package utxo

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Append[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], col2: Value[SCollection[IV]]) extends Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[IV]] with Product with Serializable
  2. trait BooleanTransformer[IV <: SType] extends Transformer[SCollection[IV], SBoolean.type]
  3. trait BooleanTransformerCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  4. case class ByIndex[V <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[V]], index: Value[SInt.type], default: Option[Value[V]] = None) extends Transformer[SCollection[V], V] with NotReadyValue[V] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class CostTable(operCosts: Map[OperationId, Int]) extends (OperationId) ⇒ Int with Product with Serializable
  6. trait Deserialize[V <: SType] extends NotReadyValue[V]
  7. case class DeserializeContext[V <: SType](id: Byte, tpe: V) extends Deserialize[V] with Product with Serializable

    Extracts context variable as Coll[Byte], deserializes it to script and then executes this script in the current context.

    Extracts context variable as Coll[Byte], deserializes it to script and then executes this script in the current context. The original Coll[Byte] of the script is available as getVar[Coll[Byte]](id)


    result type of the deserialized script.


    identifier of the context variable


    result of the script execution in the current context



    Exceptions thrown

    InterpreterException if the actual script type doesn't conform to T

  8. case class DeserializeRegister[V <: SType](reg: RegisterId, tpe: V, default: Option[Value[V]] = None) extends Deserialize[V] with Product with Serializable

    Extract register of SELF box as Coll[Byte], deserialize it into Value and inline into executing script.

    Extract register of SELF box as Coll[Byte], deserialize it into Value and inline into executing script. NOTE: it only applicable to SELF box

  9. case class Exists[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], condition: Value[SFunc]) extends BooleanTransformer[IV] with Product with Serializable
  10. sealed trait Extract[V <: SType] extends Transformer[SBox.type, V]
  11. case class ExtractAmount(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Extract[SLong.type] with NotReadyValueLong with Product with Serializable
  12. case class ExtractBytes(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable
  13. case class ExtractBytesWithNoRef(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable
  14. case class ExtractCreationInfo(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Extract[STuple] with NotReadyValue[STuple] with Product with Serializable

    Tuple of height when block got included into the blockchain and transaction identifier with box index in the transaction outputs serialized to the byte array.

    Tuple of height when block got included into the blockchain and transaction identifier with box index in the transaction outputs serialized to the byte array.



  15. case class ExtractId(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable
  16. case class ExtractRegisterAs[V <: SType](input: Value[SBox.type], registerId: RegisterId, tpe: SOption[V]) extends Extract[SOption[V]] with NotReadyValue[SOption[V]] with Product with Serializable
  17. case class ExtractScriptBytes(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable
  18. case class Filter[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], condition: Value[SFunc]) extends Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[IV]] with Product with Serializable
  19. case class Fold[IV <: SType, OV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], zero: Value[OV], foldOp: Value[SFunc]) extends Transformer[SCollection[IV], OV] with Product with Serializable
  20. case class ForAll[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], condition: Value[SFunc]) extends BooleanTransformer[IV] with Product with Serializable
  21. case class GetVar[V <: SType](varId: Byte, tpe: SOption[V]) extends NotReadyValue[SOption[V]] with Product with Serializable
  22. case class MapCollection[IV <: SType, OV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], mapper: Value[SFunc]) extends Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[OV]] with Product with Serializable
  23. case class OptionGet[V <: SType](input: Value[SOption[V]]) extends Transformer[SOption[V], V] with Product with Serializable
  24. case class OptionGetOrElse[V <: SType](input: Value[SOption[V]], default: Value[V]) extends Transformer[SOption[V], V] with Product with Serializable
  25. case class OptionIsDefined[V <: SType](input: Value[SOption[V]]) extends Transformer[SOption[V], SBoolean.type] with Product with Serializable
  26. case class SelectField(input: Value[STuple], fieldIndex: Byte) extends Transformer[STuple, SType] with NotReadyValue[SType] with Product with Serializable

    Select tuple field by its 1-based index.

    Select tuple field by its 1-based index. E.g. input._1 is transformed to SelectField(input, 1)

  27. case class SigmaPropBytes(input: Value[SSigmaProp.type]) extends Transformer[SSigmaProp.type, SByteArray] with NotReadyValue[SByteArray] with Product with Serializable

    Extract serialized bytes of a SigmaProp value

  28. case class SigmaPropIsProven(input: Value[SSigmaProp.type]) extends Transformer[SSigmaProp.type, SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean with Product with Serializable

    Represents execution of Sigma protocol that validates the given input SigmaProp.

  29. trait SimpleTransformerCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  30. case class SizeOf[V <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[V]]) extends Transformer[SCollection[V], SInt.type] with NotReadyValueInt with Product with Serializable
  31. case class Slice[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], from: Value[SInt.type], until: Value[SInt.type]) extends Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[IV]] with Product with Serializable
  32. trait Transformer[IV <: SType, OV <: SType] extends NotReadyValue[OV]

Value Members

  1. object Append extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  2. object ByIndex extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  3. object ComplexityTable
  4. object ComplexityTableStat
  5. object CostTable extends Serializable
  6. object CostTableStat
  7. object DeserializeContext extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  8. object DeserializeRegister extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  9. object Exists extends BooleanTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  10. object ExtractAmount extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  11. object ExtractBytes extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  12. object ExtractBytesWithNoRef extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  13. object ExtractCreationInfo extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  14. object ExtractId extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  15. object ExtractRegisterAs extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  16. object ExtractScriptBytes extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  17. object Filter extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  18. object Fold extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  19. object ForAll extends BooleanTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  20. object GetVar extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  21. object MapCollection extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  22. object OptionGet extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  23. object OptionGetOrElse extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  24. object OptionIsDefined extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  25. object SelectField extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  26. object SigmaPropBytes extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  27. object SigmaPropIsProven extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  28. object SizeOf extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  29. object Slice extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
