
case class SizeBound(lowerBound: Long, upperBound: Option[Long])
Bounds the size, in bits, of the binary encoding of a codec -- i.e., it provides a lower bound and an upper bound on the size
of bit vectors returned as a result of encoding.
Value Params
Minimum number of bits
Maximum number of bits
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def exact: Option[Long]
Returns the exact size of the encoded bits. Defined when the lower bound is equal to the upper bound.
Returns a new bound with the upper bound removed.
Returns a new bound with the lower bound reset to 0.
def +(that: SizeBound): SizeBound
Adds the specified size bound to this size bound.
def *(n: Long): SizeBound
Multiplies this size bound by the specified scalar.
def |(that: SizeBound): SizeBound
ORs the specified size bound with this size bound, resulting in a new bound which has the minimum lower bound and maximum upper bound.
override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inhertied from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inhertied from