamily[S1, S2, B, B], LensFamily[S1, S2, C, C], LensFamily[S1, S2, D, D], LensFamily[S1, S2, E, E], LensFamily[S1, S2, H, H], LensFamily[S1, S2, I, I])

  45. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  46. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  47. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val StackLens: LensInstances.this.StackLensFamily.type


    (Since version 7.1) will be removed, because scala.collection.immutable.Stack is deprecated in Scala

  2. implicit def stackLensFamily[S1, S2, A](lens: LensFamily[S1, S2, Stack[A], Stack[A]]): StackLensFamily[S1, S2, A]


    (Since version 7.1) will be removed, because scala.collection.immutable.Stack is deprecated in Scala

Inherited from LensInstances0

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any